Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (2024)


1,483 reviews5,118 followers

April 2, 2022

This is a heartwarming true story about a man and his dog.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (2)
Steven Carino and Oliver

Steven Carino, who drove people around for a living, was heartbroken when his Shi Tzu-Yorkie mix, named Oliver, was stolen from his van on Valentine's Day 2019. Steven had no spouse or children, and little Oliver was his best friend and cherished companion.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (3)

Dark thoughts assailed Steven as he considered the dog-napper. Was it someone who took Oliver on a whim? Someone who wanted a dog of their own? Someone who would harm the little pooch? Steven feared he might never see Oliver again, and could hardly bear to think of it.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (4)
Steven playing with Oliver

Steven called his older sister Laura, who could always 'set a target, zero in on it, and blast through all obstacles to reach it.' Sure enough Laura knew just what to do. Laura made missing dog flyers - offering a $2500 reward - to post around the Mount Vernon, New York neighborhood where Oliver was taken; arranged for a TV reporter to interview Steven; and posted the story to Facebook. Pretty soon thousands of people knew about Oliver, and many left messages expressing sympathy and encouragement.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (5)
Steven frolicking with Oliver

The search for Oliver went on for day after day, and came to involve a cadre of caring people. Steven's sisters joined him in Mount Vernon, to help look for the dog; Steven's uncle contributed $2500 to double the reward; children searched the streets calling Oliver's name; police, shopkeepers, and residents offered support; people called in tips; and so on.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (6)
Oliver resting

Steven had trouble maintaining hope, and grew despondent many times, but his faith helped sustain him - and Steven talks about this a lot in the book. At times, Steven even imagined little Oliver's reaction to being taken, and thought Oliver would be bewildered, but would behave himself, waiting for 'Stee' to come get him.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (7)
Oliver was waiting for 'Stee'

The story of the search for Oliver is interspersed with flashbacks to Steven's past, which was difficult. Steven's beloved mother died of cancer when he was thirteen, leaving Steven with a father who drank, got into rages, and constantly criticized his son. As a result Steven grew up feeling worthless and insecure, and he failed in many business and personal relationships.

With shaky human interactions, Steven's best friends were always his dogs, all of whom he fiercely loved. Thus Oliver's disappearance was especially devastating. Still, the dognapping had a silver lining because Steven realized how much his friends and relatives loved him, and how kind the public could be.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (8)

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (9)
Steven and Oliver love each other

I don't want to spoil the suspense, but books like this always have a happy ending, so the story is safe to read. There's a children's version as well, appropriately edited for content.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (10)

This is a touching story about Steven and his adorable dog Oliver. Recommended to animal lovers everywhere.

Thanks to Netgalley, Steven Carino, and Thomas Nelson Publishers for a copy of the book.

You can follow my reviews at https://reviewsbybarbsaffer.blogspot.com


626 reviews294 followers

January 26, 2021


Oliver is a heartbreaking story that slowly puts your heart back together as you read on. Steven’s dog Oliver is stolen from his car when he was out picking up food. He thinks his best friend is gone forever but his sisters and friends help him begin the search. Soon, the whole town helps out with making sure Oliver is found. The community joins together, making Steve realize a lot about himself and others.

The community coming together for Oliver was so wholesome and Oliver himself is a wonderful dog. He sounds like SUCH a good boy. I’m so glad that he was reunited with Steven. (Not a spoiler, it says so in the synopsis that they find him). I also think that if knowing he wasn’t found, I’m not sure I would be able to read this because I was STRESSED waiting for them to find each other.

I can’t imagine losing your dog that way, for a whole week, and not knowing what happened to them. This is a lovely book for all ages, perfect for any dog lover. I love how much our author loved dogs and the passion he feels for them because I could relate. Your heart breaks for him and in my case, a tear may be shed. Plus, look how adorable he is.🥺

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Thomas Nelson publishing, and specifically Lewis for an advanced copy of this book!

    dogs middle-grade netgalley

Mary Jackson _TheMaryReader

1,282 reviews172 followers

April 23, 2021

Wow, what an emotional read. I cried so much. I can't even imagine what Steven went through. I would not survive my baby missing. I love it turned out for the best and I have to tell you this is a book that you will still be thinking about long after you read the last page.
5 stars I HIGHLY recommend this fantastic book.
The Mary Reader received this book from the publisher for review. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are our own.



998 reviews114 followers

March 7, 2021

This book would appeal to anyone who has ever owned and loved a dog!

