Top 15 Easiest European Countries to Get Citizenship in 2024 (2024)

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Second citizenship

January 31, 2024

Reading Time: 10 min

The countries of the European Union support democracy and human rights, stand up for minorities, and oppose discrimination. This commitment to progressive values makes the EU a highly desirable destination for third-country nationals.

Holding a European passport comes with numerous advantages, including access to world-class healthcare and education, extensive travel freedom, and an elevated standard of living. This article outlines the easiest countries to obtain citizenship in Europe.

Albert Ioffe Has ranked the top EU destinations for securing second citizenship easily
Top 15 Easiest European Countries to Get Citizenship in 2024 (3)

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Residency duration required forcitizenship intheEU

Thecriteria toobtain second citizenship vary acrossdifferent countries. Many nations require new citizens todemonstrate proficiency inthenative language throughan exam and pass atest onthecountry's history and culture.

Inthis ranking, we consider theduration an applicant must reside inacountry beforestarting thenaturalisation process. Additionally, we account forspecial programs forinvestors that can shorten theresidency requirement beforeobtaining citizenship.

Each European country mandates aspecific minimum residency period beforeallowing fornaturalisation:

  • 1 year— Malta;
  • 5 years— France, Portugal, Bulgaria, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, theNetherlands, Germany, and Belgium;
  • 6 years— Finland;
  • 7 years— Greece;
  • 8 years— Croatia, Estonia, Romania, and Slovakia;
  • 9 years— Denmark;
  • 10 years— Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Latvia, Austria, theCzech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovenia;
  • 11 years— Hungary.

Malta citizenship in1, 3 or 5 years

Malta offers several pathways tocitizenship, including naturalisation, birth and descent, marriage, registration, and forexceptional services.

Forindividuals without family ties, naturalisation is themost common route toMaltese citizenship. This process typically takes about five years.

All theways toget Malta citizenship

Tobe eligible forMalta citizenship bynaturalisation, aforeigner must:

  • be atleast 18 years old;
  • demonstrate sufficient proficiency inEnglish or Maltese;
  • have alegal source ofincome;
  • notbe subject toany sanctions;
  • have aclean criminal record;
  • have never been denied avisa bycountries that have avisa-free arrangement withMalta.

Applicants must also meet thefollowing residency requirements:

  • reside inMalta for12 months immediately prior toapplication;
  • live inMalta for4 outofthe6 years preceding the12-month residency period;
  • possess their own or rented accommodation inMalta.

One can shorten thepath toobtaining aMaltese passport to1 or 3 years if they obtain Malta citizenship bynaturalisation forexceptional services bydirect investment.

Toqualify forMalta citizenship, theinvestor must adhere toall thepreviously mentioned eligibility criteria and fulfil specific investment requirements:

  1. Investment intheMalta National Development and Social Fund. Theapplicant must make anon-refundable contribution. Aminimum investment of€600,000 allows theinvestor toapply forcitizenship afterthree years ofresidency. Byincreasing theinvestment to€750,000, theresidency requirement is reduced toone year.
  2. Real estate investment. Theinvestor has two options regarding property investment inMalta. They can either purchase real estate valued ataminimum of€700,000 or opt forarental agreement withaminimum annual rent of€16,000.
  3. Charitable contribution. Theinvestor is required todonate €10,000 tonon-governmental organisations.
  4. Additional requirements. Theinvestor must maintain therented or owned property inMalta forfive years and settle any relevant state fees.

Theinclusion offamily members inthecitizenship application is allowed. This applies totheinvestor's spouse or partner, dependent unmarried children under29, and dependent parents and grandparents over 55. An additional investment of€50,000 is required foreach family member included.

Malta permits dual citizenship, allowing individuals toretain their original nationality alongside Malta citizenship.

Individual cost calculation of the Maltese citizenshipGet the cost calculation

France citizenship in2, 3 or 5 years

France offers various pathways tocitizenship, including throughmarriage, descent, birth, adoption, or naturalisation.

Toget aFrench passport bynaturalisation, one must have been living inFrance onthebasis ofaresidence permit forfive years prior totheyear ofapplying forcitizenship.

Applicants fornaturalisation are required todemonstrate:

  • sufficient and stable resources;
  • integration intotheFrench way oflife;
  • proficiency inFrench, both oral and written, atleast attheB1 level;
  • law-abiding behaviour;
  • ownership or rental ofhousing inFrance.

