[Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 2 (2024)

An update on recent technical problems and more from the admin: https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/250292/on-technical-difficulties-mod-coverage-and-other-things/p1?new=1



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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      January 2022

      GoodKingJayIII wrote: »

      How's Bladedancer? I think it might be a bit more my speed than SB.

      I ran a bladedancer a few patches back that used shadow daggers and completely ignored crit chance and just stacked flat and crit multi (since the Plunge effect on 4 Shadow Dagger ailment stacks does a boatload of damage and always crits). General play style was to toss a Decoy off cooldown in/near a pack (especially around rares) then Shift in (to add shadow daggers), drop a Smoke Bomb (defense and chance to apply Shadow Daggers), then Syncronized Strike and Shadow Cascade to generate Shadows to attack and apply more daggers. Once something hit 4 Shadow Daggers it generally died (some bosses would take 2-3 cycles of this). Nothing funnier than seeing my attacks tickle a boss and then TCHUNK there goes 70% of its health (500k+) in one go. I think a bunch of changes have been made to the skills since so it probably needs to be retooled since I haven't touched it in a few patches but it was pretty good.

      If you are looking for damage over time ailments, poison is generally considered the best since it has innate poison resist shred, but bleed is almost as good because it generally has more node and item affix support and has some sustain help in the form of some skill/items that gain health on bleed.


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      GoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular

      January 2022 edited January 2022

      This game is bonkers.

      I’m fightin’ bird men. Then I’m traveling through time to fight purple slime monsters. Then Dinosaurs. Skeletons. Wizard ghosts.

      I’m not sure what combination of drugs induced this fever dream of a story but I’m here for it.

      GoodKingJayIII on

      Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve


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      Noggin Registered User regular

      January 2022

      Bearbro is goin strong. I realized I’d been sleeping on attunement (the skill tooltips show how scaling works with each stat, very helpful), and also that the beastmaster tree has some solid passives in it early enough that my druid can use them.

      I finished the latest chapter this morning, which was pretty fun. The current final boss is a nice challenge.

      With that rage tip I posted before, it’s been no problem starting on monoliths. I found a key for the new dungeon, but I’d like to get a little higher level and have an exalted/unique pair ready to combo.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      January 2022 edited January 2022

      After a brief hiatus I returned to leveling my druid. I ended up despecializing swipe and adding spriggan for the rage on vines. I also got some boots that have a chance to summon vines for every second I spend moving. Right now I can permanently run spriggan which is pretty rad but I'll probably reconfigure a bit of stuff to see if I can get good uptime for bear.

      The 100% crit node at half health in fury leap looks real tasty and I have a unique that generates ward per second while draining health (Exsanguinous). Really tempted to build that in for full crit maul attacks with the other node that applies leap to maul.

      Edit: ok yeah, so Eterra's Path (the boots) generate enough vines that I can be permabear as long as I keep moving. The synergy between fury leap and maul and the 100% crit chance from the Exsanguinous armor means my maul attacks are basically one-shotting everything that isn't a story boss.

      m!ttens on


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      GoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular

      January 2022

      Is it common to not upgrade gear that frequently? I've been using pretty much all the same stuff for 15-20 levels. I just keep upgrading it and it gets better than most of the stuff I find.

      Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve

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      Zek Registered User regular

      January 2022

      GoodKingJayIII wrote: »

      Is it common to not upgrade gear that frequently? I've been using pretty much all the same stuff for 15-20 levels. I just keep upgrading it and it gets better than most of the stuff I find.

      Sometimes, but make sure to set up your loot filters and understand what you're looking for. Even magic items with the right affixes are valuable for crafting as you level up. If you get something with 3 good affixes and one bad, you may as well gamble on getting rid of the bad affix before you throw it away.


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      GoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular

      January 2022

      Cool I haven’t messed around with the loot filters. I started kinda paying attention to loot again now that I’m level 37. I’m seeing more affixes and prefixes on items so I’ve started switching a few things out. I haven’t noticed big changes In damage but I also don’t have a problem killing things.

      Also, I was right that bladedancer is way more my speed. Just pumping out shadows and then unloading 4-5 shadow cascades.

      Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      January 2022

      I have a filter for most of my characters that highlights all items the drop with the +1 skill affix for stuff I'm actively working on or thinking about building because those are usually pretty rare. I've also built up a nice little nest egg of decent 1x2, 2x1 and 1x1 idols (like 2 stash tabs worth) so I generally filter those out now unless I'm looking for a particular combo (FYI the 1x2 that gives flat health and % health is really good and slots into many many builds, especially during leveling). Definitely watch a video or two about building up a loot filter. So much stuff gets thrown at you that being able to see by a color code or even just by being visible that it's worth examining can massively speed up your leveling/clearing times.