Steven Carino was down on his luck. His childhood had been very difficult but despite that, he had built a multimillion dollar company and had married a long time girlfriend. After his business declined and his marriage failed, his life drastically changed. The only bright spot in Steven’s life was his little terrier, Oliver. Steven doted on Oliver and Oliver returned his love tenfold.

Their lives settled into a calm routine until Valentine’s Day 2019 when Oliver was stolen! That one event seemed to cause Steven to completely break down. He was heartbroken and devastated. He felt that his life was in a tailspin. He could hardly function. He became obsessed with finding Oliver.

At times I felt that this book could have been shortened. But after awhile, I began to realize that this feeling reflected just how Steven must have felt as the days passed without any news of Oliver. Thankfully, Steven’s two sisters jumped in and helped tremendously by putting up flyers and posting the account of Oliver and Steven online. They even arranged a television news report about Oliver and Steven!

However, this is not only a story about a lost dog, it’s also a story of strong faith, trust, love, compassion, kindness and perseverance as Steven slowly realized that he was never alone and that his faith, his family, his friends, and complete strangers were there to provide encouragement, support and help. It's a story of community.

Thank you to NetGalley, author Steven Carino, and publisher Nelson Books for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC of this inspirational book.

    adult-nonfiction animals arc-giveaway


1,788 reviews2,686 followers

February 20, 2021

Fact 1: About 10 million pets are lost every year in the US.
Fact 2: Of these, only about 15% of dogs and 2% of cats get returned safely to their families
Doesn't this blow your mind? It's so sad and simply unbelievable!

'Oliver' tells the story of one such dog, stolen from his owner's car when he had stepped in a shop for a few minutes, leaving the dog behind. The owner, Steven Carino, who also happens to be the author of this book, then goes on a quest to get his canine baby back at any cost.

As a real-life story, this book deserves a read. Being a dog lover, I was thrilled to see the passion that Carino has for his dogs and the committed efforts he put into being reunited with Oliver. His love is so obvious in the way he speaks about his little pet, has imaginary conversations with him, and creates imaginary responses from Oliver too. I enjoyed all the dog parent bits by Carino.

Another positive in the book is the way Carino was supported in his quest. As he writes about his epiphany, "Maybe I’m not as alone in this thing as I think I am." Right from family to friends to Facebook strangers, so many people stepped in to help without expecting anything in return, just for a lost dog. It was amazing to see the community bonding over a pet.

However, if I have to rate the book for its writing, it will dip sharply. As a debut author, Steven Carino probably felt the need to include as much as he could remember to justify his love for Oliver. This results in a rambling book with an overdose of information. There are many flashbacks interspersed with the present narrative, some of which are crucial and some others, superfluous. After a point, the philosophical soliloquies become a bit too much to handle. Carino also suddenly deviates to an excessively religious tone after the 70% mark, with him quoting biblical scriptures after every few paragraphs. It modified the tone of the book too much. (Just to clarify, I'm a Christian too, so this has nothing to do with the Bible and more to do with the way the story incorporates it.)

I went for the book solely by virtue of its cover. And to a great extent, the hero of the cover, Oliver, didn't disappoint me at all. I fell in love with the little cutie and his antics. My dissatisfaction is mainly with the writing. I wish the book had been edited to a much tauter narrative. It would have been such a pleasure to read then.

Still, I'd recommend this to all dog/pet parents and to cynics. It's a book that fills your heart with joy and hope that there is still goodness left in the world.

My rating: 3.5 rounded up to 4

Thank you, NetGalley and Nelson Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Join me on the Facebook group, Readers Forever!, for more reviews, book-related discussions and fun.

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    3-5-stars netgalley

Star Gater

1,413 reviews47 followers

December 29, 2022

This is an extremely easy read, and I prefer the physical over the audio book. The author reads his story, and I get it. However, there are professional narrators and I really believe one could have given Oliver a different experience and life. This story while centered around a missing pet, becomes more. As the owner struggles with not finding his pet, he questions God, and speaks of a family curse, and while searching he learns several life lessons. I think what I took from this is to remember what is so important to someone else may seem comical but its not. Oliver brought a great deal to Stephen's life. He is more than a pet. This would be a physical book I would recommend for families and pre YA.


May 25, 2021

OLIVER by @stevenjcarino @thomasnelson @suzyapprovedbooktours

God I didn’t want to read this one. My dogs are my children, and the thought of reading about a stolen dog and the owner’s overwrought and frantic search for this little guy was just not the kind of stress I wanted to put myself through. I thought I would be crying the whole time.

But alas, I was quite wrong. (Remember this day because I admitted I was wrong about something).