Theexpedited paths toFrance citizenship are as follows:

  • Individuals withoutstanding contributions insports, economics, science, or art, enhancing France's prosperity, may be eligible forcitizenship within 2 years.
  • Family reunification, forthose withafamily member who is apermanent resident or citizen ofFrance, can reduce thecitizenship process to3 years.
  • Service intheFrench Foreign Legion allows men aged 18 to40 toapply forFrench citizenship after3 years ofservice.
  • University graduates may apply forcitizenship after5 years ofresidence. This period is reduced to2 years if thestudent excels academically and participates ingovernment programs.

France allows dual citizenship.

Portugal citizenship in5 years

Portuguese citizenship is accessible toforeigners who satisfy these criteria:

  1. Are atleast 18 years old or legally emancipated underPortuguese law.
  2. Have legally resided inPortugal foraminimum offive years, such as witharesidence permit.
  3. Demonstrate basic proficiency inthePortuguese language, atleast attheA2 level.
  4. Have aclean criminal record, specifically without convictions leading tothree or more years ofimprisonment as per Portuguese law.
  5. Do notpose athreat toPortuguese national security, including involvement interrorist activities.

ThePortugal Golden Visa program presents themost straightforward path toobtaining aPortuguese passport. This program requires aminimum investment of€250,000 inthecountry’s economy. Upon making this investment, theindividual receives aPortuguese residence permit card. Afterfive years as aresident, they can apply forPortugal citizenship.

One significant advantage oftheresidence-by-investment route is that theminimum residency requirement is just seven days per year, meaning that permanent residence inPortugal is notnecessary forcitizenship eligibility.

Portugal permits dual citizenship, allowing individuals tomaintain their original nationality alongside their Portuguese citizenship.

Bulgaria citizenship in5 years

Bulgaria citizenship can be obtained insix ways: throughdescent, investment, naturalisation, marriage, refugee or other humanitarian status, and forexceptional services.

Forcitizenship bynaturalisation, theapplicant must:

  • be atleast 18 years old;
  • have held along-term or permanent residence permit foraminimum of5 years;
  • have noconvictions forpremeditated crimes;
  • possess astable source ofincome or occupation forself-support;
  • be proficient inBulgarian.

TheBulgaria Golden Visa provides apath toresidency, which can lead tocitizenship aftermaintaining theinvestment forfive years.

Applicants are required toinvest €513,000 inone ofthese options:

  1. Stocks or shares traded inBulgaria.
  2. Private equity funds.
  3. Venture capital or hedge funds.
  4. Real estate investment companies.

While Bulgaria generally doesn't allow dual citizenship fornon-native nationals, exceptions exist forspouses ofBulgarian citizens, EU member state citizens, and citizens ofcountries withreciprocal agreements withBulgaria.

Ireland citizenship in5 years

Various pathways exist toacquire Irish citizenship, including ancestral routes. Forthose without Irish ancestry, residing inIreland forfive years is themost straightforward method tobecome acitizen.

Upon approval ofthecitizenship application, afee ofapproximately €1,000 is required. Notably, there is nolanguage test or examination onIrish history or culture.

TheIreland Golden Visa Program forinvestors, which offered asimplified route tocitizenship, was closed in2023.

Ireland permits dual citizenship.

Luxembourg citizenship in5 years

Toacquire Luxembourg citizenship bynaturalisation, applicants must meet thefollowing requirements:

  1. Be atleast 18 years old.
  2. Have aclean criminal record.
  3. Legally reside inLuxembourg forfive continuous years leading up totheapplication.
  4. Pass atest inLuxembourgish or complete aLuxembourgish language course.
  5. Undertake the“Vivre ensemble au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg” course, which provides an understanding oflocal institutions, thecountry's history, and fundamental human rights, essential forbecoming acitizen oftheGrand Duchy.

Luxembourg does notprohibit dual citizenship.

Netherlands citizenship in5 years

Foreign citizens can apply forDutch citizenship afterlegally residing intheNetherlands foratleast five years.

Applicants submit thenecessary documents totheir local city hall. If approved, theKing oftheNetherlands signs thecitizenship decree. Theapplicants then attend anaturalisation ceremony, where they take theDeclaration ofSolidarity, affirming adherence tothelaws oftheKingdom oftheNetherlands. Following theceremony, new citizens receive theNaturalisation decision and can apply foraDutch passport.