      Also if you find a good piece of gear it can last a pretty long time if it hits the right combo. My werebear druid found a helm at level 23 that I'm still rocking and I just entered monoliths tonight (mid-50s). My belt slot is similar, I found a good one with 4 good affixes at level 30 or so,

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      May 2022

      Apologies for the (technically) double post but I feel like enough time has passed [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 2 (10)

      Anyway, it looks like multiplayer is starting to hit the closed community test phase, which means that soon we'll start getting some feedback and possibly open multiplayer testing!



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      Incindium Registered User regular

      September 2022

      So I was just checking in on this again. Seems that open beta with multiplayer is expected this year still. Still waiting for multiplayer to give the game go and play with my son.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 2 (12)
      Nintendo ID: Incindium
      PSN: IncindiumX

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      November 2022

      Update on Multiplayer: March 9, 2023

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 2 (14)


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      Saldonas See you space cowboy...Registered User regular

      November 2022

      I'd been putting off actually playing this but maybe this is just what I need to finally boot the game up.

      Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/carthuun
      Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      January 2023

      Some streamers are streaming the multiplayer this weekend, and you can go on the LE Twitter/Reddit/forums to register for next weekend.

      Late February, everyone can check it out on steam, even if you don’t own it.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      Zek Registered User regular

      January 2023

      I wonder if they'll be able to differentiate themselves from D4. Doesn't seem like they're going to beat it to 1.0.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Man, this is a pretty clever idea, making a choice between the ability to trade or bonuses to your own gameplay

      Battletag: Noggin#1936


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      Heh game isnt even 1.0 and has better trade plans than the big dog(s).

      Jubal77 on


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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      February 2023 edited February 2023

      Also for anyone who is on the fence about the game, there is an open beta weekend starting tomorrow that is free for anyone to join! You just need to visit their Steam page and click the signup for joining the playtest. The build is only the first 4 chapters (through Admiral Harton) but should be enough gameplay to choose a mastery and get to about level 25 or so. Get your friends to join! PM me if you want someone to join you, you can even pick whatever starting class you want me to be :P

      edit: an official tweet to embed more instructions and pretty graphics:

      m!ttens on


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      ED! Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Damn, was hoping this was news of a launch and full controller support.

      "Get the hell out of me" - [ex]girlfriend

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      Etiowsa Registered User regular

      February 2023

      Tried this out, pretty fun. Wish respeccing skills was a bit less of a pain, but that's a little thing. Made a lich, ran around smacking people with a stick, good times.

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      Etiowsa wrote: »

      Tried this out, pretty fun. Wish respeccing skills was a bit less of a pain, but that's a little thing. Made a lich, ran around smacking people with a stick, good times.

      Something to keep in mind, the respec procedure mostly only costs time (for skills) or a little bit of gold (for passives). It is a little bit painful during the level procedure, but when you get to the endgame (not available in the open weekend demo) you have three things working for you: 1) the "base" level, i.e. free skill points increases as you level so you start with more points to play with before having to level, 2) as you level up more, your "greatly increased level gain" on skills goes higher before the grind begins, and 3) high level monoliths and end game dungeons will net a TON of experience. Once in the empowered monoliths (corruption level 100+) the experience from one monolith can be enough to get your skill from zero almost all the way up to 20. Even before then, I found it doable to do a few runs in a row, respeccing a single skill from one build to another, that way I'd have a few other things that were nearly maxed out to rely on while leveling my new skills.


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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      February 2023

      Trailer for patch 0.9 (multiplayer), Convergence, has dropped:

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 2 (25)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHySNr7WYUQ


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      Noggin Registered User regular

      March 2023

      I don’t know if I’ll necessarily start tomorrow but I’d like to find time to make a bladedancer (seemed cool from playing a low level one), or maybe make a mage. Also kinda eyeing forgive guard, beastmaster, or necro but just did minions in PoE so probably not.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      March 2023

      Noggin wrote: »

      I don’t know if I’ll necessarily start tomorrow but I’d like to find time to make a bladedancer (seemed cool from playing a low level one), or maybe make a mage. Also kinda eyeing forgive guard, beastmaster, or necro but just did minions in PoE so probably not.

      Bladedancer is a fun mastery, mage is always near and dear to my heart (I've always loved wizards/sorcerers in any fantasy genre, it was my first class chosen in Diablo 1, 3, and will be for 4). Forge Guard is pretty good but not as thematically fun as Void Knight or Paladin. Beastmaster is straight up my least favorite class lol. I haven't messed with it much since very early on though so maybe my opinions will have changed over time.

      Right now, I'm between Paladin hammer throw now that throwing damage is much easier to get on gear and maybe a Lich of some variety. I probably have the least amount of hours on Acolyte; I took a necromancer pretty deep into empowered monoliths a long time ago and played around with a Lich during the multiplayer beta but never got very far.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      March 2023

      Lich was my first character and I had a ton of fun with it. Definitely worth it imo, if you haven’t pushed that up yet.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      March 2023

      haha patch is dropping in 30 minutes and I still haven't decided what class or direction to take it

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      Last Son Registered User regular

      March 2023

      I've decided on some sort of poison-rogue based around dropping acid flasks when you dash. Not sure what the rest of it is going to be though, I just really want to tele-kill stuff.

