The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1 41 THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 4, 1954 PAGE THREE Briefs CHARLOTTESVILLE, VICINITY Eight snow likely this followed by weather later toaight, Lowent will be near 24 Friday will be partly cloudy, with highest temperature near 40. The temperature here at a.m. was 31 degrees. No rain tell rusterday.

The maximum was and the minimum was 29. (Ed. Note--Weather forecasts are now obtained from the us Weather Bureau's at Washington, D.C., and apply to Charlettesville and vicinity. Formerly, forecasts were obtained from the Richmond weather station and ay plied to the whole state.) LANE CAGE GAME Time of. the Lane High School game" "tonight at Lane cymaasium has been changed from o'clock to 7:30 o'clock.

POLLYANNA CLASS regular meeting of the Pollyanna Class of the First Baptist will held tomorrow at p.m. at the home of Mrs. W. D. Johnson, Hasel.

HOLY COMMUNION A munion celebration will be of held the at Holy 10:50 Com- a.m. tomorrow at Christ Episcopal Church. Intercessions and prayers will ba offered for world peace and for those in the Armed Forces. CORRECTION In yesterday's edition, in the picture showing the winner and contestants in Lions Bland Memorial Music Scholarship elimination, Miss. Barbara 'Jenkins, soprano, was erroncously listed as Mine Winifred Bogert.

Mrs. Bogert was judge in, the contest. CALLED TO TENNESSEE Mrs. Donal Chester, Cismont, left early yesterday morning for Johnson City, where she was summoned by the death of her mother, Mrs. W.

Bagby, on Tuesday. Funeral services will take place there today. Mra. Chester will return in several days. ST.

LCKE'S CHAPEL The Young Peoples Service League of St Luke's Simeon, last night at the church. A program entitled "Trust In was MOUNT CHURCH Mra. A. L. Shumate, of -Roanoke, will teach "Studies in Psalms" at Mount Eagle Church, Friday through Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m, HOLY COMFORTER CHURCH First Friday 'devotions at Holy Comforter Church will be.

held following the 5:15 p.m. Mass tomorrow afternoon. AT CEO L. P. Meeks, of 711 Graves Street, entered the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Hospital in Clifton Force last work for 'an indefinite length of time.

DEATH OF NIECE Mrs. Lena P. Bradshaw, Schuyler, has received word of the death of her niece, Mrs. J. Witherow, 57, the former Mary Kathleen Page, in Falls Church.

Among Mrs. Witherow's survivors is a Lewis Page, of Charlotterville. MEETING The Women's Missionary Society. of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church will meet Friday. p.m.

at the church. PRAYER MEETING J. K. Puckett is to speak at a meeting of 'the Belmont. Prayer Circle tomorrow, at p.m.

at the of Mr. and Mrs. Carter Mattin in Maury Hills. Bowco*ck New Dealer Here G. Stuart trading Bow co*ck Motors, 534 L.

Main St, in conjunction with the Chrysler Corporation, today announced bit official appointment as ChryslerPlymouth dealer, Bowco*ck has been associated with the Chrysler Corporatian since 1926, serving at various times. dealer manager and district manager. for Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. The new Plymouth dealor is a veteran of World Wars 1 and having been discharged a lieutenant colonel in charge of transportation in the European theater at the end of World War It. The Holt Motor Company, formerly occupying the site Bowoock Motors, was burned out June 24, 1953, and Bowco*ck says the completely new building has erected now has all- new equipment of all types.

for servicing motor vehicles. Obituaries RITES FOR MRI PENX Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Payne Penn will be held Saturday at. 2:30 p.m. from Effort Baptist Church, conducted by the pastor, the Rey.

Temple Collins, Interment will follow ta the churchyard Lane Student Is Science Winner Eleanor O'Meara Cited For Research Project Miss Eleanor O' senior 'at Lane High School, has received honorable mention in the National Science Talent Search, sponsored annually by the Westinghoune Conporation and the Science Clubs, of America. Miss Meara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. O' Maara, of Aldermaa Road, la one.

of four Virginia high school seniors to 'ceive the recognition. Others from Arlington, Norfolk and Mar tinsville. Polarolde was recognized for two. year project on polaroids and op the basis of a competitive' exam, and on recommendations by her teachers and associates. The award entitles her to enter the State Science Talent Search and makes her eligible for college scholarships.