Typically, acquiring Dutch citizenship requires renouncing any other nationality held.

Sweden citizenship in5 years

Toobtain aSwedish passport, one must reside inSweden forfive years prior tostarting thecitizenship application process. Noexams are required. However, applicants should be aware that time spent outside Sweden does notcount towards residency duration.

Recent developments suggest that acquiring Sweden citizenship may become more challenging. TheSwedish government has proposed stricter requirements, including extending thehabitual residence period beyond five years. Theintent is forpotential citizens tohave adeeper understanding ofSwedish society and culture. Additionally, there are reasonable expectations forself-support and maintaining an honest lifestyle.

Sweden permits dual citizenship.

Finland citizenship in6 years

Toacquire aFinnish passport throughnaturalisation, one must initially live inFinland forfour years witharesidence permit, followed bytwo years withpermanent residence. Applicants are eligible toapply forFinnish citizenship afteratotal ofsix years ofresidency.

Finnish citizenship bynaturalisation is available toforeigners who:

  1. Adhere toFinnish laws.
  2. Have resided inFinland forsix years, witheither aresidence permit or permanent residence.
  3. Uphold thedemocratic values ofFinland.
  4. Possess astable income that meets or exceeds Finland's established subsistence level.
  5. Have nooutstanding unpaid taxes or fines.
  6. Own or rent housing inFinland.
  7. Demonstrate proficiency inFinnish or Swedish attheB1 level or are capable ofcommunicating inFinnish-Swedish sign language.

Finland permits dual citizenship.


Living inFinland as atemporary resident

4 years


Holding astatus ofapermanent resident

2 years


Applying forFinland citizenship

Afteratotal of6 years ofliving inthecountry

Greece citizenship in7 years

There are four primary methods toacquire aGreek passport: throughdescent, repatriation, military service, and naturalisation.

Fornaturalisation as aGreek citizen, one must meet thefollowing criteria:

  1. Reside inGreece foracontinuous period ofseven years.
  2. Possess apermanent residence permit; temporary permits are notsufficient.
  3. Have nocriminal convictions leading tosentences ofmore than six months forspecific types ofcrimes, or more than one year forcrimes committed intentionally.
  4. Pass exams ontheGreek language, culture, geography, history, and government structure.

Tosecure permanent residency inGreece, an applicant must fulfil thefollowing requirements:

  1. Hold atemporary residence permit foraminimum offive years.
  2. Have noconvictions ofacrime that carries aprison sentence exceeding six months.
  3. Provide evidence ofsufficient financial means tosupport themselves.
  4. Show proof ofaccommodation inGreece.
  5. Demonstrate abasic understanding oftheGreek language and culture.

Temporary residence inGreece is attainable byinvestment. Wealthy foreigners can acquire residence permits byinvesting intheGreek economy, withoptions including purchasing real estate, buying shares, or opening bank deposits, starting fromaminimum amount of€250,000.

Greece allows dual citizenship.

Top 15 Easiest European Countries to Get Citizenship in 2024 (7)

Toinitiate thenaturalisation process inGreece, one must reside inthecountry forseven years. Participation intheGreece Golden Visa Program can become thefirst step towards obtaining Greek citizenship

Spain citizenship in10 years

Toacquire Spanish citizenship bynaturalisation, one must have resided inSpain foratleast ten years, comprising five years withatemporary residence permit followed byfive years withapermanent residence.

Spain offers 14 types ofnational visas that enable legal residence inthecountry:

  1. Digital nomad visa;
  2. Study visa;
  3. Researcher visa;
  4. Internship visa;
  5. Family reunification visa;
  6. Residence and employment work visa— TRA;
  7. Residence visa withworking permit exemption— TRE;
  8. Self-employed work visa;
  9. Visa forhighly qualified workers and forintra-company transfers;
  10. Investor visa;
  11. Entrepreneur visa;
  12. Non-working residence visa;
  13. Long-term residence or EU long-term residence recover;
  14. Working visa forprofessionals intheaudiovisual sector​.

TheSpain Golden Visa, or Investor Visa, is ahighly convenient and expedient route toobtaining aresidence permit and eventually citizenship inSpain. Theprocessing time forthis visa is typically around five months.

