The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)

34 ssoo! an Wednesday September 24 19S6 602 Antique 568 Mortgages, contracts 539 legals 510 Residential property 516 Income property 524 Mobile homes BRANO new Pannage 1470 2 oatn. 2k6 eana avood Sng siero aid mucn mo'e Payments as low aa aeiier Cassif lsd 721-6200 1-800-3326212 501 Bitterroot property 1-PUI Bdrm nouse 'J-oam flier jlX T26-S663 eves HANOVMAN 4-PLEX Mnor worn can icease vie Kome trom m- 4-p .11 comme-c ai pdam ai Good u0 unts. location, easy Owner tmancmg 500 F'srw. 721.1010 or Missoua Realty 721-1717 STR SMOPPG CENTER, needs lots ot work and tfnorove-ments Prced with eded repairs considered, owner wdl carry contract with reasonaoie down payment Poienii to lustily ine needed time and improvements Woody Street and Alder Cad McAiee lamoos Realty. 543-6663 S25O0MO.

Income 13-urM trailer court (12 ownedl 549-3440 TRI PLEX $1000 down take over payments ol $695mo Rents bring $665Vmo Potential lor expansion. Large lot and separate garage Musi sell Leaving lown Call 6P6-4657 Keep trying 518 Commercial property 440 Rentals to share BORIS nous. $100plus '1 uta Waierigamage pd 728150 SINGLE male looking tor same to snare 3-bdrm trailer $1 10 plus Vk uW Tower Sieve 729-8132 ROOMMATES wanted $150mo plus utit Cat! Amy. 728-9145 ROOMMATE. $137 50fmo Close to Unw Super insulated Dependability a must 728143 SELL TRADE RENT 2166' office Wrtg Acre on nver 549-3440 428 Business rentals DOWNTOWN oeuu ones space 1800 sq DOWNTOWN warehouse space 1 100-2300 sq II DOWNTOWN office space 2300-4800 sq II Caw CARAS Reman 728-1284 HEATED SHOP wtt office and bam 10 door Central location $235mo 728-1083 or 728-7318 SHOP and oHk 801 Ronan Si 3 000 sq II SSOOmo 543-8747 2200 BROOKS SlorafOttice 1190 sq II On Hwy -earning 549 5186 WAREHOUSE 1-5-7000 sq II Seel tons and offices avaH Dock level Inexpert-sive at Si S2 per so 721-H20 434 Garages, parking LARGE West side garage $25 Garden City Mgt 549 6106 436 Storage rental 1800 SO.

FT. with office. $275 Bourfce-Roomson, 728-4733 24x30 unrl, 2 garage doors, central location. 24-hr access, insulated $i307mo Can Ed or Carol at 721-4747 SUPER-STOR 1300 OeFoe. 4 sizes 549-7910 or 549-3252 12120.

$20 LARGER avail. Bitterrool Mgmt 549-9631. BLUE Mountain Mini Warehouses. 3 sues. RV storage, fenced.

Call 251-5471 MONTANA ST Mini-Storage 610 and 10x18 Call 728-6348 A.C.E. Storage, 4 sizes, secure. lighted Caretaker Call 549-2161 UNDERGROUND parking and storage avail. $25-30. Professional' Property.

721-8990 S10MO. security fenced, outside Storage RV vehicles 549-9692. 24 HOUR accessibility. Near Southgate Mall Call 728-7971. 8ICKF0RD Street Storage.

3 sizes avail Phone 543-5516 440 Rentals to share $200 deluxe 2-bdrm house. Let us help you find a suitable co-tenam Small Fee THE RENTAL HUB 542-0332 TO SHARE. 2-bdrm. home with dbl. car garage, near mall.

$175; 721-7792 or 728-1670 SHARE forest house. Spacious, above smog, 20 mins. from Msla. Non-smokers $160; 1-726-3748. FEMALE to share 2-bdrm apt.

wsame. $150mo plus electricity 728-6427 or 721 0527 510 Residential property Get a Clean Start This spotless 2-bed- AMENDED NOTK f. Of Al Ot RLAL PROPtftTY I NDf.l TRIVT INDfcNTl RE Pursuant to the terms and dtiioat of a ecnmn Trust Indenture evented on the 22nd day of A-tuu. IW. recorded the Office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Mmouia Coum, Montana, on the 23rd day of AuftMi.

1979. recorded ihe Office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Missoula County. Montana, on the 23rd day of August. 197V. Volume 144 of Records at Pace I4KI: and re-recorard on December 10.

W'V. Volume 14 of Mhto Records at Pace I83f, as Documeiii No. wherein STEVEN E. BOOMER and PEGGY M. BOOMER, husband and wife, are the Grantors, WESTERN TITLE ESCROW of Missoula.

Montana, ts the Trustee, and COMMERCE MORTGAGE COMPANY, a corporaitcHi, of Spokane. Washington, the Beneficia-rv; and pursuant to Sections 71-1- -301 through 71-1-320. indusne, MCA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: To Steven E. Bodmer and Peggy M. Bodmer.

as the said Grantors, and to Frank H. Cooney, Lots Coo nc and David Cooney. as their successors in interest; and to First Montana Title Insurance Company: and Dak S. Gillespie having a hen or interest subsequent to the interest of the undersigned Successor Trustee: ihat WESTERN AND SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY and WILLIAM L. CROWLEY, ihe present Beneficiary and Successor Trustee respectively of the above-described Trust Indenture, have, in accordance with the terms and conditions of said trust indenture, elected to declare all of the principal and interest owing on the promissory note of August 22.

