Catfish | (2024)


views updated Jun 27 2018

Catfish include some 2,500 species of mostly freshwaterfish characterized by two to four pairs of whiskers or barbels around their mouth. Many species have spines on the dorsal fins and near the gills. In some species these spines may contain poison.

Catfish belong to the bony fish order Siluriformes, and are mainly freshwater forms with representatives throughout the world. Most species of catfish lack scales, although some species are covered with heavy plates of tough, armored skin. Catfish tend to be hardy and a few species can survive for some time out of water as long as their skin is kept moist by an external layer of mucus.

A few species of catfish live in the oceans, such as the sea catfishes of the family Aridae which are found in tropical and subtropical seas, and in temperate waters during the summer. Catfish vary in size from the pygmy corydoras (Corydoras hastatus ), about 0.8 in (2 cm) long, to the giant catfish (Pangasianodon giga ) of southeastern Asia, which can exceed 7 ft (2.1 m) and weigh 250 lb (113 kg). This group also includes the glass cat-fish (Physailla pellucida ), a popular aquarium fish.

North American freshwater catfish are found from Canada to Guatemala. They are often caught by rod and reel, have considerable commercial importance, and are also raised on fish farms. Catfish live in murky lakes and ponds, feeding on the bottom on both live and dead material. Catfish spawn around May and June. The parents prepare a nest in the

mud or sand. After the eggs hatch the parents guard the nest and protect the young until they have developed enough to become independent.

The most abundant North American catfish are the bullheads, including: the black bullhead (Ictalurus melas ), the brown bullhead (I. nebulosus ), and the yellow bullhead (I. natali ).

Bullheads are plentiful in streams and ponds of North America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. Bullheads are thought to have spread naturally from western North America to the east. Adhesive bullhead eggs may have stuck to the legs and feet of aquatic migratory birds, and later washed off when the birds traveled to another pond, thus establishing new populations of these fish.

Rivalling the bullheads in commercial importance in some areas are the channel catfish (I. punctatus ), the blue catfish (I. furcatus ), the white catfish (I. catus ), and the flathead catfish (Pylodictus olivaris ). These species may reach 150 lb (68 kg), although they are usually smaller. Catfish farming is an increasing enterprise in the southern United States, with more than 100 million lb (45.4 million kg) of fish being produced annually.

The diet of the ictalurids is varied since they eat almost anything, dead or alive. People fishing for catfish often use a use stink bait. Such bait can lure catfishes over a wide expanse. Catfish can detect the bait using the extensive sensory surface of their body and their long barbels.

Also included in the North American catfish family are the madtoms in the genus Noturus. These are small fish under 5 in (13 cm) in length. Madtoms have glands associated with spines which can inflict extremely painful stab wounds.

The Eurasian catfish family Siluridae includes the wels (Siluris glanis ), which grows over 12 ft (3.7 m) long and weighs hundreds of pounds. At the other extreme in this family is the glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhus ) of southeastern Asia, which is only 4 in (10 cm) long. The skin and muscles of the glass catfish are transparent enough to display its viscera.

The catfish family Clariidae includes labyrinthic fishes which have evolved a special air-breathing apparatus, found anterior to the gills and equipped with numerous blood vessels. These catfish can stay out of water for an extended period of time as long as their skin is kept moist with mucus. Air-breathing catfish can live in stagnant, low-oxygen water that would be lethal to other species of fish.

The walking catfish (Clarius batrachus ) of southeast Asia walks on dry land by performing snakelike movements, using its pectoral fins as props. In times of severe drought these catfish try to move overland to ponds containing water, or they may dig into the bottom of a pool and wait there for the return of the rains.

The talking catfish (Acanthodoras spinosissimus, family Doradidae) makes a croaking sound, especially when captured. These sounds result from air forced in and out of the swim bladder due to changes in pressure when the pectoral fins flap.

In Africa, electric catfish (Malapterurus electicus, family Malapteruridae) range in size from 8 in (20 cm) to 4 ft (1.2 m) and reach a weight of 50 lb (23 kg). These fish can produce a 100-volt shock followed by lesser shocks, which can stun large fish. In addition to predation and defense, the electrical impulses are used to navigate in turbid water. The electric organs are found along the body and tail, and are derived from glandular cells in the epidermis, rather than from the muscles as occurs in other species of electric fish.