Oliver was absolutely captivating and inspiring. It’s the story of a stolen dog, a distraught owner - Steven, and a how a plethora of people from all ages and walks of life, from all over the world, helped and supported Steven as he searched for his beloved Oliver.

It’s a heartbreaking and then a heartwarming story of kindness, something we all need so much more of right now, and how strangers can show us that there are still people out there that are willing to lend a hand and care about someone they don’t even know. It’s about one man’s faith and his everlasting love for the only person he has in his life - his little dog, who understood him more than anyone ever did.

Steven Carino’s tale is amazing. It starts with Oliver’s abduction, and from that point on you are completely consumed until you reach the much anticipated ending. It is told from day to day during Steven’s search with some intermittent backstory of his life so you an understand him a little more. It reads like Steve is sitting right next to you chatting about this crazy experience and what he learned about himself and others. How this gut-wrenching journey gave him hope for himself and for all the people around him, and that even though we feel completely alone, we really never are. It gave me that hope too.

The story and writing is brilliant and I am so glad that I read this book. I promise you, dog lover or not, this is so worth reading. It’s the uplifting read you never thought you needed. Highly recommend, and I wish I could read and experience it all over again from the beginning.
Bravo Steven & Oliver.

Happy Reading & Be Nice

    2021 blogtour suzy-approved

Heather~ Nature.books.and.coffee

731 reviews176 followers

April 20, 2021

Ok, I just want to say...I loved reading this book so much! Oliver, this adorable little dog, was stolen from Stevens car on Valentine's Day! Having lost his mother at 13, growing up with his alcoholic father, and having hard times in his life, he always found his dogs to be the one thing that made him happy, they were his family. Oliver being taken was just a terrible thing that crushed his heart, and he would stop at nothing to find him.

This is a wonderful story about Stevens' life, the kind people in the neighborhood, and the couple that found Oliver! Yup I definitely shed a few years, but I just felt the love and kindness that is in the world while reading this. Sometimes with all the bad things that happen in the world, reading about kindness, cute animals, and HAPPY outcomes is truly just what you need! I highly recommend this one to all of you. Such a heartfelt book!

Lisa Matheson

38 reviews

September 15, 2021

I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

This story is how on Valentines day in 2019, a dog named Oliver was stolen from his owner, Steven's car.
Having lost his mother to cancer at the age of 13, and then growing up with an alcoholic father, Steven could always count on his dog for unconditional love.

With his sisters and friends support, Steven goes on a quest to find Oliver. Not only was this about a lost dog found, it was also a book about compassion, trust, love, kindness , about your tribe of people, your community and a strong faith.

I felt the Proverb telling a little too much in the story. At times ,it felt like it was an overdose of too much information. Which I would skim over, as I was more interested in Oliver and Steven's story, than his faith.

I would recommend this book to be read by anyone who is a animal lover, The book is a reminder that there are still some good people in this world.

Deanne Patterson

2,069 reviews81 followers

March 31, 2021

You can't help but getting pulled into Steven's recollection of his missing dog, Oliver.
I mean just look at the cover, you have to admit Oliver is adorable. A twelve pound Yorkie Shih Tzu , black and brown fur,big eyes,timid yet wanting to please anyone would be pleased to call Oliver their own.
Steven is unmarried,working as a long time driver and his best friend is Oliver. Oliver's best friend is also Steven they just have that close connection.
After going to purchase food at a Chinese takeout restaurant after a hard days work and being gone for ten minutes in the restaurant he returns to find his beloved Oliver GONE!
What follows is Steven's story in his own words,the sleepless nights,the devastation,the crying because it wasn't just a missing dog, it was his whole life that dog.
His dog was featured on the evening news,plenty of fliers were put up and so,so many people were involved in looking for his missing dog from the many facebook page shares ,phone calls,going door to door and so many people offering their support and sharing their personal stories with him.
The book brought me to tears, so emotional. Very highly recommended!!!

Pub Date 26 Jan 2021
I was given a complimentary copy. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.

    netgalley netgalley-jan-2021

Denise Jo

371 reviews5 followers

September 23, 2021

A touching story of a man Steve and his dog Oliver who was stolen and the community of people that came together along with Steve's relationship with the man above.

    animals biography

Raelle | raellephant

60 reviews35 followers

February 23, 2021

I have so many things to say, but first, let me grab a tissue.

It broke my heart reading about how Oliver was taken. My interest in this book actually came from my own yorkie, also named Oliver, and so it was really cool to read this book about someone who also has the same type of dog with the same name.

