[Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (2024)

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An update on recent technical problems and more from the admin: https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/250292/on-technical-difficulties-mod-coverage-and-other-things/p1?new=1



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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 2

      Yeah the stuff about attacks not overriding/prioritizing as well as they could rings true. I love the "lunge long distances to proc smite" part of my build, but it took me awhile to get it fully down as I do have to hard stop casting smite to get lunge to work smoothly/consistently.

      I've adjusted to it to the point that it took me awhile after reading those posts to remember that I was even doing it, and I love the combat feel overall, but it's a thing for sure.

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      GnomeTank What the what? Portland, OregonRegistered User regular

      March 2 edited March 2

      Yeah, for the Void Knight build I'm doing I have to be very intentional about stopping Vengeance spam to lay down an Abyssal Echo. It's something I'm mostly used to but definitely took me some time wrap my head around coming from D4. Which for all it's faults has an incredible animation and input priority system.

      GnomeTank on

      Sagroth wrote: »

      Oh c'mon FyreWulff, no one's gonna pay to visit Uranus.

      Steam: Brainling, XBL / PSN: GnomeTank, NintendoID: Brainling, FF14: Zillius Rosh SFV: Brainling


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 2

      Companion based stuff can be particularly egregious too. Man they got rid of all the manual time swapping stuff in the story this lego potential dungeon just feels bad heh.

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      RespondPlease Registered User regular

      March 2

      You could swap timelines some other way in the campaign at some point? What story?

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 2

      On second thought I may be misremembering.... it has been awhile.

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      Fencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular

      March 2

      I have no idea what specialization I will do with my mage

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 2

      Yeah there was no manual time swapping in the story last year when I played at least.

      The time swapping in the Temporal Sanctum is actually one of my favorite parts of this too. It's a ton of fun and a great use of the time travel motif.

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      Drascin Registered User regular

      March 2

      I was intending to make the alt mage I made a lightning mage, but then I advance on the main character and I run into yet another +fire wizard unique, in this case a cinder song. The game just really wants me to make a fire wizard I guess!

      Steam ID: Right here.


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 2 edited March 2

      The dungeon is overly long for what you are doing and after the first run it becomes a slog. It is just a leftover from the way they bulit the game early on compared to the way they do now. Like the older masteries power creep being so bad compared to the new ones. I am sure they will get to it and change it eventually.

      There was a lot more jumping through time at points in the story that was what I was remembering. They cut most of it out.

      Jubal77 on

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 2 edited March 2

      Ahhh man it's incredibly easy to run through it at the lowest version if you just hate it.

      You're making a mountain out of a molehill here. If you hate it, set it to the level 50 version and clear it in 2 minutes to make your legendary. Problem solved.

      Fiatil on

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 2 edited March 2

      All I am saying it is my opinion the dungeon is too long for just an attempt at lego potential. It makes much better game design sense to change it to a rare rune. I think we can leave it at that man.

      There is a lot of the game that needs adjustment. Like the faction grind. I am still unable to buy the items that I would like and would be upgrades. The faction grind (at least for the bazaar one) is behind what a player who knows what they are doing in what they would want to purchase. I have to get to 8-10 to buy some of the pieces I would like now. And not crazy things just gloves with a lego potential affix I want. It seems like the drop faction gets power in drops much quicker.

      Jubal77 on

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      A Half Eaten Oreo Registered User regular

      March 2 edited March 2

      Faction grind seems pretty insane at the end. I’m gonna be 100 with full build and pretty much done with the character and I’m not even rank 9 yet. And then I saw what the rank 9 for CoF is and it’s not a reward. No idea why that’s a reward at all much less rank 9.

      A Half Eaten Oreo on


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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 2

      Yeah I like that it takes a bit to get to the end (it's a very impactful bar to fill!), buuut you should probably be maxed out on the scale when you hit 100 if you're engaging with it (which is super easy as CoF at least).

      If they chopped off the last rank and just replaced the set reward bonus with the rank 10 bonus it would be in a lot better shape at the end.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (17)

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 3

      Ive played the games about 50 hours and I am no where near max nor even able to buy even all the uniques with potential yet. It needs to be a bit more than 1 tier. On that note if you are on the fence about what faction to play go drop faction unless you plan on no lifing the game.

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      A Half Eaten Oreo Registered User regular

      March 3

      Fiatil wrote: »

      Yeah I like that it takes a bit to get to the end (it's a very impactful bar to fill!), buuut you should probably be maxed out on the scale when you hit 100 if you're engaging with it (which is super easy as CoF at least).