Nathan Lavenda

The Gale Encyclopedia of Science

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views updated May 18 2018

Catfish include some 2,500 species of mostly freshwater fish characterized by two to four pairs of whiskers or barbels around their mouth. Many species have spines on the dorsal fins and near the gills. In some species these spines may contain poison.

Catfish belong to the bony fish order Siluriformes, and are mainly freshwater forms with representatives throughout the world. Most species of catfish lack scales, although some species are covered with heavy plates of tough, armored skin. Catfish tend to be hardy and a few species can survive for some time out of water as long as their skin is kept moist by an external layer of mucus.

A few species of catfish live in the oceans, such as the sea catfishes of the family Aridae which are found in tropical and subtropical seas, and in temperate waters during the summer. Catfish vary in size from the pygmy corydoras (Corydoras hastatus), about 0.8 in (2 cm) long, to the giant catfish (Pangasianodon giga) of southeastern Asia , which can exceed 7 ft (2.1 m) and weigh 250 lb (113 kg). This group also includes the glass catfish (Physailla pellucida), a popular aquarium fish.

North American freshwater catfish are found from Canada to Guatemala. They are often caught by rod and reel, have considerable commercial importance, and are also raised on fish farms. Catfish live in murky lakes and ponds, feeding on the bottom on both live and dead material. Catfish spawn around May and June. The parents prepare a nest in the mud or sand . After the eggs hatch the parents guard the nest and protect the young until they have developed enough to become independent.

The most abundant North American catfish are the bullheads, including: the black bullhead (Ictalurus melas), the brown bullhead (I. nebulosus), and the yellow bullhead (I. natali).

Bullheads are plentiful in streams and ponds of North America , from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. Bullheads are thought to have spread naturally from western North America to the east. Adhesive bullhead eggs may have stuck to the legs and feet of aquatic migratory birds , and later washed off when the birds traveled to another pond, thus establishing new populations of these fish.

Rivalling the bullheads in commercial importance in some areas are the channel catfish (I. punctatus), the blue catfish (I. furcatus), the white catfish (I. catus), and the flathead catfish (Pylodictus olivaris). These species may reach 150 lb (68 kg), although they are usually smaller. Catfish farming is an increasing enterprise in the southern United States, with more than 100 million lb (45.4 million kg) of fish being produced annually.

The diet of the ictalurids is varied since they eat almost anything, dead or alive. People fishing for catfish often use a use "stink bait." Such bait can lure catfishes over a wide expanse. Catfish can detect the bait using the extensive sensory surface of their body and their long barbels.

Also included in the North American catfish family are the madtoms in the genus Noturus. These are small fish under 5 in (13 cm) in length. Madtoms have glands associated with spines which can inflict extremely painful stab wounds.

The Eurasian catfish family Siluridae includes the wels (Siluris glanis), which grows over 12 ft (3.7 m) long and weighs hundreds of pounds. At the other extreme in this family is the glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhus) of southeastern Asia, which is only 4 in (10 cm) long. The skin and muscles of the glass catfish are transparent enough to display its viscera.

The catfish family Clariidae includes labyrinthic fishes which have evolved a special air-breathing apparatus, found anterior to the gills and equipped with numerous blood vessels. These catfish can stay out of water for an extended period of time as long as their skin is kept moist with mucus. Air-breathing catfish can live in stagnant, low-oxygen water that would be lethal to other species of fish.

The walking catfish (Clarius batrachus) of southeast Asia "walks" on dry land by performing snakelike movements, using its pectoral fins as props. In times of severe drought these catfish try to move overland to ponds containing water, or they may dig into the bottom of a pool and wait there for the return of the rains.

The talking catfish (Acanthodoras spinosissimus, family Doradidae) makes a croaking sound, especially when captured. These sounds result from air forced in and out of the swim bladder due to changes in pressure when the pectoral fins flap.

In Africa , electric catfish (Malapterurus electicus, family Malapteruridae) range in size from 8 in (20 cm) to 4 ft (1.2 m) and reach a weight of 50 lb (23 kg). These fish can produce a 100-volt shock followed by lesser shocks, which can stun large fish. In addition to predation and defense, the electrical impulses are used to navigate in turbid water. The electric organs are found along the body and tail, and are derived from glandular cells in the epidermis, rather than from the muscles as occurs in other species of electric fish.