The state winners will be announced in May. Chemical Research Mias O'Meara has taken all biology, chemistry and a physics courace. offered at Lane and also completed college freshmen studies la. chemistry and physics at the University of Virginia summet school. She plans to specialise in chemical research la college.

Nationally, 40 winners were the competition and 260 students, 52 of them girls, received honorable mention. Civil Service Exam Set For Internal Revenue Positions Stuart Crenshaw, acting district director, U.S. Internal Revenue Service, Richmond, yesterday announced Civil Service Commission examination to fIll posttions of accountant. to serve Internal Revenue Agent and Special Agent (tax fraud). The positions pay $4205 per year to begin and are with the Internal Revenue Service in Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio, Crenshaw's announcement stated.

According to the announcement, written test will be required and applicants also will. berated on the basis of their experience." The examination for Virginia will be held March 5. Full particulars regarding the examination or instructions where such' information may be obtained can be gotten at any Post Office, or from the Executive Beeretary, Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners, Internal Revenue Servo ice, P.O. Box 2119, Cincinnati 1, Ohio, or from the Sixth U.S.

Civil Service Region, Post Office and Courthouse Building, Cincinnati 2, Oblo. Crenshaw said applications will be accepted until further notice. It Was 32 Or Below 24. Days Last Month will come as little to local residents that the mercury fell to or below on 24 of January's 31 days. Low temperature for the month was 11 degrees, on Jan.

13 and again on Jan. 23. High for the month was 73. on Jan. 28.

The mean temperature was 30.7 degrees, 3 of degree above normal.The thermometer at the University 'of Virginia's Leander McCormick Observatory did not fall below 12 degrees during the whole of 1953. It rained or snowed or both on eight days last month and a total of eight inches of snow fella Total precipitation for the month was 2.79 inches, .56 of an inch below the normal for Boy Scout Convention Tomorrow Night At 7 -Tomorrow at 7 p.m. -Bey. Scout delegates from the city and count ty win on the County Courthouse to nominating convention election for rural and urban bey "efficial" whe will take office in Charlottes ville and Albemarie County Tues day, city county government day. This part of Rey Hrout Work, Feb.

9-13. JUST FOLKS BY VANCE BUICK, INC. VANCE 900 PRESTON AVE. Local Members Of The All-State Band I il THESE LANE HIGH ACHIOOL bandamen will play in the Hand, made up of Virginia high school musicians who meet Friday. Saturday and Bunday at Washington and Leo High School in Arlington.

They are, first row, left to right, Albert Crittenden, Pippin, Barbara Jenkins, Shirley Morris, Denny Garrett: second row, David Marshall, Jerry Currier, Nancy ton, Joyce Snow, Tommy Warburton, and Ann Williams, and Victor Ludwig, Tommy ForAllan Newman, Mike Maupin, Charles Acrre, Harriet. Harnaberger, and Doris Baber. Terry Cedarstrom was absent when the picture. was taken. Alternates to the band are Randolph Coleman, the Betty event Bishop, are Joyce Donnie Ballard, Sandridge Janet and Clark Rebecca and Cox.

of Elementary bandsmen selected to attend Trainum, Clark, Both Lisle, of Venable, and Perry Dickerson, of Copeland And Gregory Will Speak At Proffit Churches PROFFIT- The Rev. Russell Copeland, of Charlottesville, will All. his regular appointment at Laurel Hill Baptist Church Sunday at 11 a.m. The Rev. William Gregory, of Eastham, will All his regular sppointment Piedmont Christian Church, Sunday at 1f a.m.

Sunday school will be at 10 a.m. Each Arst Sunday of the month at Piedmont Christian Church, the assistant superintendent will. conSunday School and each. sistant Sunday school teacher will teach their classes. The Rev.

and. Mrs. William Gregory and their sons visited relatives in. Waynesboro Saturday. 0.

L. was Saturday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. 0.

McCauley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Price and their 'daughtar, Pam, of Richmond, visited Mr. and P.