1979, in the original principal amount of S43.S00.00. which is secured by said trust indenture, immediately due and payable by reason of the hereinafter specified default in the payment of principal and interest and have elected to sell or cause to be sold the real property described in said trust indenture at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the obligations hereinafter specified. That the default for which foreclosure is made is that the said Grantors and their successors in interest arc in default in the payment of the said promissory note in that they have failed to make the monthly payments of principal and interest in the amount of S38I.93 for each of the months of June, 1985, to and including June, 1986, and in addition have breached and violated ihe terms of said trust indenture in thai they have failed to pay mom hly for each of said months a payment of $93.07 for a tax and fire insurance reserve for the payment of taxes and assessments levied and assessed against the real property described in said trust indenture and for the payment of insurance premiums. Additionally, said panics are further in default for failure to pay late charges by reason of the non-payment of the June 1985, to and including June 1986, installments, each in the amount of $5.00, for a total of $65.00. That there is now due, owing and unpaid lo Western and Southern Life Insurance Company, as Beneficiary, the principal balance of $41,732.11, together with continuing interest thereon at the rate of )04fc per annum from May 1985, together with late charges, costs, attorney fees, and trustee fees as provided by law; all of which are further demanded.

That the date and place of such public auction shall be Thursday, October 30, 1986 at 10:00 a.m. at the from door of the Missoula County Courthouse, in the City of Missoula, Missoula County, Montana, in accordance with the terms and conditions of said (rust indenture and the law applicable thereto. That ihe real property described in said trust indenture and which will be sold in ihe above-described manner is particularly described as follows: The West one-half Wi) of Lot Seven (7) and the North Ninety (90) feet of Lots Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block Sixty (60) of SCHOOL ADDITION, in the City of Missoula, Missoula County, Montana, according to the official recorded plat thereof. DATED: this 25th day of June, 1986. sWilliam L.

Crowley Successor Trustee STATE OF MONTANA County of Missoula, ss: On this 25th day of June, 1986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared WILLIAM L. CROWLEY, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed (he same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day first hereinabove written. sShirley Wall Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at Missoula, Montana My commission expires: March 9, 1988 1639 Sept 17, 24 Oct I 1986 NOTICES thai appear under this classification are those Ihat advertisers are required to publish under state and federal statutory requirements. All notices must be written.

No legal notices will be taken by phone. All notices wilt appear exactly as provided to us, although some changes in style may be needed to fit our spaces and capabilities. Any changes in copy must be confirmed in writing, and, if not our error, may result in new insertion charges. THE MISSOULIAN accepts no responsibility after the first insertion. MERCHANDISE ami SSn lL REAL ESTATE Bitterroot property 501 Commercial property ..5 IB Condominium! 523 Country living 509 Custom-cut Farms, ranches, land 508 Flathead real estate 503 Home financing ........512 Income Lots, acreage .......506 Mobile homes 524 Modular, pre built 528 Out-of-town property 514 Real estate Real estate loans 540 Real estate wanted 520 Recreational Residential property 510 Seeley Swan Title 51 1 Water frontage sites 502 501 Bitterroot property j.

all real estate glw advertised in Ihts BWWJ IP newspaper is sub- I I feet to the Federal bhTJbbbWJbI Fair Housing Act I Hxuu. housing of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. or national origin or any intention to make any such preference, limitation, or This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisem*nt for real estate which is violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. 510 Residential property Bonnie Snavely 549-0473 Libby Sale 549-9742 Pat Howell 721-5348 Deanna Spores Palm 728-0637 Trudy Samuelson 728-0993 Julie Birgenheier 549-3603 241 3330 ext.

294 giro, room home is perfect fcyjil for thp new familv. The VJL' TKSTLE OeV ANTlOUES nd Vmi OMrand Auction, Maw tow trr place or antioues Buy-SElU turn CAUTmjL 120ra Mvy (XX-M MO MmM can mm. 1250 CW 1-383-6 UW ELkMU (Oval) voorj coouaova. only 3 a KO0 ran aaa-aig S'SOO round poi-oay Mova. SM Pnone 803 Appliance! REIT TO OWN STORE NO DOWN PAYMENT Nw haavy duty asnarstdryar.

SS7pa month Fraa oatoary and hookup AKo TV. VCR. Hareoa. fraazers. nuenmava.

tic 736 3 Hiooim 549-4560 Sea Oar Large Selection of cwan racondnanad appMncaa. Huga pana deparmam lor r-yourwHara. VsaMasmcard woL appuaiice CENTER 1l34Longslafl (Bawda Boyca Lumoar Co 721-2155 Mon -Fn 9-5 Sal 10-4 SEE OUR USED APPLIANCES ESTES APPLIANCE STORE 211 BROADWAY. 728-6250 IRISHMAH) coal or wood cook-tcx S430 273-2106 MAYTAG GAS DRYER $50 CALL AFTER 6 30. 62-4628 FREEZER, Sears 6 cu ft worka great, good size lor $75.

Pnone 626-4290 alter noon CHEST treezer. 17 cu It good cond $200rolter 1-777 3640 GE natural gas or propane tur-nace $200 543-6816 SMALL dean retrig working order $65 Phone 251-3926 GE retrigerator. apipartmanl size, fairly new. good snaps. $225.

726-0746 alter 6 pm. REFRIGERATOR: OtOer Ptlilco. Good condition. Runs well. $50.

Call 721-4662 ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR, white. 12 2 cubic feet, one owner. $100 Call 543-3630 DOUBLE door retrig with ice maker. $250: 18 cu. ft Whirlpool refng $150; 2 17 cu.

ft Whirlpool $75 each. 21 cu. It. freezer, $150; budt in dishwasher, $50 Call 251-2576 DOLLAR value Guaranteed Used Appliances, Good Selection. Clean and Reconditioned Most maior brands VANN'S APPLIANCES.

