Fall River Globe from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)

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i FALL RIVER GLOBE MONDAY AUGUST 7 1922 'l- PAUGHl OF ji 4 '1 I C'V wf fv 4 rVC A Tale of Adventure Copyright 1921 by Charles Sons 4 BY QUIEN SABE (Wh Knows) Turn on "I he retorted lightly "But I'm not shooting trouble nowadays Getting older you know nowadays you know" Owls see better in the dark than they do in daylight So do'bats and one or two other freaks of animal life Bnt human beings do not Yet it is peculiar how some of dark on the very things that concern Mow'd you asked Homer "Bruce said so tn his letter Rios is a neighbor down in Lower California Now forget Ruiz Rios start There were six Americans In the little party by the time they had walked the brief distance to the border and across into Old Town Before they reached the swing-doors of the Casa Grande the red ball of the sun went down "Flat Ortega knows coming Kendric was advised "I guess everybody in town knows by And plainly everybody was interested When the six men going in two by two snapped back the swinging doors there were a score of men in the place Behind the long bar running along one side of the big room two men were busy setting forth bottles and glasses The air was hazy with cigarette smoke There was a business air an air of readiness and expectancy about the gajning tables though no one at this early hour had suggested playing Ortega himself fat and greasy and pompous leaned against his bar and twisted a stogie between his puffy pendiulous Kps He merely tatted his eyes at Kendric who noticed him not at all A golden twenty-dollar coin spun For instance now more than ever before we ought to see that every cent we spend buys its full quota of value Yet lots and lots folks go blithely along making their everyday purchases with their eyes shut tight And so easy to be sure right the Light i us persist in remaining in the us most who advertise invite the inspection and buy the advertised know money you re wisely Spend a few minutes a day running through the advertisem*nts this newspaper Then buy the products that have proved up under the spotlight of consistent publicity Merchants and manufacturers thousands of eyes in the advertisiL0 columns you see products that have made good before the critical audience of buyers These products ares full value products They return you dollar for dollar the advertisem*nts Buy them Bead products Then you can I spending your sene lamplight woe none too good Rios was standing with a solitary sUm-bodied companion The companion to call for all due consideration later barely caught roving eye now he saw Rios and he toid himself that the gambler goddess had whisked him in at the magic moment or in one essential as in no others was Ruiz Kios a man after Jim Kendric's own heart the Mexican anas a man to play for any stake and do no moralizing over the result i cried Kendric looking all the time challengmgly at Rios Is only one game worth the playing King of games! The emperor of games! Have you a man here to shake dice with me?" Ortega -understood end made no answer -Rios small and sinister and handsome hie air one of eternal well-bred Insolence kept his own counsel There came a quick tug hla sleeve Ms companion whispered in his ear Thus it was that for the first time Kendric really looked at this companion And at the first keen glance In spite of the male attire the loose coat and hat -pulled low the scarf worn high about the neck he knew that it was a woman who had entered with Ruis Rios and was whispered to Mm thought Kendric "Tell ing him not to play got her nerve coming In The question of her relationship to the Mexican was open to speculation the matter of her nerve was not That wss definitely settled by the carriage of her body which was at once defiant and Imperious the tilt of the chin barely glimpsed by the way she stood her ground as one after another pair of eyes turned upon her until every man In the room stared openly It was as useless for her to seek to disguise her sex thus as it would be for the moon to mask es a candle And she knew It and did not care Kendric understood that on the moment us there has been at times trouble senor" said Rios lightly do not know if you car to play? If so I will be most pleased for a little shake dice with the devil line self friend answered Jisa heartily must have some money from Ortega said Rios carelessly my check will get the returned Kendric pleasantly As Rios turned away with the proprietor Kendric was impelled to look again toward the woman She had moved a little to one de so that now she stood in the shadow cast by an angle of the walL He oould not see her eyes so low had she drawn her wide sombrero nor could he make out mucih of her face He bad an Impression of an oval line curving softly into the folds of her scarf of masses of black hair But one thing be knew she was looking steadily at him It did not matter that he oould not ee her eyes he oould feel them Under that hidden gaze there was a moment during which he was oddly stirred vaguely agitated It was as though she some strange woman were striving to subject his mind to the spell of her own will as though across the room she were seeking not only to read Ms thought but to mold it to the shape of her own thought He bad the uncanny sensation that her mind was rifling his that it would be hard to hide from those probing mental fingers any slightest dee ire or intention Kendric shook hSmeelf savagely angered tbsr even for an