8. Carroll Thursday. Maa. P. H.

Leake, of Profit, and J. Kibler, of: Highland Springs, visited Mr. and Mrs. Esau Tuesday afternoon. Philip Carroll, of Partlow, was weekend guest of his parents; Mr.

and Mra. P. S. Carroll. Mr.

and Mira, Charles West vis ited Mrs. Richard Estes, of Barbournville, Sunday afternoon, Judy Lee Hiatt, of Fredericksburg. was Thursday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. P.

Leake. Other Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leake were Mr. and Mrs.

Lyle Hiatt, of Fredericksburg. Mr. and Mra. Ellis Deane and their children, Larry, Roger and Brenda, of, Charlottesville, were weekend guests of- Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Herring. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Marshall were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

J. Mr. and Mrs. Estes Harlow and their two children, Richard and Brenda, of Barboursville, and Mr. two daughters, Rebekah and Perand Mrs.

L. Edwards and their visited Mr. and Mrs. R. A.

wards Friday evening. 4 Mr. and Mrs. R. V.

Trainum and their Succor Waynes boro; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Trainum.

George Herring, of Dyke, visited. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Herring. Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Currier, Charlottesville, visited Mr.

and Mrs. R. B. Best Sunday evening. Mrs.

Benjamin Mowbry Saturday overnight quest of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pitman, of Route Charlottesville. Mr. and Mrs.

P. S. Carroll were Friday supper guests of and Sirs. Roger Davis. and Mrs.

Esau Rose visited Mr. a ands Mrs. B. C. Swink, of Ehrarts Corner, Saturday.

Miss Anne Kent, of Chicago, day! Ah! this And it must WAS be my my lucky day when discovered VANCE BUICK, Their top notch bargains in used. cars can't be beat! EXTRA SPECIAL 1953 BUICK Riviera Roadmaster Sedan. Frigidaire Air C'onditioning! Tower Steering: Power Brakes: HUGE DISCOUNT this winter VIN rials next You will enjoy the wonderful comfort of this company ficial car. New car title and. warranty.

BUICK, Inc. DIAL 2-7148 Services Sunday At Mount Zion Mission Class There To Be At 7:30 P.M. ESMONT Services Ill be held Mi. Zion Mrthodist church by the pastor, the Rev. E.

J. ham, Sunday at 10 a.m. Sunday school will be at cleven. The Mission Study Class will be held in the church Sunday pight at 7:30 There will he Sunday school at Su. Stephens church Sunday at 10 a.m.

The Esmont school children. made house to house canvass last work for donationa for, the March of Dimes. Mr. and' Mrs: Henry Lane and: their son, Henry Preston Jr. apent the weekend with Mr.

and Mrs. 1A M. Spencer. Clarence Payne, of Camp Lajeune, Visited c*nt, Lady Tapacott, recently, Mra. E.

M. Payne her daugh-. tera, Mary Beth and Sally, vialted Mrs. Bertha Gentry near Schuyler Sunday, Mr. and Ralph and their sons.

Johnnie and George, and daughters, Margaret and spent Kunday afternoon. with Mra. Robert Kidd at Mr. and Mra. W.

C. Hamper and their son, John, were dinner gurata of Mr. and Mira. Eugene Johnson near Scottaville Sunday. C.

8. Huffman left Friday te spend some time with her sister, Mru. C. W. Griffin, In Hertford, N.C.

C. E. Douglas, of Arlington, vialted his parenta, Mr. and Mira. C.

W. Douglas, Maturday, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thacker, of Charlottesville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

A. la Lane Jr, Mrs. M. Wisely, ni Waynesboro, vialted Mrs. Laura Lane last work.

They left Sunday to spend this week with Mrs. Land's son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Ward Jones, in Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Douglas and their son have moved to Are lington, where they will make their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calderwood and their son, Jabnnic, and daughter, Gall, spent the weekend in their home T. Purvia, of Clemson College, William P. Heath' and William Clemson, 8.C., are.

their homes here this week, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cookenous and their son, Billy, and Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Douglas visited relatives and friends la Arlington Sunday. Marines Open House For Boy Scout Week la honor of Boy Reout Week, February 7.13, the Marine, Corpa Reserve announced today it will bold open house for Boy Scout cubs, scouts and explorers and their parents February at the Marine Reserve armory, 11th Street, 8.W, Capt.