Going into the book, even knowing that Oliver would be found, I was still sad. Seeing Steven's despair over losing his dog broke my heart. Stevens response and reaction just after Oliver was taken resonated so much with me but it was hard to get through that part of the book. I kept having to pause it and come back to it later.

I also think that this book is an important read for people who think that 'emotional support' animals are bogus, because this story is one incredible example about how helpful and essential an emotional support animal can be for those of us who need them.

Reading this also made me wonder if Steven might be autistic. So many of the experiences he had and the way he explained life, both with and without his dog seemed to resonate with me, and I've learned over the past few years that a lot of the reason that is, is because I'm autistic. I related to Steven on a very personal level, even down to having an interest in memorizing the presidents when I was in 2nd and 3rd grade - I could also name all of them off in order, just like Steven.

Perhaps that's another reason why I was left wondering if Steven was maybe autistic. Even though that's not the main focus of this book, it really stood out to me and made the connection that Steven and Oliver had feel a lot closer because I was able to draw a lot of parallels between Steven and myself, and Oliver and Oliver. It felt more like I was reading a book about a potential version of myself than anything.

This story is about more than a lost dog. This story is about family and friendship, emotional support, trauma, despair, and not giving up when it feels like all hope is lost. If you're up for the tears, then this is definitely worth the read.

    4-star may-need-tissues non-fiction


909 reviews141 followers

February 3, 2021

Oliver is the true story of a little dog who was stolen from his owner’s car and the community of people who helped bring the little guy back home.

It was abundantly clear that Oliver means the world to Steven Carino. As an animal lover and a pet owner, I do understand that love and have an appreciation for how meaningful their connection was. I think Carino communicated his emotions surrounding the loss very well, bringing the reader in to experience those emotions as well.

The author did add a lot of details from his past to the story. This helped me better comprehend his reaction to the theft, but the story deviated into these recollections more often than expected. Furthermore, every conversation was noted (not necessarily verbatim) and it was just a lot.

I think we all have the propensity to be overly detailed when sharing our stories. Everything seems important and you never know what might be meaningful to someone else. I’ve no doubt I’ve been guilty of this, but I don’t have an editor for my thoughts. I understand why the author shared so much, but it did make the story drag, and it could have used more editing.

I am a firm believer in everyone’s right to tell their story and tell it the way that they see fit. There is always an audience for that story. I want to be as fair as I can be, with that in mind. While I didn’t hate this book, I cannot say I enjoyed it either. I had hoped for a heartwarming and inspirational story, but I felt this was rather dreary and barely captivating. My conclusion is that I was not the right audience for it.

I am immensely grateful to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for my audio review copy. All opinions are my own.


2,369 reviews375 followers

February 8, 2021

By Steven Carino and Alex Tresniowski

I loved this incredibly heartwarming and powerful memoir about our love for our animals and how much joy they bring to our lives. I know that in my household, our pets are families and for many they are more than families when they bring so much to enrich and bring happiness to our lives. just imagine when Oliver was taken from Steve, he was so heartbroken, lost, in misery and has lost his faith in all of humanity. This is a story of how when something awful happens in your life, you see the miracles that happen and how it teaches valuable lessons not soon to be forgotten.. There are many things in life that is out of your control where faith and trust is all you have left. submitting ourselves to our faith is what this book taught me as well as many others about the power of love, the kindness of strangers, the support of a community and how much empathy, kindness and generosity there is in the world.

This was simply an incredible read I loved and enjoyed.

    memoir nonfiction

Beauty in the Binding

564 reviews36 followers

June 20, 2021

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans He Brought Together by Steven J. Carino and Alex Tresniowski offers a story of love and community suitable for all animal lovers, but especially those who love dogs. Much time is devoted to Oliver and Steven’s close canine-human relationship. At first, the moments of extreme emotion felt excessive. However, as Steven continued explaining his past experiences and his devotion to Oliver, I came to recognize Oliver’s loss as equivalent to the loss of a child. This understanding boosted my interest in the story and helped me relate to Steven. Though Oliver was not written exclusively by Steven J. Carino, his voice permeates the narrative as he recounts the raw emotions and spiritual struggles of that time with deep honesty and authenticity.

Oliver stands as more than the memoir of a man whose dog was taken because it tells the story of how the people around Steven drew together in unity. Race, age, gender, and social status lacked any importance. The community – family members, friends, strangers, social media followers, and others – saw a need and responded with compassion and love. Furthermore, as Steven recognizes these gifts, he learns to reach out with love and forgiveness to those who hurt him the most. Oliver lands as inspiring tale about the power of love to transform a life.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this product via the Amazon Vine program. All opinions in this review are my own.