There are four investment options available totheinvestor:

  • Purchase residential or commercial property worth atleast €500,000.
  • Open adeposit inaSpanish bank, buy stocks or shares inSpanish companies, or invest inSpanish funds totaling €1,000,000.
  • Buy government bonds for€2 million.
  • Make abusiness investment, which does nothave aspecified minimum sum.

Spain generally does notpermit dual citizenship, but there are exceptions. Forinstance, Sephardic Jews are allowed tomaintain their original nationality alongside Spanish citizenship. Additionally, Spain has dual citizenship agreements with25 countries, such as Portugal, Argentina, among others.

Cyprus citizenship in10 years

Aforeigner can acquire Cypriot citizenship bynaturalisation byfulfilling thefollowing criteria:

  1. Legal residency for10 years, witharequirement ofphysical presence foratleast 7 ofthose years.
  2. Proficiency intheGreek language ataminimum B1 level.
  3. Ademonstrated intention togenuinely reside inCyprus.
  4. Evidence ofgood character.
  5. Possession ofadequate accommodation and stable, regular financial resources.

Tomeet theresidence requirement, affluent individuals have theopportunity tosecure permanent residence inCyprus inexchange forinvestment. TheCyprus Golden Visa program mandates an investment ofatleast €300,000, alongwithfulfilling other specified criteria. Close family members are also eligible tobe included intheapplication.

There are additional paths toacquiring Cyprus citizenship, including throughdescent and marriage. Toobtain Cypriot citizenship bydescent, one must have Cypriot ancestry. Forcitizenship bymarriage, theapplicant needs tohave been married toaCypriot citizen foraminimum ofthree years.

Cyprus permits dual citizenship.

Top 15 Easiest European Countries to Get Citizenship in 2024 (8)

Theprocess ofobtaining permanent residence inCyprus typically takes about three months. This residency status can eventually lead toCypriot citizenship

Italy citizenship in10 years

Italian citizenship can be acquired throughnaturalisation, marriage, or ancestry.

Forcitizenship bynaturalisation, one must maintain uninterrupted residency inItaly for10 years. Inthelast five years beforeapplying, theapplicant should nothave spent more than ten months abroad.

Applicants must submit thefollowing documents:

  1. Income declaration forthepast three years.
  2. Certificate proving proficiency intheItalian language attheB1 level.
  3. Acriminal record certificate fromItaly and fromany country where theapplicant has resided officially foratleast one year.

UndertheItaly Golden Visa program, investors can obtain residence permits valid fortwo years, which can then be extended foran additional three years, provided theinvestment is maintained.

Theprogram offers several investment options:

  • invest €250,000 or more inan innovative startup;
  • invest €500,000 or more inan Italian company;
  • make aphilanthropic donation of€1,000,000 or more;
  • purchase government bonds worth €2,000,000 or more.

Italy allows dual citizenship.

Top 15 Easiest European Countries to Get Citizenship in 2024 (9)

Gaining Italian citizenship requires 10 years ofcontinuous residency. Toobtain residency status inItaly, investment options begin at€250,000

Latvia citizenship in10 years

Toobtain aLatvian passport, an individual must reside inLatvia forten years prior toapplying forcitizenship.

Theinitial five-year period is spent underatemporary residence permit. Afterthat, theindividual becomes eligible toapply forapermanent residence permit. Obtaining this permit requires successfully passing astate language proficiency examination.

Afterresiding as apermanent resident foranother five years, theindividual can then apply forcitizenship.

Latvia permits dual citizenship withcertain countries, including NATO member states.


Living inLatvia as atemporary resident

5 years


Holding astatus ofapermanent resident

5 years


Obtaining Latvia citizenship

Hungary citizenship in11 years

Toobtain Hungary citizenship bynaturalisation, an applicant must have legally resided inHungary withapermanent residence permit foraminimum of8 years prior toapplying. Additionally, toqualify forapermanent residency, one must have lived inHungary withatemporary residence permit for3 years. Intotal, this amounts toan 11-year residency requirement.

Tobe eligible forcitizenship, an applicant must fulfil thefollowing criteria:

  1. Have acompletely clean criminal record.
  2. Possess astable means oflivelihood.
  3. Be ofgood moral character.
  4. Successfully pass atest inbasic constitutional studies ofHungary.
  5. Nothave left Hungary formore than 45 days per year duringtheeight years preceding theapplication.