in stone he should have submitted to such ick-toh fancies But even so and while he strode to the nearby table for the dice cup he oouild not free himself from the impression which she had laid upon him She beckoned Rios as ho come back with Ortega He went to her eide and she whispered to ham will play here at this end of the room Rios sold to Kendric As Kendric looked quite naturally from the one who spoke to the one from whom so obviously the order had come he saw for the first time the gleam of the woman's eyes A very little she had lifted the brim of her hat so that from beneath she could watch what went forward They held his gaze riveted they seemed to glow in the shadows as though with some inner tight He could not Judge their color they were mere luminous pools He started with an odd fancy he caught himself wondering if those eyes could I see in the dark? Again he shrugged as though to shake physically from Mm these strange fancies He snatched up the little table and brought it to where Ruiz Rios waited putting it down not three feet from the silent companion And all the time though now he refused to turn his head toward her he was conscious of the strangely disturbing certainty that those luminous eyes were regarding him with unshtfthvg 4r 'U Jft Cut of in of The The v' 1 i-- Vr ty 'V rzm SANFORD ILLS I Employes of Local Concern Make Merry Saturday Afternoon at Fort Phoenix Fairhaven Sports Attract Attention NEW BEDFORD Aug Special cars from Fall River brought over Saturday afternoon about 350 employes of the Sanford Mills of that city for the annual outing held at Fort Phoenix Fairhaven Arriving early in the afternoon the visitors had plenty of time for a long program of sports and a clambake under the tent Many of the visitors remained for bathing and dancing First on the list of sports was the 100-yard dash fol men The winner was Harold Hamer with Eugene Menard second The sport winners follows: 50 -yard dash for women Alma Lapointe first Flora Broule-tte second Three-legged race for men Fred Bennett first William Carroll second Three-'legged race for women Mary Kenney first Katherine Kenney second Sack race for men lea Souza first Harold Hamer second Sack race for women Sylvia first Mary Kenney second Fat race Manuel Pacheoo first George Preston second Fat race Georgianna Levesque first Mary Ouellette second Shoe race for woman Loretta Arsenault first Antoinette Belisle second Wheelbarrow race Charles Souza first Daniel Mercier second Tug-of-war Won by picked team pulling against the Twisters The fun came In the wheelbarrow race The contestants started off from a given point blindfolded The winner was the one placing his bar-row the nearest to a tape line Moat of the contestants wheeled their bar-rows all over the lot The committee in charge included Patrick Feather-stone John Correira Nelson Kesseli Daniel Mercier John Dupre Arthur Daley Charles Dumont George Preeton James Morey There a so Evans Margaret Driscoll Anniq Williams and Katherine Lee 1 I Amusem*nts NEW by Rural Comedy Drama Player Thi Week Empire New a rural comedy drama written by Denman Thompson will be the of the Empire Players this week vorltes of the company will be seen to decided advantage in this play of the New Hampshire country and a de lightful entertainment is assured This comedy drama has stood for pars as the best effort of Denman Thompson and it is one of those wholesome plays clean and entertaining Love and romance ha place in the story and there delicious comedy The Empire Flay is TS In Which a Young American Known as Plays at Dica With On in Man's Cloth ing Who Is Not a Men Jim Kendric had arrived and the border town knew It well All who knew the man foresaw that ha would oome with a rush tarry briefly tor a bit of wild Joy and leave with rush for the Lord knetw where and the Lord knew why For such wfta ever the way of Jim Kendric A letter at the poetoffice had been the means of advising the entire community of the coming of Kendric The letter was from Bruce West down in Lower California and scrawled across the flap were instructions to the pootmeter to hold It for Jim Kendric who would arrive within a coupfle of weeks Furthermore the word urgent was not to be overlooked Among the men drawn together in hourly expectation of the arrival of Kendric one remarked thoughtfully: Mex friend is in town" "Bulz some one asked a man from the outside "Been here three days Just sticking around and doing nothing but smoke cigarettes Looks like he was "What for?" "Waiting for Jim was suggeated Two or threo laughed at that In their estimation Ruls Rios might be the man to knife bis way out of a hole but not one to go out of his way to cross the trail made wide and recklessly by Jim Kendric "A half hour came the supplementary information from another quarter "a big automobile going to beat the band pulls up in front of the hotel The Mex is watching and when a woman climbs down he grabs her traps and eteers her into the Immediately this news bringer was the man of tne moment But he had had scant time to admit that he seen her face that she had worn a thick black veil that somehow she just seemed young and that bet she was too darn pretty to be wasting herself on Rios when Jim Kendnc himself landed in their midst He powdered with alkali dust from the soies of his boots to the crown of his black hat and he looked unusually tall because he was unusually gaunt He had ridden far and hard But the eyes were the same old eyes of the same old headlong Jim Kendric on fire on the instant dancing