2,384 reviews279 followers

July 2, 2021

I couldn't go back to sleep when I woke up at 3:30 a.m. I needed company. Then I remembered! I was 30% into my latest read, Oliver and it was a perfect time to see how it was going to turn out. . . .I was apprehensive, but both the pup and his owner were endearing people. I got lost in the story, lost in the book, and jumped when my alarm went off. "Ha! Too Late," I mumbled. My face was wet, tears melting all over my pillow. I had just finished, pondering the last pages. Such a great story, inspiring, affirming and consoling.

It's worthy of many re-reads, and I repent of my firm anti-pet stance. Not quite ready to go out and find one, but if one found me. . . .

A sincere thanks to Steven J. Carino and Alex Tresniowski, Nelson Books, and NetGalley for an ARC to read and review.

#Oliver #NetGalley

    a-mighty-act-of-persuasion adults-authors-explaining-stuff affirmations-herein

Carolyn Vandine West

689 reviews27 followers

October 25, 2021

Steven Carino's dog Oliver was stolen from his vehicle while he was buying a few cigars. He didn't remember if he correctly locked the door, since it was a relatively new one to him. He was heartbroken, Oliver was his best buddy ever since his mother died. It was hard to not get pulled into his stress and depression over losing Oliver.
His sisters and even workers and police in the neighborhood where Oliver was taken all kept an eye out for him.
I did feel it became a little repetitive, but there is just so much you can say about a missing dog. It was a community as well as family effort to search for Oliver.
I received an e-copy of the ARC from NetGalley and the publisher.
The review I am leaving is my opinion and views as a dog lover

    animal-stories-true-and-fiction arc-review-done biography-ramblings-memoirs


966 reviews68 followers

April 27, 2021

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (28)

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (29)

I have never owned a dog, but reading this book makes me so tempted to want one. Irrespective of whether you are a dog lover or not, this story will move you if you ever lost a loved one and yearn to get them back. It is a simple story but one which immediately connected with me. The author has a beautiful way of writing from his heart, and I could feel his emotions through the pages as he grieves over the loss of Oliver. He writes the story so personally that I felt like I became a member of his family as they all do their best to get Oliver back. Oliver is adorable, and I think the author is so lucky to have him in his life. I also enjoyed the photographs the author inserts in the book relating to the various parts of the tale.

Also, the story is not just about Steven’s search for his dog. The author also dwells on his personal life and how situations changed that broke down his self-confidence. He beautifully highlights how Oliver (and his previous dogs) became a pivotal part of his life. I also loved the sense of community and how the author finds love from community members. I live in the city, and sometimes, it is hard to feel like you are part of the community because of so much hatred and violence. Yet, reading this book gave me hope that people would help me if I ever found myself in such a situation. The author conveys the message of hope and trust wonderfully.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed “Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog” and recommend it if you are for an emotional feel-good story.

Amy Hagberg

Author9 books58 followers

February 24, 2021

It is -27 degrees in Minnesota and my nose hairs are forming icicles, I can’t see people smile in public because of the mask mandate, most of my grandchildren live six hours away, my favorite jeans are too tight, and I have a cold sore from using old lip balm. Is it time for a feel-good book! If you are experiencing similar angst, here’s a good read for you.

If you are a doggie parent or just a dog lover, Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans He Brought Together will tug at your heartstrings. Steve Carino’s memoir is special.

A quick synopsis:

“I felt an awful, hard knot in my gut, like a punch — the mixture of shock and rage and vulnerability that comes with losing something that just a moment ago was there. The false, desperate hope that if you just look hard enough for it, the precious thing that was yours will still be yours because it belongs with you, right where you left it, and nowhere else.”

On Valentine’s Day 2019, someone stole Steven Carino’s dog, Oliver, from his car. Having lost his mother at thirteen and grown up with an alcoholic father, he could always count on his dogs for comfort and company. But now, with his beloved Oliver missing, Steven felt utterly alone.

Then, the miracle. In a series of near-impossible coincidences, people from different walks of life crossed paths with Oliver and with Steven. Hardworking immigrants, wealthy suburbanites, car mechanics, deli workers, old friends, close relatives, street cops, gang members, a TV news reporter, social media followers around the world, and one very gifted hairdresser all played a part in Steven’s desperate journey to find Oliver. In the middle of it all, Steven realized that no one is ever truly alone—and that the power of community can be life-changing.

Oliver is not just a book about a stolen dog. At its core, it’s a story about kindness, friendship, and the power of faith. As Steven says, “This is more than just a dog story. This is an everybody story. This is a love story.”