728151. 72Q-3QQO Household Appliances As low as $7week. Montana Television Appliance 604 Bicycles 10 SPEED BIKE. $30 CALL 542 2185 3-SPEED woman's bicycle. Good condition.

$50 or best offer. Call 549-6234 MAN'S 5-speed bicycle. Lightweight 21" frame wupright hand-lebars $55best offer 543-4729. WOMEN'S Raleigh $39; Men's 3-spd bike. $19.

Both for $50 Call 721-1695 2 OLDER 10-spd. bikes in working condition. Hiawath and AMF. $40 for both. 542-0340.

BICYCLE TRAILER. Excellent condition. $100. Call 549-0817 CHILD'S red AFC trike. Excellent condition.

$20. Call 726-6850 605 Baby items ITS TRAINER TIME 5 models in stock at mail order prices as low as $59.95. Braxton Bike Shop 2100 South Ave 549-2513 608 Building materials ZIEGLER BUILDING CENTER 2605 BROADWAY MISSOULA, 728-0570 CEDAR shakes, all grades, mill direct. 3 miles west of airport. Gallagher Cedar Products 549-1721 or 542-2174.

(1) 200 AMP mobile home meter loop; (2) 100 amp meter loops; 18' pole $65 for all 549-2247. RAILROAD TIES. no. 2. very good.

$3.50 each. WiH deliver in Msla. area for $4 00. Also have a few no 3's at $2 50 543-4113 611 Energy sawing KERO-SUN Omni 105 portable heater and 5 gallon can. $50.

Exc. cond Call 728-6650 FRANKLIN stove with 6 ft. triple wall pipe. Good condition. $95 firm.

Call 1-777-3953. VERY lg. shop type wood or coal stove. Heavy boiler plate wheat exchanger. $250; 500 gal.

pro-panetank, $450. 1-752-5532 ASHLEY King and Patrician kitchen stove, (antique). Call 543-5411, mornings. WOOD STOVE. Plate steel.

Brick lined, small oven, 24" fire box. Exc. cond $275. 1-642-3316. WOODSTOVE.

Scandia 308, 721-2844 before 8 a after 5 613 Store equipment VARIOUS display units (wood and metal), antique oak display cabinet, candle rack, counters. The Lady Bug, 721-3960 1 used 8x12 freezer w.l. 1 used 3 door reach-In freezer ATTENTION: Grocery stores, C-stores and restaurants, we have other new and used equipment available 721-8200 NATIONAL C-SI 4 Restaurant equipment UPRIGHT Cooler; Certified Berkel scale, like new. Call early morn-Ings or 1-363-6894. LOCKWOOD SALES 1802 S.

3rd W. 543-5551 Milk coolers, new and used Welts fryers, stack chairs, dishwashers, 10' refrigerated case. 616 Fuel dealers FIREWOOD: all kinds. Soma truck loads Call 251-4845. HOMELITE 450 chalnsaw.

24" bar w2 chainsaccessories. Used about 10 hrs. $280. 251-3064 FIREWOOD, pickup load, box level. $15; cab level, $30.

Gallagher Cedar, 3 miles wsst of airport FIREWOOD Lg quantities lodgepolalir Senior Citizen discounts. 251-2206. FIREWOOD: for sale. Call 543-5409 or 258-8583. WOOD for sale Pine, Larch and Fir.

$50 unaplil. $85 split and delivered around Missoula area. 721-0563. After Tues. call 628-4237, Rich or Jim.

DRY firewood. Flf and larch. t60cord. aplit; $65 split and dellv-ered. Avail now! 1-777-2249 KEROSENE 1-K guaranteed quality.

Also wicks and accessories for most heaters. SAUNA SHOP 1400 Russell 721-5842 LARCH llrewood. $60COrd. Call 728-4522 2x4 MILLWOOD. $14noad.

delivered. Will load your pickup $8. Call 549-5300. 2-4 p.m. II you need caan Kv any Ou'poae.

trom 10 000 to (200 000 Ca jone Trfwmone Be-c a Mygege Sell all OR part or your ntai stare contract lor caan tnonrJual Buyer no 728-0655 Mon Fn io a 3 as" ly Boo CASH tor real asiaia contracts Creative Finance i investments, Phone 721-144 WANTED TO BUY: Real Estatt Contracts Cash lor real estate contracts, deeds mortgages etc Hignesl Prices Paid Fast decisions Any positon. any portion National Mortgage P.O. Box 509. Big fork. MT 59911 1 800 325 4017:837 5121 LEGALS PIBI IC NOTICE Nuikr itrr I Pursuant lo Velio 85-2-307.

Ml At Notice i hereby gicn ihat the loiloMtny application ha bom ur mined I ik t'lunec ol Appropriation Waitrr Htfht in I he Stale ol Montana: Application No. til IS48I-76M APPLICANT: STONE BRO PAPLRS. Drawer D. Miv soula. MT Claimed Waier Rig hi Claim No's: I IH4HI 7f1.

priority daic of Auuusl 4. I0 fc MWK2-76M. priority date of AuguM 4, IWrf) V. 'M84K3-76M. priority date of August 4.

IU Pal 1st of Water Source: Cirounduaicr Welt A mm Ht of Water Appropriated: 2.IXX) ppm up to 3,244.4 av-ll Inversion Poinl: SPNENW. Sec. 24. Up. I4N.

Kgc. 21W. Missoula County. Period of Appropriation: 01 0I-1231 I st: 2.000 gpm up to 3.244.4 Ac Ft (III 01-1231) lor Industrial 2.000 apm up to 3234.3 acfi (Ol '01-1231) for Power Generation 2.000 gpm up to 3234.3 acfi OIOt-l231 lor Fire Protection Place of l'e: E2NENW. See.