with the joy of shaking hands wltn the old-timers shining with the supreme Joy of life no drinking man and you know he shouted at them his voice booming out and down the quite blistering street no gambling man I'm steady and sober and a regular fool ror conservative investments! But a time when a glass in the hand is as pot as eggs in a nest and a man wonts to spend his money free! Come on you bunch of devil-hounds lead me to It was the rollicking arrival which they had counted on dnce this was the only way Jim Kendric knew of getting back among old friends and Old surroundings There was nothing subtle about him in all things he was'open and forthright and tempestuous In a hardened and buffeted body he had kept the heart of a harum-scarum boy only a step across the line into Old he reminded them And old Mexico gents over there haven't got started reforming yet Blaze the trail Benny Shut up your damned old store and pootoffioe Homer and trot along close to sunset anyway I'll finance the pilgrimage until When he mentioned the "poet Homer Day was recalled to Ms official duties as postmaster He gave Kendric the letter from Bruce West Kendric ripped open the envelope glanced at the contents skimming the line Impatiently Then he jammed the letter into his pocket as I he announced has a sure thing in the way of the beet cattle range you ever aw he'll make money hand over fist and he chuckled his enjoyment Just a trifle too busy scaring ofT Mexican bandits and close-herding his stock to get any (deep of nights Drop him a postcard Homer tell him come steo over to Old I "Ruiz Rios is in town he was informed i ers may be depended upon to Interpret the play as the author Intended it should be 1 Tonight the free coupon Is again offered and another capacity audience is looked for The coupon must be presented at the box office before 730 accompanied by the price of one admission Two persona will then he entitled to seats I There will be the usual matinees throughout the week with the exception of Friday and patrons are urged to make their reservations for any of the performances early There is unusual Interest In the coming presentation of "Wise a play that had a successful run In Boston with an all-star cast last season Miss Shirley Derne the new leading lady will make her initial bow in this play Seats will be placed on sale during the week for Three Wise Fools" and Manager Stanley James expects to beat every record for attendance with this farce comedy AT THE RIALTO Jack Holt Bob Daniels and Elain Hammerstein in New Program An attractive screen entertainment which opened today at the Rialto theatre presents three popular stars Jack Holt and Befte Daniels in of the Rio and Elaine Hammerstein In Both pictures proved excellent entertainment and those who like the screen should not miss this bill the first half of the 1 week A comedy weekly and Topics of the day add to the entertainment The combination of Jack Holt and Beb Denied is a strong one and In of the Rio Grande" they have a splendid vehicle Western travelers will find it unusual interesting shake dice with the devil himself friend hearttily I deep-sea sailor and near-pirate real estate juggler minfer trapper and mule skinner sat at his eubow put many an Incisive question bad many yarn of his own to spin "Headlong old said Twisty Barlow once laying his knotty hand on arm "oy the livin' Gawd that made us like to go with the likes of you again And I know the land that's for the pair of us Into San Liege we go and there we take a certain warped and battered old stem-twister the owner calls a schooner And we beat it out into the Pacific and turn south until we oomo to a certain land maybe you can remember having heard me tell about And there there Headlong old Kendrica eyes shone while Barlow spoke but then they always shone when a man hinted of such things os he knew lay in the mind But at the end he shook his head talking about tomorrow or next day Twisty" he laughed filling his deep lungs contentedly Tve had a bellyful of manana-talk here of late All Interested in is He rattled some loose coins in his pocket got money in my pocket he cried Jumping to hiS feet ahead I stake every man jack of you to $10 end any man who wins treats the Meanwhile place had been doing an increasing business Now answered Jim there was desultory playing at several tables where men were placing their bets at poker at seven-and-a-half and at roulette the faro layout would be offering its Invitation in a moment there was a game of dice in progress companions moved about from table to table laughing making small bets or merely watching But presently as half dollars were won an1 lost the Insidious charm of hazard touched them Monte stuck fast to the faro table for fifteen minutes at the end of which time he rose with a sigh tempted to go book to Kendric for a and out in for a play -But he thought better of it and strolled away rolling a oigarette and watch ing the others Jerry bought a $10 stack of chips and essayed his fortune-with roulette playing his usual luck and his usual system with every hazard lost he lost his temper and doubled his bet He was the first man to Joint Monte For upward of an hour of play Kendric was content with looking on and hod not hazarded a cent beyond the money flung down on the table to be played by his friends But now at last he looked about the room eagerly hi head up his eyes blazing with the upsurge of the spirit riding him About Ms middle was a money belt: safely brought back across the border In his wild heart