•As I began listening, I had a flashback to just a few days earlier. Carino’s sister is Laura Schroff, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of another feel-good book, An Invisible Thread, a memoir my book club had just discussed. It was interesting to read Steven’s slightly different take on their childhood.

•Normally having the author narrator read his or her own book is the kiss of death in my opinion, but the raw emotion in Steven’s untrained voice really captivated me.

•Oliver contains profound lessons about faith and forgiveness without being prescriptive. What Steven experienced when his beloved dog was stolen was life-affirming for him… and me.

•Carino and cowriter, Alex Tresniowski did an excellent job creating suspense. I didn’t know if Oliver would be found around the next corner or if Steven’s hopes would be dashed once again. It was gripping.

•The author weaves together anecdotes from his childhood and his search for Oliver. I listened to the audio version, and some of the transitions were awkward, most likely due to poor production editing.
•There was some repetition in the book; the editor in me wanted to take out my red pencil.

While Oliver isn’t fine literature, it is a lovely book filled with joy, love, and maxims about God’s faithfulness and it made my heart happy. Highly recommended.

Emma Kamen

15 reviews

July 8, 2021

A sweet story. A little too "Jesus take the wheel" for my taste, but still very enjoyable.


94 reviews1 follower

February 26, 2021

More reviews at www.booksontour.net

You may not know this but I adore dogs. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to have one but I know in the future I will. I have always seen myself as an old lady living with a dog, so I still have hope.

For this reason, when I saw that this book was available I didn’t hesitate in getting it.

Oliver is the heart-warming real story of a dog who disappeared from his owner’s car. It narrates the odyssey of Steven J. Carino, the said owner, in trying to bring Oliver back.

But it is a lot much more than that.

In the book Steven tells us his own story. We learn about his family, his path through life, his failures, his flaws and why Oliver is so important for him.

Furthermore, Steven tells us how although he thought he was alone in the world, and no one really cared for him, Oliver’s disappearance made him realise that he is indeed surrounded by the most marvellous people.


Oliver was stolen from Steven’s car while he was shopping on Valentine’s day 2019 in Mount Vernon (New York). From that moment on, his only objective in life was to bring Oliver back.

Of course this is what every single person would do for their pet. However, for Steven, Oliver represents much more than for any other person. As he doesn’t have a wife nor children, Oliver was his only partner in life.

Oliver is a lifebelt on whom Steven grips in order to stay afloat. Oliver is his link to life, to reality, his friend, his family. I adored to listen to his conversations with Oliver, and the doggy’s imagined responses. This was just delightful.

Furthermore, Oliver and his disappearance has helped Steven understand that he is not so alone as he thought and that people, in their majority, only wanna help.

Steven is helped in his search by his own family, the residents of Mount Vernon, policemen and in a word, the whole town knows about his story and tries to help in one way or another.


I am an atheist, to be sincere. And I’m proud of it. For that reason, there were some passages of the book where Steven talks about God and the Bible to which I cannot in principle relate at all.

However, I understand what he meant by including those passages from the Bible. Letting aside the religious elements, I can sympathise with the meaning of the words and the ultimate goal behind them.

If someone makes something bad, like in this case, stealing a dog, it is normal to feel angry. Steven did. I would too. However, as the days pass on and Oliver does not appear, Steven begins to comprehend that the person who took Oliver has problems too and that deep inside, this person is maybe not bad.

Steven’s transformation is so big that he even at the end of the story wants to help the person who stole Oliver from him. I don’t know if I could do it, so I am amazed by his enormous generosity and understanding. This makes me still have some faith in humanity.


If you like dogs and you are so lucky as to share your life with one of these fluffy balls you would like “Oliver” for sure.

I found myself tearing up sometimes hearing Steven talking about his own life and what Oliver meant for him. You must be made of stone not to feel his suffering and desperation. But also hearing about his mother and his father made me very sentimental.

I guess if you are religious you would appreciate the book even more. But as I said, on a deep level, religious or not, Steven’s learning throughout the book can apply to everyone.

He is trying to transmit that although there are people who do bad things, there are others full of empathy, understanding, generosity and compassion.

So I will totally recommend “Oliver” if you want to learn how from an awful event in your life, you can even end up learning something good about yourself that you could not have expected.

Oh! And if you can, I’d recommend you to listen to the audiobook version which is narrated by Steven himself. The emotion in his voice really help setting up the mood for the story. Some people have complained about it, but in my humble opinion, no one would narrate this story as the person who has lived it, even if he is not a professional narrator.