24; Twp. I4N. Rgc. 2IW. Missoula County lor Industrial Power Gener-anon and Fire Protection Diversion Mrans: Pump Proposed Chang Inversion Point: E2NLSE, Sec.

13. Twp. I4N, Rge. 2IW. Missoula Count RKMAKKS Application is tor a replacement well change in the point ol diversion.

Objections to the issuance ol' an authorization to change under this application, with reasons therefore, must be tiled with the Department ol Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Building, 1520 E. 6irt Avenue. Helena, MT 520. on or belore October 16, Objection to Application (rorm 61 11 is available at the office ol the County Clerk and Recorder, or from this Department upon request. Assistance or questions regarding this application should be directed lo the local office: Missoula Area Office Supv, 2101 Bow Street.

Box 5004. Missoula. MT 59S06, Ph: 72I-42K4. 1673 Sept 24, Oct I 19K6 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice to Water Users (Pursuant to Section 85-2-307, MCA) Notice is hereby given thai the following application has been submitted for Change of Appropriation Water Right in ihe State of Montana: Application No. CI18507-76M APPLICANT: STONE BROWN PAPERS, Drawer Missoula, MT 59806; Claimed Water Right Claim No's: W1I8507-76M, priority date of Mav27, I960 WI18S08-76M, priority date of May 27, i960 WII8509-76M, priority date of May 27, I960 Past Use of Water Source: Groundwater Well Amount of Water Appropriated: 2,000 gpm up to 3,244.4 ac-ft Diversion Point: SENENW, Sec.

24, Twp. I4N. Rge. 21W, Missoula County. Period of Appropriation: 0101 01-1231 Use: 2,000 gpm up to 3,244.4 Ac-Ft (0101-1231) for Industrial 2,000 gpm up to 32.34.3 acft (OIOI-I23I) for Power Generation 2,000 gpm up to 3234.3 acft (0101-1231) for Fire Protection Place of Use; E2NENW, Sec.

24; Twp. I4N. Rge. 21W, Missoula County for Industrial Power Generation and Fire Protection Diversion Means: Pump Proposed Changes Diversion Point: E2NESE, Sec. 13, Twp.

I4N, Rge. 21W, Missoula County REMARKS Application is for a replacement well change in the point of diversion, i Objections to the issuance of an authorization to change under this application, with reasons therefore, must be filed with the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Building, 1520 E. 6th Avenue, Helena, MT 59620, on or before October 16, 1986. Objection to Application (Form 611) is available at the office of ihe Count yClerk and Recorder, or from this Department upon request. Assistance or questions regarding this application should be directed to the local office: Missoula Area Office Supv, 2101 Bow Street, Box 5004, Missoula, MT 59806, Ph: 721-4284.

1672 Sept 24, Oct I 1986 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice lo Water Users (Pursuant lo Section 85-2-307, MCA) Notice is hereby given that the following application has been submitted for permit to appropriate water in the State of Montana: Application No. 63516-S76M Applicant: SUSAN HAGLE, 1059 Terrace View, Alberton, MT 59820 Source: Clark Fork River Date Filed: 07221986 Total Amount: 64.00 GPM up to 20.00 AC-FT per annum Diversion Point: Ponda Rosa Acres Subd NESENW Sec. 08 TWP. 14N RGE. 22W Missoula Co Period of Appropriation: 0501 0930 Use: 64.00 GPM up to 20.00 Ac-Ft (0501-0930) for new sprinkler irrigation on 8.00 acres Place of Use: Lot 20 E2SENW Sec.

08 TWP. I4N RGE. 22W Mil-soula Co. for new sprinkler irrigation on 4.00 Acres Lot 21 E2SENW Sec. 08 TWP.

I4N RGE. 22W Missoula Co. for new sprinkler Irrigation on 4.00 acres Diversion Means: Pump Remarks: If issued, the permit will be subject to prior existing water rights. Objections to the issuance of a permit under this application, with reasons therefor, must be filed with the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Building, 32 South Ewing, Helena, MT 59620. on or before October 9, 1986.

Objection lo application (form 611) is available at the office of the County Clerk and Recorder, or from this Department upon request. Assistance or questions regarding this application should be directed to the local office: Missoula Area Office Supv, 2101 Bow Si reel, Box 5004, Missoula, MT 59806, Ph: 721-4284. 1624 Sept 17, 24 1986 ELEGANT COUNTRY LIVING this new 3-BOrm 2 bam home in Bitterrool Meadows Lower level a bright, open and ready to hrush. Cedar siding. 1'2 acre lot quality construction S78 500 Peggy Stet-Imach Lambros Really 251-3085 VERT met home on 5 acres 3 Mte area.

On paved road near store and school 1500 sq II on mam floor Carpeted daylight basem*nt Wis lane reasonable oner 1-777-2298 '-Ml'l'l-l-'ll LIVE Tm SIMPLE, uncomplicated lite Florence Move into this log home on 5 acres with horse setup stalls, corral, pasture! $75 000 Karen Kempel, Lambros Realty 543-6663 60'7) 503 Flathead real estate FOR sale or trade; choice of three 2' acres tots with mew Paved road, all uM wal trade equity lor car. boat or airplane. CaH 1-883-2265 504 Recreational property FOR sale or trade- 1 acre lot in Poison. MT. 2 miles from golf course and Flathead Lake South-ern exposure Beautiful1 728-8580 TIMBERED foothills.

20 acre tracts South end Bitterrool. Nothing down. 20 minutes to ski area. Close to good hunting and fishing Towne Country RealtyBetter Homes a Gardens 1-363-4630 ONE WEEK of time-share vacation at Fairmont Hoi Springs. Priced well under current value Call 1-646-1286 or wnte 571 Garrison Rd Deer Lodge, MT 59722 LAKE Frontage Hauser Lake.

