Black Cat, Vol. 3: All Dressed Up (2024)


4,231 reviews69.9k followers

March 16, 2023

Most of this volume is taken up with Spider-man filler issues, but they were still cute stories.
From what I've read, the series was disrupted due to COVID, which would explain why there are only 2 issues of the actual Black Cat title in here.

Black Cat, Vol. 3: All Dressed Up (2)

Luckily, those 2 issues were a lot of fun, as Felicia takes on Tony Stark and steals his equipment for that little project she has going.
It was fun to see the Black Cat armor, even if I guessed the twist a bit too early.

Black Cat, Vol. 3: All Dressed Up (3)

If this volume feels a little cheap, I don't feel like it was really something that they could control. So for once, Marvel gets a pass for putting out a volume with so much padding.


    comics graphic-novels hoopla


2,073 reviews20 followers

November 11, 2020

Another favourite book cancelled. I'm going to try not to sulk. I loved Jed Mackay's take on Felicia and the artwork was consistently really good, too. I really wish Marvel would give these books more of a chance to find their audience, but I've been beating that drum for years now so I won't bore you with it again.

I'd have given this 5 stars but I didn't quite believe Tony Stark would have been fooled quite as easily as he was in this book. The guy is a genius, after all.



8,677 reviews963 followers

August 31, 2021

This series is a ball of fun rolled up in a ball of string. (Sorry, for the dad joke there.) Felicia gets the last piece she needs to rob the Thieves Guild at Stark Tech pitting her against Iron Man. Then in the annual, she teams up with Spider-Man to rob the Maggia before teaming up with him again to fight the Vulture. Seeing the two of them together makes me wish Pete would ditch MJ for Felicia. This is a small volume as the series was cut short by COVID. Luckily, Marvel started up a new series with the King in Black event and Jed Mackay is still writing it.

    2021 marvel-unlimited


2,845 reviews84 followers

June 2, 2021

This was another fun one! Felicia steals some Iron man suit and its her vs Tony and some great twist in the battle and the way she enters into his company's office is funny and then the battle and outwitting and the next story involving Felicia and Spider-man in some maggia wedding cash stealing breakout but for a noble cause and their annual team up addressing what happened in their personal life was awesome. This was such a great welcoming and comfort volume and just hits the right notes and has some heartful moments and hits at the old Spider/Cat tensions and well the art was fantastic though it could have used some more content but anyways loved it. The writer really fleshing out Felicia and her motives while building the big story with Odessa.

    comics-2021 jed-mackay marvel


1,865 reviews6,665 followers

July 14, 2022

I stopped taking this book seriously and realised it is fun. I like Felicia as the criminal mastermind. Planning and executing her heist with her crew. I even like the interaction between her and Spider--man.

If I had one problem with thus series it is that it is too short. As I was getting into this series it is finishing.

No Felicia should not be able to go a single round with the Mavel universes heavyweight hitters but for some reason watching her get around them is just fun.

I like the artwork and the story in this book are my favourites of the series. Spider-man guest stars in the last two issues/chapters. The book finishes with a nice cover and sketch gallery.


1,803 reviews150 followers

August 1, 2022

Still a great fun, breezy series! 😸

Felicia spends this slim volume vexing Tony Stark, then the Maggia, then the Vulture (not to mention all of her own allies) 😾

Will certainly continue! 😻



379 reviews13 followers

April 13, 2021

This volume got cut short because of covid which is a shame but luckily the series got picked back up and we’re getting a fourth volume. The story was really fun I loved seeing Black Cat get her own Iron Man armor and the annual was perfect.


Chris Lemmerman

Author7 books102 followers

January 8, 2021

The remnants of Black Cat's first series are collected just in time for her new one to launch.

Issues #11-12 are a two-part Iron Man heist which is pretty good fun, as the series has been. It does definitely have an air of not really wrapping up, because I don't think this series was due to finish quite so abruptly. Thankfully it's back now, so hopefully we get some follow-up on the mysterious character involved in the ending.

Next up is Black Cat Annual #1, which is a wonderful team-up with Spider-Man that plays out as part Kill Bill, part Romeo & Juliet, and all funny. It's very, very good, and not just a throwaway annual story either since it actually impacts the main storyline in the earlier volumes.

And then there's the Spider-Man team-up story from Free Comic Book Day this year which is also good fun, if it a bit less consequential. It pits the pair against the Vulture and relies a little bit too much on old people jokes, but hey, the Vulture's been a dick recently so he deserves it.

Both issues of the main series are drawn by Carlos Villa, who does a great job - good enough to carry on as the main artist for the relaunch as well. The annual is mostly Joey Vasquez, who is a tamer Humberto Ramos, while the FCBD story is pencilled by Amazing Spider-Man series artist Patrick Gleason, who needs no introduction.

This volume's a bit piecemeal, but then that's not surprising given the whole pandemic thing affecting the end of the last series. It's still good fun as always, but it lacks the cohesive material that kept the last two trades really rolling. Onwards to King In Black, Felicia.



296 reviews21 followers

April 1, 2021

black cat just makes me go 💖💞✨ women 💞✨💖



1,523 reviews144 followers

February 13, 2022

Not quite deep enough to rank five stars, but still maintains the Mackay maniacally misanthropic momentum.


147 reviews1 follower

October 20, 2021

the black cat iron man suit was a serve!



34 reviews7 followers

June 13, 2021

The fun continues in this great run for this great character. I don't want to give too much away, but what would a great Black Cat story arc be without her ex-boyfriend, the one and only Friendly Neighborhood you-know-whoo! Awesome start to finish!

James DeSantis

Author17 books1,162 followers

September 22, 2023

Weaker than last two volumes but still has some fun.