      If they chopped off the last rank and just replaced the set reward bonus with the rank 10 bonus it would be in a lot better shape at the end.

      I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong with CoF, but I’m halfway into 99 and I’m a bit short of rank 9. I go get prophecies when I get to 15-20k points.

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 3

      On the game side I am looking forward to when they can get back to the old masteries. I am trying falcon now as thorn totems was kind of hitting a wall and I wasnt getting drops. Its night and day in terms of power on tree and in specializations compared to the old primalist stuff.

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      CorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular

      March 3

      Getting XP gives you favor and reputation, using favor gives you reputation as well. Make sure you're picking up prophecies and finishing them as much as you can. Also just buying items and hoping is good for spending the favor and getting reputation.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (22)
      CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 3 edited March 3

      A Half Eaten Oreo wrote: »

      Fiatil wrote: »

      Yeah I like that it takes a bit to get to the end (it's a very impactful bar to fill!), buuut you should probably be maxed out on the scale when you hit 100 if you're engaging with it (which is super easy as CoF at least).

      If they chopped off the last rank and just replaced the set reward bonus with the rank 10 bonus it would be in a lot better shape at the end.

      I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong with CoF, but I’m halfway into 99 and I’m a bit short of rank 9. I go get prophecies when I get to 15-20k points.

      Oh yeah I'm agreeing with you. It sounds like you're engaging with it a lot, and it's probably too much grind that you're still so far away from rank 10 at level 100.

      I'm 95 and just past rank 7, which means I'll be in about the same place at that level.

      Fiatil on

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (24)

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 3 edited March 3

      I was planning on going hammerdin smite initially, but fell in love with self-cast smite and stuck with that. But now the Weaver is telling me things:

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (26)

      Fiatil on

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (27)


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      CorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular

      March 3

      I just made a new character (yes I have a problem, I know i make too many alts) and decided to make a super simple fireball sorc. Holy sh*t am I just DEMOLISHING things. Everything dies. If its resistant to fire thats fine, its not resistant to 85 fireballs a second. So fun to just blow things up.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (29)
      CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 3 edited March 3

      Holy jeebus I am not even using any unique items from my bank because just playing the falcon mastery with drops and its already scaling much further than thorns totems. I am using shards I have though to augment the rare drops up. Thorns totems was all about the healing totem near invulnerability to just outlast but holy this damage is nuts.

      Play what you want to play but the newer masteries are going to be a much easier time.

      Edit: Also dive bomb is soooooooooo satisfying.

      Jubal77 on

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      Kamar Registered User regular

      March 3

      Jubal77 wrote: »

      Holy jeebus I am not even using any unique items from my bank because just playing the falcon mastery with drops and its already scaling much further than thorns totems. I am using shards I have though to augment the rare drops up. Thorns totems was all about the healing totem near invulnerability to just outlast but holy this damage is nuts.

      Play what you want to play but the newer masteries are going to be a much easier easier time.

      I vaguely remember reading that...shaman? Primalist masteries in general? Ended up really outdated design-wise by virtue of coming so early and is expected to change dramatically when they revisit them.

      Reminds me of speculation about some things in D4, though AFAIK there's nothing to confirm what order things were developed in D4.


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 3 edited March 3

      They did a revisit pretty early in the most recent reviews I want to say so yeah it is outdated but it was released as such too for 1.0. I want to say I remember them nerfing totems down because they were pretty OP in the rework too. The build is still clearing and doing end game content so it is viable just the difference in life from mastery to near end of story with falcon is miles different.

      When I tried runemaster in the prerelease build it was the same but with all the talk about how crazy warlock is and now seeing how crazy falconeer is they have a bunch of work to do. I hope they do it all justice and not get into power creep cycles on what they patch because there is so much good here.

      I mean looking at falcon tree you dont even want to perhaps dip into other trees there is so much crazy scaling here. With thorn totems I put a bunch in a third tree.

      Jubal77 on

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 3 edited March 3

      The new masteries are definitely more mechanically complex, and damn strong! You can tell they were developed more recently as EHG really got into their groove.