Helena S33.500. 1-754-2472 or 1-452-6314 505 Seeley Swan property MOUNTAIN LAND 3 wood acres with small creek. Easy access, secluded, power. $9500 Closing cost down Seeley Swan Realty. 1-677-2828 506 Lots, acreage 14 ACRE corner lot in quiet area for home or duplex.

Out of city limits. Paved streets and curbs in. Call 549-1914 PATTEE CANYON, 10 acres, only S500 down. 728-6055. 25 ACRES with well by Florence.

$32,500. Will split 15 acres wwell. 10 acres, $12,000. Low down. Owner terms.

Trades considered 1-244-5430. E. SIDE Florence 2 acres, 24x60 daylight foundation, well, septic, view. $22,000 also 2 or 3 acres. RATTLESNAKE bldg.

lot $19,000 Owner contract 273-6039 LOLO CREEK building site miles up Lolo Creek. 2 56 acres. Asking $14,500. No trailers, cash buyers, make an ofler. 273-6956.

RIVER frontage east of Lolo 3-plus acres. 345' frontage. High bank, good access, prime building site. First time offered. Owner terms Murphy.

1-887-2460 BY OWNER: 37 acres. E. Missoula area. Call 258-6729 80 ACRES wadditional 80 leased on river. 20 plus acres out of flood plain.

Water, ponds, deer and water fowl $120,000. Contact: Jim Mildenberger NEZ PERCE LAND INC. 225 So. 1st. Hamilton.

MT 1-363-5460 ORCHARD HOMES building site. Sewer system in Call 69-1209 508 Farms, ranches, land WESTERN Montana ranches from 20 to 20,000 acres listed with KerAnd Real Estate, Kermit Andersen. Broker, Box 699, Ronan MT 59664 406-676-2159 509 Country living 10 ACRES, nice mobile with addition, wood stove, fenced and cross fenced, pond. $42,000. Call 721-2020, Sandy, ext 145.

ALBERTON: 22 acres. 350' Clark Fork River frontage. $18,000. Owner contract 273-6039 FARM HOME BUYERS 3-bdrm. home with garage on acre in Lolo area.

$49,000. Real Estate Exchange. Helen, 543-8206549-2505. BEAUTIFUL LOG HOME Unbelievable at On 4.73 gorgeous acres wmea-dows, trees, creek and outbuildings Located in the beautiful Frenchtown Valley. Lg.

spacious floor plan wwrap-around decks. Huge family room. And wow, the size of that kitchen! Enclosed porch presently used as wood room couid make a beautiful greenhouse! Call today, ask tor Sheryl Ortiz at Century 21 Greathouse Realty 728-8270 or 273-0794 WANTS OUT Log home on 10 acres Large diameter logs. Unique design, 10 miles south of Alberton in Petty Creek area. Power and phones in.

Cash talks! By George. Rocky Mountain Realty, 728-1020 or 549-3967 510 Residential property Starter home. Neat 1-bdrm. home near St. Pat's.

$27,500. Nettie, Ponderosa Realty. 549-7156 503 Flathead real estate L. Averlll Associate TOWNHOUSE lg 2-Mrm Bnom and cozy Ciose to oowmown, and Bus On Cam Fom River, nut le oiy pan $47 800 Low Opwi easy aup-on 543-4105 FOR SALE BY OWNER: Lovely older south side home, on 2)4 lots. Well con structed and maintained, nice fenced yard wfmature trees, garden spot 2 bdrm.

plus. Fireplace, basem*nt, double garage. $75,000. 549 1754 or 728 4773. ECONOMICAL LVING Is this immaculate 2-bdrm home Low utilities with wood stove Jusi $38 .500 Heal Estate Exchange.

Marge 543-8206251 3626 AREA brick home, legal bsmt apt single oarage, lenced yard See at 405 North Ave Mr $63 500 1-443-1069 or 59-7170 IDEAL FOR YOUNG COUPLE1 Contemporary cedar 2-story wsoiarium. bay window, skylights, sauna, wood stove Wen insulated R30 ceiling and floors. R24 walls. Partially finished basem*nt S69O0O Karen Kempie. Lambros Really.

543663 (106) MEW -EASY TERMS 3-bdrm, lamily room, 1 to baths. Overlooking Clark Fork River Gas heal weU insulated BUY NOW AND CHOOSE YOUR COLORS $69 900 30 year contract 10 Minimal down payment. 728-6774 or 256-6371 TARGET RANGE PRICE REDUCED Exquisite executive home, 3-bath, master bdrm. suite, dining, family, oversized double garage wiopener, 2 decks, oak parquet floors. Jenn Aire, microwave, to acre on park $110,500 By ownerragent, 728-5504 FIRST TIME By Bulkier: 3 new homes under construction.

1200-1300 sq ft. 3-bdrm double garage. 1 baths Buyer's choice of flooring, cabinets, kitchen appliances, light fixtures, etc. $67,500 wexc. financing avail, to qualified buyers.

Twite Construction 251-5723. REDUCED $4000 Convenient location. Roosevelt, Hellgate area 1 bath. Reduced to $44,000 wlow down. Assume 9 1A 315 Tremont.

258-5234, days728-7868. eves READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Move into this quality Grant Creek home and enjoy the easy access to Snow Bowl Ski Area this winter. With 2Vfe baths, this home will meet alt your family needs. $96,900.

Call Fidelity's Bonnie at 721-1840 or 549-2586 Farm Home Loan Buyers Qualified Farm Home Loan looking for Farm Home Buyers. Only $49,000 buys 2 bath plush Lolo view home, deck and all Call 273-0620 9 LOAN. LOW DOWN full basem*nt, dbl. garage. 4 yrs.

old; range, dishwasher, drapes $49,900. Call 251-2581 or 251-2085 BEST BUY 1976 16x76, 3-bdrm. Great Lakes on a very nice lot. El Mar area. Priced to sell at $29,000.