was the imperative desire to play Flay high and quick and hard It was then that for the first time he noted Ruiz Rios Evidently the Mexican had Just entered from the rear At the far end of the room where the kero train of white satin Her tulle veil was arranged in coronet style and was made of point lace Mrs Hubbard as matron of honor was gowned in blue chiffon with trimmings of filet Her hat was a blue leghorn and she carried snapdragon and Aaron Ward roses The bridesmaids were Margaret Waring Dorothy Newton and Mary Hamilton They were similarly attired In gowns of yellow chiffon with trimmings of crystal beads Their hats were made of yellow chiffon and they carried blue larkspur and yellow gladioli Richard Hawes was the best man and the ushers were Eliott Buffington John I Robertson Lincoln Hawes- and Axariah Buffington The pages were Samuel Hubbard III and Richard Hawes Jr Harriet Borden- Hubbard and Mary Eustance Hubbard as flower girls wore whit organdy dresses over blue chiffon and carried baskets of marigolds A reception followed the ceremony and later Mr and Mrs Hawes left for a wedding trip to Europe Mrs Hawes attended Briarcliff Manor and Miss school and Mr Hawes graduated from Yal in June FRED A CUMMINGS ADMITTED TO BAR BOSTON Aug 7 Fred A Cum mings assistant to the chairman of the public trustees of the Eastern Massachusetts Street Railways and a widely known Boston newspaperman is now eligible to practice law in thiz state as soon Las he takes oath be fore the court Mr Cummings is now on a vaca tion visit at Alton Bay and yesterday received a telegTam announcing Lis at Best News of the Day Fall River livery HOLIDAY and winked upon the bar impelled by big fingers and Kendric's voice called heartily: be happy to have every man here drink with The invitation was naturally accepted The men ranged along the bar elbow to elbow the bartenders served and with a nod toward the man who stood treat poured their own red wine Even Ortega though he made no attempt toward a civil response drank The more liquor poured into a stomach here the more money in pocket and he was avaricious drink in his own shop with his worst enemy provided that enemy paid the score friends were men who were always gkid to drink and play a game of cards but tonight they were gladder for the chance to talk with When he had bought the house a couple of rounds of drinks Kendric withdrew to a comer table with a dozen of his qld-tirne acquaintances and for Upward of an hour thev sat and found much to talk of He had his own experiences to recount and sketched them swiftly telling of a venture in a new silver mining country and a certain profit made of a as he mirthfully explained it now and then with the children of the South: of horse swapping and a taste of the pearl fisheries of La Paz of no end of adventures such es men of his class and nationality find every day in troublous Mexico Twisty Barlow an old-time friend with whom once he hod pone adventuring In Pent a man who had been cause they will see familiar sights while those who have never ventured beyond the Rockies have a treat in store for them Beautiful shots of rugged country- and cliff dwellings along the Apache trail Arizona are varied by the riding feats of Jack Holt mounted on Hood" his champion and a band of twenty-five eowpunchers the picture in which Elaine Hammerstein is starred tells a story of stage life In Its early Incidents and then takes the leading actress into the home of an aristocratic family who resent an being foisted upon them as a relative How Miss Hammerstein by her artistry makes the actress impress her personality favorably upon the snobs who oppose her is the best piece of acting this star has exemplified BASSETT Prominent Local Couple Married Saturday Afternoon at Westport Harbor Before a fireplace banked with garden flowers and in the presence of a notable gathering of local society people Miss Constance Bassett of this city became the bride Saturday afternoon of Oliver Hawes Jr of this city The ceremony was performed by Rev John Le Bosquet pastor of the First Congregational church and took place at the summer home of the sister Mrs Samuel Hubbard Jr at Westport Harbor The bride was resplendent in a gown of white satin fashioned with a rose point lace yoke and a court August I To Be Continued Tomorrow success at the recent bar examination On his return to Boston he will appear before the superior court to be sworn in as an attorney though he has not decided when he will embark on his new profession A native of Lowell he was schooled in newspaper work in his home city and later became identified with newspapers at Haverhill Worcester Fitchburg and Lynn He was at one time city editor of the Haverhill' Gazette and was later connected with the Boston Globe as one of Its news editors During his newspaper career he was assigned the State House and became one of the keenest political newswriters in the New England field" He was also an expert on matters of municipal finance and government For several years he has been associated with the public trustees of the former Bay State Street Railway now known as the Eastern Massachusetts i i PerfectSLoilder and Arm Nothing Mob tk twaotilul soft rty whits appear Oricsoi Crcua readers to tb shoulders and anas Covers ski blemish-WlB rub Far superior powders Send I Sc for Triad Site ryrn THOf CK3 SOM New York (o)-afefi (ayWiil Out the Coupon.

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Fall River Globe from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.