L. T. Me Bee' sald activities planned include en exhibition close order drill and tour of Marine training facilities at the armory. The open house will begin at m. Johnnie Graves vlaited Mr.

and Mr. B. Smith, Saturday ning. W. of Maurerlown, vialted Mr.

and Mra. Esau Rom and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. 8.

0. McCauley, GET THE AD READING HABIT IT'S A DARN GOOD BUY SAUSAGE SAUSAGE BECAUSE IT'S SO-GOOD Five Two-Story Buildings From Copeley Hill.To Be Sold By U.Va.Ex-Navy Buildings Were Used As Apartments By Students In Temporary Housing Project Five o-story wooden buildings at the western end of Copelcy Hill, the University of Virginia's tempofrary housing project acroma Rt. 20 from Lambeth Field, are being offered for sale, These buildings, composing the group known as "The Circle," were purchased from the Navy and ley Hill was opened. Until erected in 1940, 4 year after Cope ber, all but one wore used A bulldings for: married dents, One. was stripped couple of years ago.

The University's purchasing partment la advertising for bide. starting tomorrow. Bide will be opened Feb, 26. These will be the first Copolry Hilt to- be diaperd of Several other two alory buildings used as dormitories fullowing the war are now used as storage Inge. They are on the north aide of the development, Mont of the tionary trailers and onc-alory apartment building are still used by married students and faculty, The bulldinga to be sold were brought here from.

The. Ductsmouth Navy Yard, where they were ward: by Navy Yard presonnel during the war. For the University's purpuara, they were divided into two types of apartments- -one with combinetion living room-bedroom and kitchen and bath and the other with a living room, bedroom and kitchen and bath. The buildings, 82 foot, ton inches Color Consultant To Speak At U.Va. 'Architecture Dept.

signers. SHIRTS. Archdale WITH THE COLLAR Stay frisk shirt that always has freshly loundered look. Yes can do it la Archdale shirt with the wonderful "Ste Finest tailored fit Archdales are give months of valse. L.

wilt wont $298 won't curl won't Leggetts be Home 01 Better Cherlottesville, Va. Julian E. Carnacy, one of the foremant color to Ican architecture and Industry, will apend three days at the University of Virginia next work holding seminars for art and architerture students and diving one publie lecture. "Color for Today's will be the subject of the address Garnacy will rive Feh. 11, at 8 p.m.

in the Rayley Musrum of Fine Arts. This lecture will be open to the publia without charge. Garnscy, who will begin his three visit Wednesday, is being brought te the Univergity's School of Architecture and Department of Fine Arts turer on the foundation established by Paul Sachs of Cambridge, Mass, memorial to his father. color or consultant, Carnacy has bren associated with Icading architects in the United Hates a well with prominent architectural Arms in this country and abroad. He was color consultant for the New York World's Fair and tin clients include the Corn Exchange Rank, The Bank of Hawall, Standard Oil Company, Los Angeles Htork Exchange, University of California In.

Los Angeles, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Core portion, Horace Mann Auditorium, Columbia University, and the minster Presbyterian Church and the Temple Amsche Chesed in Los Angeles. Garnary was Mucalrd at Har. vard University, the Echole In Paris and the Art Budent's League in New York; and was until 1945 on Princeton University's Architecture faculty. He has lectured on "color" before many American universities as well before groups of architects sad de long and '20 feet, nine Inches wide, still have plumbing, wiring and electric fixtures In them but other equipment has been lakra out. There are 'no for the mediate.

development. of the ares on which the buildings stand. Chimney Fire Put Out At Home Near Midway Cruzet firemen yesterday put out a large, chimney. old frame. which home at threatened Midway on the Miller School Road.

The Ure aprrad from the chimney into wood near the chimney but did only alight damage. Joha Jones, Negro, or cupies the dwelling. Charlotteaville. firemen -answered at 1:45 for a fire in car parkrd behind the Malway Bullding. and at $:10 p.m.

for. an over heated stove at 513 Dire st. A grand fire burned an acre on the south aide or Rellair yesterday afternoon before 'county era put it out. Local Women Check sons, Michael and Harry tored to Mt. Airy, N.C., and were weekend guests of relatives there.

Mrs. Christine Marshall, of CharEdwin Leake for several days. lottesville, is vialting Mr. and Mrs. Miss Velma Farish and Malcolm Sandridge Jr.