      But they didn't nerf the old classes in 1.0 and there are still tons of incredibly strong and satisfying builds for them too. If you're the type that wants to glance at tier lists, yep there are quite a few of the new masteries showing up at the top, but still plenty of old ones in S and A tier. I largely have avoided tier lists as I think it's not necessary to look at them with how much you can push a character build on just item power. I'm at level 96 on a boring old Paladin Smite build, nothing new and fancy at all, and it's been a breeze. I'm crushing content that people on some of the "meta" builds are struggling with because I've paid attention to my mods and crafted up some decent stuff. Nothing even close to expensive or top tier though -- I'm sure I could assemble all of my gear right now super quickly on the trade side as it's nothing too cool.

      Comparison is the thief of joy on this one -- if you want to chase the meta hotness, nothing wrong with that. They're damn good! But they don't invalidate the old classes at all and there are lots of builds that they do better at I still love the feel of.

      Fiatil on

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (34)

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      urahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular

      March 4

      Started a Sentinel because I suck at sticking with 1 character... I think this is my favorite base class so far. I have a Paladin I'm playing with my buddies and a Void Knight when I solo. Both of them are a lot of fun.

      And since this game is f*ckin awesome I am specced completely different from each other and it still feels good. Like they aren't even the same type of character and that's rad as f*ck in my opinion.


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      PiptheFair Frequently not in boats. Registered User regular

      March 4

      Since a lot of the endgame is predicated on situational awareness and dodging instead of PoEs “f*ck you tank this damage idiot” there’s a lot more viable build diversity


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      Crippl3 oh noRegistered User regular

      March 4

      I'm running a Forge Guard right now, with a lot of investment in Forged Weapons through Rive, Forge Strike, and Manifest Armor
      I don't really know where to take the build tbh, what I should be looking for in terms of gear or my skills. Apparently there's like 0 gear support for Forged Weapons other than a single 3-piece gear set, which sucks.

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      Kamar Registered User regular

      March 4

      Crippl3 wrote: »

      I'm running a Forge Guard right now, with a lot of investment in Forged Weapons through Rive, Forge Strike, and Manifest Armor
      I don't really know where to take the build tbh, what I should be looking for in terms of gear or my skills. Apparently there's like 0 gear support for Forged Weapons other than a single 3-piece gear set, which sucks.

      Forged Weapons are minions, so if that's most of your killing power you'll want to go in on minion damage AFAIK. Also scales with Attunement.

      Looking at a few builds, seems like people are mostly just stacking a ton of armor, attunement, and minion damage?

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 4 edited March 4

      PiptheFair wrote: »

      Since a lot of the endgame is predicated on situational awareness and dodging instead of PoEs “f*ck you tank this damage idiot” there’s a lot more viable build diversity

      Yeah getting one shot by a telegraphed attack where you just mess up feels a lot less terrible than getting one shot by ????????? (probably on death explosion) it turns out. I'm a big fan.

      Fiatil on

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      A Half Eaten Oreo Registered User regular

      March 4

      PiptheFair wrote: »

      Since a lot of the endgame is predicated on situational awareness and dodging instead of PoEs “f*ck you tank this damage idiot” there’s a lot more viable build diversity

      It seems ailments are the real issue at very high corruption. I’m not sure they’re all dodge-able or avoidable. Poison in high corruption melts thru your health (or 5 digit ward) bar.

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      Fencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular

      March 4

      I just quickly leveled up a Falconer, and am really enjoying it. Hopefully at some point I collect enough swords that I have at least 1more decent one for my bladedancer (already have 1 unique)

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      taliosfalcon Registered User regular

      March 4

      I picked this up over the weekend primarily to play on my ally since 1.0 touts full controller support and uh..wow maybe i'm just used to d4's great controller functionality but this is rough. Randomly targetting all over the place, the move to attack closest enemy option for melee skills just, doesn't appear to work at all when using the controller and i've hit a ton of UI glitches that flat out stopped me and required me to use the touchscreen as a mouse to do basic things or interact with things randomly. Enjoying the game but it's going to be a pure kbam desktop experience. They seem to have been very overly optimistic in describing their controller functionality.

      steam xbox - adeptpenguin

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      March 4 edited March 4

      There is a lot of strange janky unfinished aspects of the game. One, mostly trivial, thing that always kind of gets to me, outside of the not being able to delete an ability from the bar, is they changed one thing away that has always been a thing in ARPGs since the beginning..... picking stuff off the ground going to cursor when inventory is open and not to inventory. It is trivial but holy arpgs have had items off ground with inventory open go to cursor since Diablo 2 if not 1 (I havent played 1 in awhile).