Nathan Lavenda

The Gale Encyclopedia of Science

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views updated May 23 2018

1. air-breathing catfish See CLARIIDAE.

2. airsac catfish See HETEROPNEUSTIDAE.



5. bagrid catfish See BAGRIDAE.

6. banjo catfish See ASPREDINIDAE.

7. barbel-less catfish See AGENEIOSIDAE.

8. electric catfish See MALAPTERURIDAE.

9. long-whiskered catfish See PIMELODIDAE.


11. parasitic catfish See TRICHOMYCTERIDAE.

12. sea catfish See ARIIDAE.



15. torrent catfish See AMBLYCIPITIDAE.

16. upside-down catfish See MOCHOKIDAE.

17. wels See SILURIDAE.

18. whale catfish See CETOPSIDAE.

A Dictionary of Zoology MICHAEL ALLABY

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views updated May 29 2018

cat·fish / ˈkatˌfish/ •n. (pl. same or -fishes) a freshwater or marine fish with whiskerlike barbels around the mouth, typically bottom-dwelling. Its many families include the Eurasian family Siluridae and the large North American family Ictaluridae.

The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English

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views updated Jun 11 2018

catfish Any member of a large family of slow-swimming scaleless fish found in tropical and subtropical waters; it has fleshy barbels on the upper jaw, sometimes with venomous spines. Most species live in freshwater and can be farmed. Length: up to 3.3m (10ft). Order Siluriformes.

World Encyclopedia

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views updated Jun 08 2018

catfish Several types of (mainly North American) freshwater fish that have barbells resembling a cat's whiskers.

A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition DAVID A. BENDER

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Catfish | (2024)


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What family do catfish belong to? ›

Members of the catfish family Ictaluridae range from very small to very large fish, do not have scales, and possess eight sensory barbels, or "whiskers", around their mouth - four on the chin, two on the snout, and one on each corner of the mouth. They have three median fins: anal, adipose, and dorsal.

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Britannica's content is among the most trusted in the world. Every article is written, and continually fact-checked, by our experts. Subscribe to Britannica Premium and unlock our entire database of trusted content today.

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On December 13, 2007, Google announced that it was entering the online encyclopaedia business with Knol. (The company defined a knol as a unit of knowledge.) The Knol Web site was opened to the general public on July 23, 2008.

What is the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit? ›

The subtitle of Wikipedia is the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

What is the longest catfish in history? ›

In 2005, the Mekong giant catfish attained the Guinness World Record for the world's largest freshwater fish. Attaining a length of up to 3 m (9.8 ft), the Mekong giant catfish grows extremely quickly, reaching a mass of 150 to 200 kg (330 to 440 lb) in only six years. It can reportedly weigh up to 350 kg (770 lb).

What eats catfish? ›

Predators. Larger fish may prey upon adults and young. Young are eaten by fish-eating birds in the Bay watershed, such as bald eagles and osprey.

What is the lifespan of a catfish? ›

The channel catfish has an average life span of eight years. The average size for this fish is one to two pounds in weight and 12 to 32 inches in length. It may attain a maximum length of 50 inches. The tail is forked, and the top half of the tail fin is longer than the bottom half.

What is the nickname for a catfish? ›

Numerous species from the families Ariidae and Plotosidae, and a few species from among the Aspredinidae and Bagridae, are found in salt water. In the Southern United States, catfish species may be known by a variety of slang names, such as "mud cat", "polliwogs", or "chuckleheads".

Do catfish lay eggs or have babies? ›

The spawning season of channel catfish is usually during the months of April through June; females start laying their eggs at water temperatures above 21°C (70°F). The eggs of channel catfish are large (2.4–3.0 mm or 0.1 inches in diameter), very adhesive, and usually laid in a large egg mass.

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Answer: is the most visited Dictionaries and Encyclopedias website in March 2024.

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It is one of the oldest and most trusted sources of information, with a team of expert editors and contributors. Encyclopedia Britannica is a renowned general knowledge reference work that provides comprehensive and reliable information on a wide range of topics.

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Wikipedia is a free content, multilingual online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteer contributors, known as Wikipedians, through a model of open collaboration. It is the largest and most-read reference work in history.


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