Crozet, were cent vinitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Leake. Mr.

and Mrs. William Morris and their daughters, Barbara and Peggy Lee, 'of Galtherwburg, Md. were Monday supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Ervin Cromer: Newton Morris, of Raltimore, Was weekend visitor of his mother, Mra. Lillie Morris Mrs.

Pauline Duncan has returned to her home In Norfolk after visiting Mr. and Mra, W. E. ner for several days. Falwin Leake of Profit, and Mrs.

J. W. Kibler, of Highland Springs, are visiting Mra. Annie 8. Leake-and-Mr.

Mra J. Leake, Mr. and Mri. P. S.

Carroll were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and rm, T. A. Price, of Mrs. 3.

Kibler, of Highland Springs, visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. MoCkuley Wednesday. Mr.

and Mra. Leake were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Mrs. P. 8.

Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Charks Allen West Sunday dinner curats of Mrs. Ellie Townson and Mrs. Mary Faulconer, of Mr.

and Mrs. Artbur Johnson were weekend guests of Mr. and Homer Branham, of Chariotterville. Mr. and Mrs.

G. Marshall, 0. McCauley, Miss Lucille MeCauley, Mr. and Mrs. 8.

0. Mo Cauley, and Mr. and Mira, Detamore were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11.

P. Mo Cauley, of Route 2, Charlottesville. Mrs. J. W.

Leake and Mrs. 8. 0. McCauley vialted Mra: H. brand, of Charlottesville, and Mrs.

James McCreedy and their son, Ronnie, of mond, were Saturday dinner guests of and Mrs. P. 8. Carroll. Mrs.

Raymond Feadon, of Harriaonburs. and Mr. and Mrs. Cosmetology Legislation Mias Annie F. White, with Mine Marjorie Tussing, Mina Vada ner and Miss Nine Early, attended Wednesday sessions of the general assembly in Itichmond in the inters est.

of the proposed: cosmetology Miss legislation. White, of Clair Avenue, state." treasurer of the Virginia and Association, Miss Tussing. of Fishersville, is past-president: of that body and Mias Burtner la past financial secretary. met, with the general laws committee regarding logialation the Association wishes to have acted. is visiting the Rev.

and Mrs. Wiiliam Gregory. Edwin Leake was Wednesday supper guest of Mr. and Mra. G.

Leake. The Rev. and Mrs. W. H.

Leake, of Maurertown and Mrs. J. W. Lcake visited Mr. and Mra P.

IL Leake and Mra. Annie S. Leake, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Herring and their daughters, Lois and Veronica, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herring, of Dyke, Sunday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Harlow were Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Edwards and their daughters, Rebekah and Perry, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Muller and their family, Lydia, Donna, James and Wayne, of well, and Mr. and Mra. Brookman, of Richmond. Mr.

and Eugene Oliver and Bari, Shinett, of Charlottesville, were Sunday dinner guests of and Mrs. Roy Shiflett, Mrs. Benjamin Moubry Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Hubert Moubry, of Chariotteafille. Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Smith and their children, John and Juliana, visited Mr. and Mrs.

Everette Moubry, Sunday afternoon. their M-Set. son, and Rusty, Mr. of New C. York, Nye' and Mr.

and Mrs. Ester Harlow and their children, Richard and Brende, of Barboursille, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. M.

Edwards, Saturday. Mra. 8. 0. McCauley, Miss Lucille McCauley and Mra.

J. W. Lake visited Mr. and Mite. D.

M. McCaulcy, of Rio Road, Wednes, day afternoon. Mrs. Raymond Feadon of returned to her bome Sunday, after visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Johnnie Graves, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Graves accompanied her home for the day. Mr.

and Mrs. Horace Strickland and their daughtera, Virginia, Patricia and Daphane, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brickland and their ABC Board Suspends A. L.

Coles' License In a report of licensing actions for the quarter ending Dec. 24, the Virginia Alcoholio erase Control Board reported pension for tan days of the wine license A Coles, tradIns as Elver Put Ina, Rt. 1, How. The ABC board gave no The ABC board gave no the of the reason for mispension a Flowersexpress people's feelings in way everyone stands. IRVING FUNERAL HOME m.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.