Thanks to the publisher, Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, the authors Steven J. Carino and Alex Tresniowski as well as to NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of “Oliver” in exchange for an honest review.

    2021 audiobook netgalley

Debbie Gill

156 reviews

April 27, 2023

This is a true story about human kindness, faith and love that binds strangers, acquaintances and family…But to me, also a heartwarming, inspirational story filled with love between man and dog. This story loudly says no one is ever completely alone.
The dog, Oliver is a Yorkie shih tzu mix who belongs to Steven, a man living in Long Island. Steven drives people places for a living, and does not have a spouse or children. He has had rough patches in his life growing up…mother died when he was thirteen and his dad was an alcoholic, he feels alone a lot. Consequently, he has experienced periods of depression and lack of self worth in his life. His dog Oliver is the one thing that has the ability to draw him out of the depths of despair, with one snuggle. Oliver is his best friend and is the most important thing in Steven’s life.
One day Oliver is stolen from out of Steven’s car and is not to be found anywhere. How could this have happened? Within a flash, Steven’s outlook on life is shattered and he is desperate. His doubt, hate, and negativity overshadows his core. His sisters step in and help him come up with a plan to find Oliver. Days go by with efforts of many good gracious people. Family members, cops, merchants, immigrants, children, tv reporters, social media and strangers who had compassion for his loss. Still, no luck in finding Oliver. As Steven starts having talks with God, he starts examining his faith and the basis for it. Revisiting his Bible and looking at Proverbs 3:5 (his memorized favorite verse) he realizes he is approaching this trial wrong. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not unto your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight.” As he gives his struggles to God and starts turning the hate to love he receives the power of faith…peace, understanding and Gods wisdom in this difficult walk. Some miraculous things start to happen and people from different walks of life start appearing and helping. So there is a happy ending to this story and Steven and Oliver find each other again. When Oliver and Steven are united, Steven remembers in the future where all his blessings come from…Incredible story of compassion, love, faith and what can happen in unfortunate life circ*mstances. Definitely a 5 star read!

    animals-pets drama favorites


Author2 books280 followers

January 30, 2021

Thank you Netgalley for an ARC of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

I am so glad I decided to pick up this book on a whim. I love dogs, and grew up with a maltese-poodle mix, so I was immediately attracted by this adorable dog on the cover and wanted to read it. I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that the author (and narrator) had grown up on Long Island, just like me. So listening to him narrate this book was like listening to someone from home, a very comforting feeling.

Although I hesitate to rate a nonfiction story lower than 5 stars, especially a memoir such as this, my rating is for the quality of the writing. It left something to be desired; the jumping back and forth from the time when Oliver was stolen to when the author was a child was jarring because there were no transitions. Perhaps in the print version, there is some sort of marking on the page that is lacking in the audiobook. I also found multiple instances where specific sentences and scenes are repeated, for example, describing how Oliver was scared when the author made his bed. We only need to hear those anecdotes once for them to make an impact about the dog's personality.

Also, be warned before you read this that there is a lot of religion and a lot of descriptions of an abusive parent.

I really enjoyed this book overall and loved reading about the people coming together to help Steven in his time of need. I also really related to how much Steven absolutely loves his dog and truly considers Oliver an important member of his family. Heart-warming read.



191 reviews14 followers

May 12, 2021

This one is a heartbreaker readers, even though we know upfront the end result, it truly tugs on your heartstrings to read what happened. Valentines Day 2019, Steven Carino stopped to run an errand and let Oliver, his precious dog, in the car. Tw a day I bet he will never forget. Oliver was stolen from his vehicle and missing for seven days. Oliver was Steven’s life. He had no spouse or children and had a very tough time in his younger years. Being a dog owner and lover myself, I was terrified that something bad would happen to him. That he was stolen to use as bait or some other horrible event. Thought the book, Steven not only talks about his search for Olivr and how so many people came together, even complete strangers, he also talks bout his life and how his upbringing “broke” him. It’s not always an easy read so be prepared. There are pages of photos included in the book that helped me connect with the character and his story (putting faces to true story names always helps me connect more, personally). I give this 4 of 5 stars and a box of tissues. Thank you to Suz’s Approved Book tours and author Steven Carino for the review copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.


Debbie Rozier

947 reviews59 followers

May 22, 2021

About The Book

This is a true story about Stephen Carino and his dog, Oliver. After a long day as a driver, Stephen decided to stop and buy a few of his favorite cigars. Oliver,who hardly ever rode with Steven while he worked, was in the car that day and gets stolen out of Stephen’s car which he thought he had locked.