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      March 2023

      Ok, so I managed to get in at the tail end of my lunch break and glad I did. During the third zone, I'm still only level 2, and I had this bad boy drop for me:
      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 2 (32)

      That should make for a nice smooth early leveling experience! (I'm running Sentinel, focus on hammer throw, I had lots of fun with it before and never an opportunity to take it very deep into monoliths)


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      Saldonas See you space cowboy...Registered User regular

      March 2023

      Gonna probably (finally) play some of this tonight. I've owned it for months but really wanted to wait for a more complete game so I didn't burn out before then.

      Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/carthuun
      Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053


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      Etiowsa Registered User regular

      March 2023

      I kinda wanna pull the trigger on this but I want more info on the missing masteries first. And to see how the whole microtransaction stuff shakes out I guess.


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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      March 2023

      Etiowsa wrote: »

      I kinda wanna pull the trigger on this but I want more info on the missing masteries first. And to see how the whole microtransaction stuff shakes out I guess.

      Falconer is the missing Rogue mastery and should be a ranged pet build. My wild guess is that you will have some CC skills and the bird does the damage. I'd love to see bird skills have active and passive components like Holy Aura.

      Warlock is the Acolyte mastery and will presumably focus on curses and necrotic spell damage. Thematically it may be interesting for them to get void damage but that may require retooling some existing passives and skill nodes.

      The final mastery is Runemaster for mage and will be a pet build. It will probably also have monster triggered trap spells or turret spells like Hydra from Diablo.

      MTX has been confirmed to be 100% only cosmetic, no stash tabs, no character slots, just appearance gear.

      This has been "wild guessing with mittens."

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      Saldonas See you space cowboy...Registered User regular

      March 2023

      Running through some levels with a buddy earlier and only some small gripes really. Connection was stable, didn't experience any lag or frame drops. Class variety seems quite good between the class passives and the skill passive trees? Just playing an acolyte right now and don't feel terribly strong, but not weak either. Excited to try out some of the crafting at some point. Graphics are adequate. I haven't paid attention to the story since I was just trying to keep up with my friend. Load times between zones varied between quick and a few seconds.

      I think one thing that stands out to me right now and maybe it changes later is combat doesn't have that "oomf" yet. Part of it might be that I play with game volume low but hitting stuff or when things die doesn't have the ludicrous gibs I've come to expect in ARPGs.

      Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/carthuun
      Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053

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      Kamar Registered User regular

      March 2023 edited March 2023

      Been waiting for this patch to try to dive into this game properly, though I've messed around with it before.

      As I've said in other ARPG threads, from the first touch this game feels better to me than any other ARPG.

      Unfortunately, I run headfirst into my overly precise aesthetic preferences here, since I really want to play, like, a female Void Knight or use a 2h sword for Flurry or Puncture on Blademaster, etc., etc.

      Having fun using both curses+Harvest on acolyte and doing whatever as melee rogue, but yeah.

      At least they fixed some of the really ugly stuff, like the acolyte run animation, with this patch.

      I might brute force 2h blademaster actually, since I rarely push far into endgame in ARPGs and can get by with slightly hobbled builds.

      Kamar on

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      March 2023

      If anyone wants to group up with me, I think I'm going to reroll a new character tonight. Steam name is "mittensq" (avatar icon is blue and white mittens) and my in-game name is "doctor_ew" (note the underscore), feel free to friend or pm me

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      March 2023

      I was able to start my mage this morning, which is pretty cool so far. Glacier has a satisfying punch to it, and whatever the chain lightning is called is a nice classic skill.

      I think I was probably running on lower settings than I could, and/or the patch helped, because I was able to make the game look better without a performance hit.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      March 2023

      Hey Noggin, sorry we couldn't meet up last night from the queueing issues. Lightning blast can build into an incredibly strong single target with Convergence (chains only hit the initial target, node is lower right corner) and the double/quadruple cast nodes (middle right).

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      Pacificstar Registered User regular

      March 2023

      I'll be online shortly. Character name is "PacificBug" and I think my account is just Pacificstar. I'm also Pacificstars on Steam.

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      Saldonas See you space cowboy...Registered User regular

      March 2023

      In case people missed it, MoxJet said last night they deployed a patch that removes the queue.

      Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/carthuun
      Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 2023

      They did some smoothing out. Necro was changed it seems since last time. Nice to be able to have a mostly hands off proper necro/minion build. You can build into it being active too if you like.

      I like where they are going.


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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      March 2023


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      Mirkel FinlandRegistered User regular

      March 2023

      Anybody here tried Void Knight? I'm playing one but all the Void Knight specialization abilities seem pretty lackluster to me, but given how big the ability trees are I can easily be missing something on some of them. Like maybe that Drain Orb thing is good? It's just most of them seem like anti-trash abilities when it's bosses that are hard.


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    [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 2 (2024)


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