Please call Tex Cares, Cates Realty, 728-6100 BUYER BACKS OUT Forfeits down payment. Get into super 2-bath home with dbl garage, wood stove and many extras with no down. Pattee Canyon area. Simply pay balance of closing costs. 721-7368.

BY OWNER 407 CRESTLINE DRIVE Price reduced, executive home on Farviews. 4 spacious master suite wtireplace. Elegant, formal dining room. Family room and study on main floor. 5 baths, game room off large patio, 4 fireplaces.

Situated on 3 lots. Shown by appointment. 728-2929. BUY OF THE WEEK. 3 bathrooms, legal bsmt.

apt. Amana furnace and hot water heater wair cleaner and humidifier; triple garage wnew roof on 60x135' lot Only $52,000. Call Fidelity's June at 721-1840 or 549-6522 4 BDRM. $25,000 New home, 448 Colorado. 2 bath, daylight family rm.

Needs some finish work $25,000 cash. 549-2247 WANT A GREAT FARVIEWS HOME? I've Gotcha One! Perfect for the family playhouse and swingset in fenced backyard! What a view from this 4-bedroom, 3 bath home with seperate dining room, den, family room with wood stove and main floor utilities. Offered at $77,500. Call Sheryl Ortiz at Century 21 Greathouse Realty 728-8270 or 273-0794. LINCOLN HILLS.

5-bdrm. 3 baths. Vicki, CENTURY 21 Greathouse Realty 728-8270. 273-0788 'AGENCY INC Broadway TJ 549-2323 or 721-2860 WASHINGTON School area is the location of this 3-bedroom home with a 1-bedroom mother-in-law apartment. Newly painted Inside and out.

$58,000. VACANT owner's will look at offers on this beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bath Lincoln Hilts home. Contemporary design Includes 3 fireplaces, loft, hardwood floor and a private no lawn yard. $106,000. QUALITY ulated 3-bed room, 2-bath manufactured home.

Large living room, den, utility, covered deck and double carport. Nicely landscaped yard. Reduced to $35,000. pr a winner, buy this DC beautifully maintained cedar home In Lolo. 4 bedrooms.

3 baths, main floor utilities, double garage. Neighborhood of lovely homes. $76,000. MOBILE r.T.s'3-b.wd8,l room mobile with city gas and water. Nestled on almost 12 acre of trees and lawn.

S34.000. ill rill over 38 acres of fICW prime development land. Ml Her Creek area. Owner will finance on good terms, Only $200,000, 514 Out of town property PLAINS home, by owner. 2-bdrm 2 lot, full garage, oil lur-nace, air cond appliances.

2 blocks to schools 1-826-4448 516 Income property NICE furnished 4-plen. 116 Turner Ct. Assume $55,000 10 loan. Terms, trade or cash lor $20,000 equity Positive 273-6641 I 'Tfidelity IIDELITY 2704 Bras 728-0555 FINANCIAL Business opportunitiej.558 Investments 566 Money to loan 562 Money wanted 564 Mortgages, 568 Stocks, bonds 570 558 Business opportunity INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST THE MISSOULIAN makes every ettort to investigate and reject fraudulent or misleading advertising Any misrepresentations should be reported promptly to the Advertising Manager. READERS are urged to thoroughly investigate any investment otter and to check with your lawyer belore paying out any money or signing a contract ESTABLISHED downtown 2nd-hand store winventory and fix-tures $15 000 cash 543-7964 FOR SALE OR LEASE 44.000 sq.

ft light industrialmanufacturing building Can accomodate single or mulhtpte owner-tenants. Includes 600 sq ft. detached frame office building on 5 acres MAI appraisal teller available Phone commercial broker. Stelling Ranch Land. 406-728-9200 Eves 721-5525.

FOR SALE OR TRADE: Complete Shopping Center HOMER, ALASKA Owners retiring! Trade tor free and clear large ranch in Montana. Idaho or Washington. Near the $358 million Bradley Lake Dam just started! INCLUDES Supermarket. Fast Food Restaurant. Shoe Store, Hardware, Bakery, Florist, plus 12 Rental Shops! ALASKA'S BEST OPPORTUNITY! Call (907) 235-7376 or write: Ray's Inc 601 Pioneer HOMER.

AK 99603 C0N00 UNITS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Autotruck (arm equip. construction equip, specialty sales and service other related businesses Phone commercial dept Stellmg Ranch Land for confidential appointment 406-726-9200 or eves 721-5525. LIKE CHILDREN? Own your own daycare business. Priced very reasonably. Send inquiries to: Drawer 17, Bonner.

MT 59823. GLASS business in Kaltspell. 6000 sq. ft. building.

Hwy frontage. 2 acres land Inventory and tools included. $40,000 down, balance at 8. 406-752-0397. GROCERY STORE in Lima.

Montana. Beer license. Fish and Game Dept. agency, and State Ltquor store agency. Inquire Box 72, Lima, MT 59739 or phone 1-276-3547.

LONG established Hamilton mini-storage and transfer business. Shows exc. income, good family operation. Owner retiring. Call Ed at Valley Realty 1-363-1 137 or home.

1-363-2694 TIRED OF WORKING FOR YOUR BOSS? Here is an excellent opportunity to own your own established family restaurant. Tremendous location, high volume sales, price includes fixtures, furniture and existing name. Low initial investment of $25,000 with owner carrying a contract, way. Vaughn Stumpf or Jerry Arnold, Lambros Realty. 543-6663 to set up appointment.

ESTABLISHED beauty salon in convenient Southside location. 8 stall shop. Exc. price and terms. Call Polly, Halverson Reatly, 542-2161.