The search begins for Oliver. With the help of family, friends, and strangers, Steven finds that there are good people in the world. He realizes that even through dark times, he has a network of people that lift him up.

My Thoughts

I love this book because it’s a story that shows the spirit of community and how a man learned how much he was loved.

I also enjoyed the way that Steven tells his story about Oliver while at the same time telling some of his family history.

The book portrays as well such a wonderful sense of just how much people love and rely on their pets for companionship.

Since I knew up front that there would be a positive outcome, I was able to enjoy the read and appreciate the power of positivity.


81 reviews3 followers

February 4, 2021

I was given this book in an audio version by NetGalley for an honest review
Let me preface I knew the story or at least the public story of Oliver. I live not far from the stop mall where Oliver was taken from. I remember the whole event it hit me hard having lost my yorkie the week before I remember following it on the news and watching the tearful reunion on Facebook. I was one of the many people who not only shared the story but sent a message to Steve and his family wishing for Oliver’s safe return.
That being said it was nice to hear the whole story how they came to be so close. The story of someone’s life and how they were able to turn it around. How when you think you are truly alone in this world people from your past, family members you have not seen or spoken to in a while or complete strangers step up and make you realize you are never truly alone.

My only issue was I wish a someone else had narrated it. Steve paused a lot and his voice broke several times as he described the events.



1,484 reviews

November 28, 2021

Steven Carino writes about the true story of when his beloved dog, Oliver was stolen from his vehicle. The author also writes of his life. The youngest of five kids he had a loving mother who died when he was only 13. He was left with his sometimes abusive distant father. He grew to love the companionship of the dogs in his life. They were always there for him even during difficult and challenging times in his life. On Valentines day he had his dog Oliver with him. He briefly left his dog in the car alone. He returned a few minutes later and Oliver was gone. For the rest of the book he devastated and turns to others to help find his dog Oliver. This is a book of how humans can come together to help one another. For about a week he gets the help of relatives, media, and strangers to help him find his beloved dog Oliver. I don't want to give spoilers but I will say this book has a happy ending. A nice read I liked how people can come together to help a stranger find his loved dog.

    animals-dogs non-fiction

Kate (KitKat07210)

500 reviews

February 2, 2021

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an audio arc of this book, all opinions expressed here are my own.

Oliver by Steven J Carino tells the true story of a stolen dog, the kindness of strangers and the ways tragedy can test our faith in God.

While the story was lovely and heartwarming in the end, for me personally this is a case where the author shouldn’t have narrated his own book. The spacing between words and sentences was really off putting to me, so I couldn’t really soak in the story. And obviously as someone not used to narrating, the only “different voice” was a higher pitched squeaky one. I also found the chopping between then and now really jarring as there was no distinction made (most books will usually mention a date or something.)

If picking this up, I definitely recommend reading it yourself. 2 stars.


1,396 reviews3 followers

March 3, 2021

I was given a chance to read this ARC, thanks NetGalley and Thomas Nelson. I have to say that while I have owned many dogs in my life, and have had some disappear, I don't believe I have ever had any intentionally stolen. While I felt sorry for Steve and Oliver, I just could not make myself care that much about Steve. I wanted to read a story about a stolen dog, not read a book based 85% percent on his owner's life. Steve has some mental issues for sure, but I could really care less about what happened to him when he was a kid. I don't care that he memorized 36 Presidents names, etc. I wanted to know about Oliver. To be honest, I skimmed over several pages when he was telling us and reciting all the psalms that he decided to learn. I am happy he got his dog back, happy he found out people cared in this world. But the book was a flop for me.


1,394 reviews64 followers

February 20, 2021

I listened to the audio version of Oliver by Steven Carino.

Carino is a driver in NY. On Valentines Day he brings his dog, Oliver, along with him. On the way home he stops for cigars and forgets to lock his car. Someone takes his dog and Carino is crushed and full of despair. Oliver is his whole life. This book is about the seven days after Oliver is taken

First thing - get a professional narrator. The author does his own narration. I'm sure he thought he could tell his own story but the performance is choppy and uneven. This was supposed to be about people coming together and there is some of that. But it's mostly stream of consciousness from Carino with flashbacks about how awful his life has been and how he's only gotten unconditonal love from his dogs and his life is now over because his precious Oliver is gone. The incessant crying got to be a bit much.

I had a different expectation for this book and that may be why I didn't like it much. The last five minutes almost redeems it but can't make up for the other 97%

If you were a fan of Lily and the Octopus you will probably enjoy this.

Oliver: The True Story of a Stolen Dog and the Humans H… (2024)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.