Toqualify forpermanent residence, aforeigner must prove they have notleft Hungary formore than four months continuously or foratotal ofmore than nine months within thethree years preceding their application.

Toobtain atemporary residence permit, one can participate intheHungary Golden Visa Program. Theminimum investment is €250,000.

Hungary allows dual citizenship.

Hardest EU countries toget second citizenship

Based ontheduration ofresidency required beforenaturalisation, theEuropean countries where acquiring citizenship is most challenging are:

  • Austria,
  • Czechia,
  • Lithuania,
  • Poland,
  • Slovenia.


One toeleven years ofresidency are required tobecome eligible toapply forcitizenship inan EU country.

Malta offers high-net-worth individuals citizenship bynaturalisation forexceptional services bydirect investment. Throughthis route, applicants can acquire citizenship in1 or 3 years, instead ofthestandard 5 years. Theminimum investment required is €690,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which country is theeasiest inEurope toget citizenship?

Malta citizenship forexceptional services bydirect investment can be obtained byprosperous individuals within 1 or 3 years. Byinvesting €600,000 intoMalta’s economy, citizenship can be obtained afterthree years ofresidency. Increasing theinvestment to€750,000 reduces theresidency requirement tojust one year.

Inaddition totheinvestment, applicants must make a€10,000 charitable donation tonon-governmental organisations, maintain rented or owned property inMalta forfive years, and cover any relevant state fees.

What is thefastest citizenship toget inEurope?

Malta offers citizenship forexceptional services bydirect investment, typically granted toaffluent individuals within 1 or 3 years following their investment. This pathway leads toMalta citizenship bynaturalisation. Initially, investors are issued aresidence permit and become eligible toapply forcitizenship aftereither one or three years, depending ontheinvestment amount.

Which is theeasiest EU country toget residency?

Themost accessible countries forobtaining residency are those offering Golden Visa programs. Portugal, Cyprus, Italy, Greece, and Spain provide special programs where residency is granted inexchange forinvestment.

Which EU countries allow dual citizenship?

Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Poland, Sweden are among theEU countries that allow dual citizenship.

Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain prohibit dual nationality.

How toget EU citizenship?

Most countries intheranking offer similar methods forobtaining citizenship, including throughmarriage, ancestry, naturalisation, or investment.

Therequired documentation is generally consistent acrossthese nations, typically including acertificate ofproficiency inthenational language, atest onthecountry’s culture and history, acriminal record clearance, and evidence ofastable income and housing within thecountry.

What are 5 countries inEurope where it is easiest toget citizenship?

Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, and Italy rank as thetop five countries where obtaining citizenship is relatively easy. These nations offer avariety ofpathways tocitizenship, including naturalisation, citizenship bymarriage, descent, among others. Additionally, they have special programs tailored foraffluent individuals, allowing them toacquire citizenship byinvestment.

Besides, affluent individuals can acquire Maltese citizenship within 1 to3 years throughthis program. A€600,000 investment inMalta’s economy allows forcitizenship eligibility afterathree-year residency period. Increasing theinvestment to€750,000 shortens this requirement tojust one year.

Beyond theinvestment, applicants are required todonate €10,000 tonon-governmental organisations, retain rented or owned property inMalta forfive years, and pay any applicable state fees.

How toapply forEU citizenship?

Toqualify forEU citizenship, individuals must first reside inaEuropean country foraspecified duration. This duration varies bycountry, ranging fromone toeleven years.

Afterfulfilling thenecessary residency period, applicants must submit required documents. Thespecific documentation varies betweencountries and aligns witheach nation’s criteria forapplicants. Commonly required documents include proof ofincome, certificates demonstrating language proficiency and cultural knowledge, aclean criminal record certificate, and evidence ofapermanent address.

Immigrant Invest — is a licensed agent for government programs in the European Union and the Caribbean.

Practical GuideWill you obtain Maltese citizenship?Download practical guidePDF, 36 pages, 2 MB

More about Malta

How toget Malta citizenship afterresidency of1, 3 or 5 yearsSecond citizenshipBenefits and drawbacks ofMalta permanent residenceResidencyMalta Global Residence Programme: how tobuy property and get residency inMaltaReal Estate

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Top EU countries where obtaining second citizenship is easiest

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Top 15 Easiest European Countries to Get Citizenship in 2024 (2024)


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