OWN YOUR OWN $10 99 one price designer shoe store. A retail price unbelievable for quality shoes normally priced from $19 to $60. Over 150 brand names, 250 styles. $14,300 to $25,900 inventory, training, fixtures, grand opening. Can combine with over 1,000 brands of apparel, accessory, dancewearaerobic, children's shop Can open 15 days.

Mr McComb. (404)365-8575 DO you need full or part-time income producing opportunity with flexible hours? Inquire about my gourmet snack packaging and distribution business. Great holiday gift potential. $2500 Buys ail inventory and equipment. Terms.

Phone Sharon, 721-637B. Own a Highly Profitable and Beautiful SHOE STORE Ladies, children's, men's. Guaranteed first quality name brands at retail prices 40 to 50 percent below your competition. We offer this unique opportunity for a fast return on your cash investment. Over 200 nationally known brands 1500 styles: Andrew Geller Evan Picone Bass Nike Reebok Soft Spots and many more $16,900 to $39,900 tncl.

beginning inventory-traming-and fixtures. Call anytime PRESTIGE FASHIONS (501)329-2362 WE HAVE available, and immediate future access to, vast amount of raw wood material. Saw logs, mostly lodge pole, post and poles, seasoned prime firewood, house logs. etc. Need immediate investment capital to acquire wood lot and additional equipment.

Working partner(s) encouraged. P.O. Bon 185B Kalispell MT 59901 562 Money to loan AMERICAN Mortgage has money for any worth while purpose. From $50O Call 721-9245. NEED CASH? Are you thinking ol buyingrefinancing a home? I may be able to provide the money.

Call Jim O'Hoyt at 549-3847 eves 566 Investments PLACER GOLD For sale Assays 980, 10 Ol. Y. spot price. Respond to: Box B15J, co Missolian, Bon 6029. Missoula.

MT 59B07. 568 Mortgages, contracts CASH paid for real estate contracts. For more information call 549-3410. TOP DOLLAR For your real estate contracts. Will buy all or part of your equity Fast, courteous service Call Ken Allen Real Estate ft 549-1337 GET MORE We'll pay you more for your contract or mortgage' No lees! Brokers welcomef Call now! Ed 1-800-541-0828 Eves: 1-509-928-8442 Metropolitan Mortgage and Securities.

929 Sprague, Spokane WA 99204 quiet cul-de-sac loca- tion. large yard, and full -S00 basem*nt are sure vmmmP family pleasers. Warm earthtone decor, a fireplace, and wood accents throughout complement the interior. Stop renting and start investing in your family's future. $50,900.

El Mar area. w-o-w with out wating. this 2-bedroom. 2-bath home with fireplace and view of Ravenwood can be yours. Best price in town for 8 year old house in this area.

Won't last at $41,000 Simple Elegance Bellecrest From the moment you walk in, you'll be planning your move. No work to do. just enjoy the labors of present owners. Lush new carpeting, new window treatments, shiny new appliances, added insulation. 5 bedrooms.

3 baths. 2 family rooms. Let me show you this and more. Only $92 500 Victorian Duplex Perfect as a first home AND investment! In excellent condition. 2 bedrooms in each unit, fenced yard, garage, close to across from the park.

Steal this with give-away terms! $62,900. Perfect Family Home has 4 bedrooms, wood stove, family room and is only 2 blocks from Frenchtown Grade School Spacious floor plan and view of river is just what any family needs. Could have mother-in-law apartment in basem*nt. Only $55,000. Super Starter home with 2 bedrooms, new plumbing, added insulation and recent wiring and roofing.

All it needs is a new owner to keep it cozy. Good investment potential, too. $31,000 Montana Dream HIGHWAY 93 COMMERCIAL BUILDING High tratlic corner location, good access, excellent visibility 2800 sq It building on 28 662 sq ft land 53 space parking Adjacent to K-ManSafeway parking lot Close to motels, banks, theatres and shopping Met Guerrera. CCiM. Lambros Realty.

543-6663 45,000 SO. FT. industrial complex on approx. 3 acres of land in Sievensviile. MT $5sq ft erdues Inc 1-777-5151 520 Real estate wanted 1 The Missoula I Housing Authority has received a iouai mousing grant to purchase OMOkTunnv bedroom units and 20-three bedroom units.

Sellers interested offering their property to the Missoula Housing Authority lor consideration should pick up an offer form trom the Missoula Housing Authority and return it by October 15.1986 All Equal Opportunity Fair Housing Laws shall be compiled with 524 Mobile homes 14X54 Columbia Exc cond Wood stove, air washer, dryer $7000 728-5134. eves ANXIOUS 14x67 Broadmore. remodeled. 1 or front living room, nice lot with shed. Call 728-6234, Mobile Homes BUY or rent an 8x40 $1950.

Rent $155 549-3440251-4418 OLDER 1-bdrm 8x35 Need some inside work $1200 549-7052 1980 GOVERNOR 14x66. good condition. Washerdryer, dishwasher, roof air conditioner, fireplace, built-in stereo. El Mar Trailer Village, 542-0016. 1980 MARSHFIELD 14x70 2 or 3 bdrm.

Large fenced lot. large deck 721-0822 or 273-0769 1973 PACIFICA 12x60. 2-bdrm $3,500 or take over payments. Call 543-6776. keep trying 1972 TAMARACK 12x60.

2-bdrm w8x30 add-on, front kitchen, 1 bath, 1 shed, camper shell. Lot rent, $95mo. $9,000. 549-7774. 1964 RIMBRANDT 10x55.

2-bdrm Well-built and energy etti-Cient $3200 1-961-3342. 1967 NASHUA 12x60 with 8' tip-out. wood stove, appli-ances. $2800. 1-642-3316.