      Jubal77 on

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      AustinP0027 Registered User regular

      March 4

      Drascin wrote: »

      I was intending to make the alt mage I made a lightning mage, but then I advance on the main character and I run into yet another +fire wizard unique, in this case a cinder song. The game just really wants me to make a fire wizard I guess!

      I started following a build guide just to see what it looks like when a character was more optimized, and it had me go Frost Claw and pick the node that flips it to fire (also converts any +chill %s to ignite). I'm sure it's item dependent, but I feel like the game just rewards fire builds more.

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      March 4

      AustinP0027 wrote: »

      Drascin wrote: »

      I was intending to make the alt mage I made a lightning mage, but then I advance on the main character and I run into yet another +fire wizard unique, in this case a cinder song. The game just really wants me to make a fire wizard I guess!

      I started following a build guide just to see what it looks like when a character was more optimized, and it had me go Frost Claw and pick the node that flips it to fire (also converts any +chill %s to ignite). I'm sure it's item dependent, but I feel like the game just rewards fire builds more.

      A lot of that is because the cold DoT, Frostbite, isn't as widely available early on. Ignite is amazing DPS at early levels and is super common to find on items and early in skill trees too. Chill and freeze are fun but don't actually do any damage, so converting that chill chance to ignite is converting "not damage" to damage. There do seem to be more very impactful fire uniques early on too -- that firestarters torch I linked earlier will turn any fire build into easy mode for the first 30 levels or so.

      Cold DoT becomes a lot more viable later on with the right items. I ran a fire DoT sorc and a cold DoT sorc back to back last year -- the cold DoT sorc has more required uniques but once you have them you're doing tons of frostbite damage while also freezing entire packs and bosses and it's really damn good.

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      GoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular

      March 5

      Just redownloaded this. I played a decent amount in the beta as a Bladedancer, this time around I'm trying a Runemaster. I like the lightning / storm guy fantasy in these kinds of games and Glyph of Dominion seems like a cool skill. I guess I'll find out. Crunching numbers is one thing but sometimes it has to be seen in action. That's half the fun though!

      Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve

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      Mirkel FinlandRegistered User regular

      March 5

      Went back to my warlock from my melee falconer and it's so much easier it's not even funny. Not sure if it is balance thing or if my warlock is just built better but to me it feels like the usual "melee always gets screwed" in games like these. Warlock has 500 ward and 800 hp to start with, then the ward just goes up and up during battle. Rogue has maybe 950 hp and an entirely baffling 9% more damage taken from the dual wield node.

      I remember Diablo III adding 30% damage reduction for all melee classes and it was for a good reason. Getting 9% damage increase instead feels rather silly.

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      Kamar Registered User regular

      March 5 edited March 5

      Mirkel wrote: »

      Went back to my warlock from my melee falconer and it's so much easier it's not even funny. Not sure if it is balance thing or if my warlock is just built better but to me it feels like the usual "melee always gets screwed" in games like these. Warlock has 500 ward and 800 hp to start with, then the ward just goes up and up during battle. Rogue has maybe 950 hp and an entirely baffling 9% more damage taken from the dual wield node.

      I remember Diablo III adding 30% damage reduction for all melee classes and it was for a good reason. Getting 9% damage increase instead feels rather silly.

      Warlock is known to just be busted. My melee warlock feels busted too.

      My puncture bleed 2h sword falconer doesn't feel bad, but it hasn't hit anything challenging yet.

      Though a melee warlock is still using curses and necro dots, at least mine is, so I can't speak about pure melee.

      Kamar on

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      Mirkel FinlandRegistered User regular

      March 5

      At least 2h falconer doesn't have the DW damage taken penalty. I did have success in earlier versions of LE with the sentinel's whirlwind skill but it benefits greatly from the added mobility compared to "normal" melee. Since you are constantly moving dodging stuff is a lot easier. Falconer's falcon skills feel powerful enough and I wonder how a bow falconer would do but it's such a huge hassle to switch builds completely that I can't be bothered to try.

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      CorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular

      March 5

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (53)

      They had to disable family sharing to stop RTM bots. That really sucks. @Jeix and I were playing the game together this morning, him using family share. We took a break for 5 minutes, come back and was wondering why it wasnt working. At least they're working against the bots, but it sucks that real players get hosed from it.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (54)
      CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.



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    [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 18 (2024)


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