14x70 Marshfield. 2-bdrm. 2 bath, front living nice cond. Homes 2704 Brooks 728-0555 1973 MARLETTE 14X70 w8x13 expando. Vh bath Cooler, garbage disposal, dishwasher.

Exc. cond Terms. 549-7451 PRIVATE lot, man W. Riverside, I I1V-B 12x53, Iront living room, 2-bdrm. Only $4595.

728-6234. Mobile Homes. '73 COUNTRY SQUIRE 12x65. 2-bdrm. Market value $7430 Must sell $6000: 1-777-3592.

1983 GALLATIN 18x84 3-bdrm 2 bath, stove and refrtg. Exc. 1-676-2527, after 3pm ABSOLUTELY must sell: 16x72, 2 bath. Exc. cond.

wlow down 728-1519. 1973 COLUMBIA 14x56, 2-bdrm. $1,000 down, take over payments. Call 549-9273. 1970 MAGNOLIA 12x60.

Exc shape 2-bdrm $5,000 Call Mary 728-0681 or 728-3156 61 WESTWOOD 2-bdrm exc. $2600best. 1-244-5423 WHY RENT? Own your own home, lender' repossessions: 1982 Chief Bella Vista. 14x70. 1 bath.

1982 Gallatin Chateau, 16x80, 3- 2 bath 1981 Chickasha, Caravan, 14x72, 1 bath. 1980 Century, 18x60, 2 bath. 1980 Broadmore. 14x66, 2 bath. For more inlo.

or to see, call: GREENTREE ACCEPTANCE, Inc. 1B00-332-1618 or 728-7560 63 NOVA 14x70 2 bath. 3-bdrm 12x64 3-bedroom 1Vi bath. Low down, owner financing. 542-0716 VERY anxious.

Must sell-beautiful 24x60 2 bath. Reduced. 721-0622 or 273-0769 RECONDITIONED mobile homes 14', 16' wide. Delivery and set-up avail. Trades welcome Financing avail 251-6134 or 728-8933 16x81 Gallatin.

Sunken living 2 bath. Big and spacious! Homes 2704 Brooks 728-0555 14x70 Glenbrook. 3-bdrm wood-stove, good shape. Homes 2704 Brooks 728 0555 FLEXIBLE seller. 14x67 Gallatin.

2 bath, cathedral ceilings. Ready to occupy at closing. 728-6234. MAC Mobile Homes. BEAUTIFUL1 24x56 2 bath Van Dyke.

Unique tape and texture design. Immacuiaie! Nice lot 728-623 NICE Van Dyke 3-bdrm. wgarden window, Earth stove Tip-top con-dition. 728-6234. MUST SELL THIS LEAVING TOWN! 1986 Nashua dbl wide 24x48 3-bdrm 2 bath Blend air heating system, 6" walls.

Set up in court and skirted. $3000 down, take over payments on approved credit. 728-8487. aw RANGITSCH TV BROTHERS 12 Acres Of NewUsed Mobile Homes. RV's Insurance Consignments Parts Service Serving W.

Montana Since 1958 2001 W. Broadway 728 4040 1979 CHAMPION double wide All util Take over payments with $250 down or trade 549 3050 FOR SALE or trade 10x55 1969 Fleetwood mobile home. $2500 or will trade for travel trailer Call 1-826-3356, ask for Tim or Belh. 14X52 Kosy, furn. Washer, dryer, beds with new mattresses.

Lived In less than 1 year Like new. $13,500 Call 1-887-2469 located in Miller Creek. This custom built brick home is on over 2 acres with executive features throughout. Plush carpet, custom drapes, quality wallpaper. 5 bedrooms and too many amenities to name.

Call for details. $199,900. Entertain Yourself or your friends in this unique floor plan with master loft, cathedral ceilings, large deck and family room. Interior is a must to see with beautiful view Out-of-state motivated sellers say $54,900. South Hills area.

LIST WITH US OUR LISTINGS We offer a free market analysis on your home. Learn your selling potential. Call today. Now Open Saturdays Scott Farley 728-1512 Dan Egeland 626-4734 JoeVeager 728-5640 Sharon Scarborough 728-3983 Gma MacOonald 549-0305 Spencer Manlove 721-4414 Vicky Hammond 721-0509 Ed Coffman 549-0943 Judv Wahlbera 543-8868 Germaine Haberman 721-3478 Scotl Smith 721-3026 Greg Hamilton 251-5333 Suzanne Williams 549-3108 Lewis Matelich 549-3332 Donna Murpny 543-6049 Mona Munson 728-9335 Cynthia Bryan 721-4141 innnftfluihiua Missoula Toll Free 1 800 ILJJ 837-6220 HQ TRAILS WEST REALTYinc. Dan L.

Aveiill, Broker-Owner P.O. BOX 275 BIGFORK, MONTANA 59911 Antiques 602 Appliances 603 Bicvcles 604 Baby Buildings, to Building Material 608 Computers, 645 Crafts, 610 Electronic Equip 609 Energy Saving. 611 Flowers, Florist 612 Fuel Dealers 616 Furniture 6 1 8 Health Supplies 620 Household Jewelry, Lawn Garden 625 Musical Office Restaurant Equip. ..........614 Security 634 Sewing Center ..............636 Snow, Ski Equip 638 Sports Stamps, Store Equip 613 Swimming Stereo, Radio 647 TV, Video 648 Tools, Small Equip 648 Wearing. Apparell 650 Brad Sales WANT A SECOND HOME ON FLATHEAD Fully furnished condominium unit on Yellow Bay.

Beautiful frontage and docks. S30.000 Additional 1 -bedroom i studio units available from $31,000. Excellent terma SEES.

The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.