The Iron Man two parter is a ton of fun. Falicia knows she might not be as smart as Tony so she uses that to her advantage to get the upper hand. There's some great moments, funny, and badass, which is such a nice balance. I also really enjoy the crew Black Cat has. The last story which is more of a Spidy story than Black Cat is just okay, I didn't love it, but there's a funny part with Vulture that made me LOL loud.

Overall good stuff but not great. A 3 out of 5.

Dakota Morgan

2,675 reviews39 followers

January 5, 2023

Black Cat needs a key now that she's heisted both the door and the location for the One Big Heist. Formulaic, sure, but the RPG-esque plot really keeps you engaged! It also helps that Black Cat is cleverly tangling with Iron Man, including building herself a supersuit. And All Dressed Up finally features consistent artwork!

The back half of All Dressed Up features the Annual, which is an amusing trifle co-starring Spider-Man, and the Free Comic Day issue, which also co-stars Spider-Man. Both offer a little character growth, but the truncated heists aren't as easy to follow as the main narrative.


2,357 reviews28 followers

January 20, 2022

Not bad, but Marvel is really pushing things by collecting 2 issues, an annual, and a bunch of filler here and asking full price for it...

Dimitris Papastergiou

2,090 reviews72 followers

January 21, 2022

Bad plot. Bad art. Bad dialogue. Bad ending. Bad Cat.

    comics read-in-2022 superheroes

Paxton Holley

1,692 reviews8 followers

April 7, 2023

This has a bunch of filler stories in it because I think the title was cut short by the pandemic. There are two proper issues of Black Cat in this and they are EXCELLENT. Felicia steals something from Tony Stark and he comes after it. Really enjoyed this.


3,416 reviews

July 12, 2021

The best thieves have a great team behind them. Martyr weddings are a new concept for me.

    comicbooks dc-marvel

Alex Sarll

6,239 reviews311 followers


September 12, 2021

Two issues of Felicia in a stolen Stark suit, which do sort of fit into the wider plot but are probably here mainly because the title Full Metal Black Cat was irresistible; the FCBD Vulture story I only just read in a Spidey collection; and an annual in which Felicia and Peter Parker sort of get married, which I'm sure was in no way inspired by any other larcenous cat-themed super-antiheroes having heavily trailed wedding stories lately. Slim and inconsequential, but the latter at least needn't be a bad thing.

Emmett Spain

Author2 books59 followers

January 30, 2022

A short collection of action-packed caper stories, with some cool, dynamic art and a great sense of fun in every frame. Watching Felicia rip-off everyone from the Maggia to Tony Stark in clever ways is very cool—I’m a big fan of heist stories. Another short and sweet collection in this brisk and breezy run.


5,553 reviews339 followers

March 31, 2021

Superpowered heists. Lots of fun.

    comics superhumans

Adam Fisher

3,044 reviews15 followers

June 18, 2021

The hijinks and crime adventures of Felicia Hardy continue!
The next step in her war against Odessa Drake and the Thieves Guild takes Black Cat into the realm of Stark. In order to power the interdimensional doorway called a Randall Gate (which they need for a heist), Felicia must get a dimensional resonator, which can only currently be built at Tony's nanoforge. After causing a distraction for Iron Man to pursue, Black Cat goes to the nanoforge and creates the key... but also decides to create a kind of 'Iron Cat' armor to fight Tony in an epic battle. Leader of the Guild, Odessa, is attacked by Felicia in the armor and afterwards ramps up her efforts to take down the Cat.
In a separate story, Spidey and Black Cat infiltrate a Maggia wedding where the bride and groom must fight to the death. The confusion allows one of Felicia's expertly planned heists to steal 3 million. One goes to the married couple to get away from their crime families forever. Another million goes to various charities. The third million (unknown to Spidey, as he thought there was only 2 million taken) stays with Felicia.

Next up for the comic? Tie-in with King in Black.

Can't wait to see what this huge heist we've been building towards is...

Andria Kennedy

291 reviews

January 14, 2022

Okay, so MAYBE Black Cat is starting to grow on me. You simply can't beat her sass and sarcasm, and, were she a real person, we'd get along thick as thieves. (Yup, went there)

The plotline still jumps around more than I care for, though. (Seriously, when did we get to the wedding arc?) A bridge from one idea to the next - preferably at the BEGINNING of the chapter - wouldn't hurt. Trying to piece things together at the end gets confusing. I even went so far as to scour the panels for an asterisk directing me to another comic, loath as I am to switch to another character or storyline.

It is nice to see Mr. Mackay delving a bit more into Felicia's crew, too. They're so integral to the background operations, yet they've remained off to the sides. (And, I know, I'd probably know more if I read whatever Spider-Man volumes preceded Black Cat getting her own spinoff series. Not going to happen)


Ronan The Librarian

369 reviews1 follower

January 11, 2022

This series is still going strong, and I am impressed with Mackay's consistency. The main story in this one has Felicia continuing her grand spree, with none other than Tony Stark as the mark this go round. This is as fun and apt a heist as all the others have been, and the Black Cat looks particularly badass in this one. Speaking of which, the art is phenomenal. The overall storyline's momentum is interrupted after 2 issues in this volume by the annual and FCBD issues, but I liked both so I can't complain much. This series continues to be a high recommend for me, especially if you want fun heist stories.


3,395 reviews26 followers

September 24, 2022

Jed Mackay's fun Black Cat run continues here. Felicia and crew are up to more hijinks and its entertaining. Sadly, editorial decisions are made and it appears the book ends without a proper ending. Maybe the next volume will correct that. This collection didn't have enough to it. Two issues of the series, an annual that's been collected elsewhere, and a story from FCBD. Not enough for its own collection. The art, specifically from Kris Anka, and a really good match to the story. Overall, another fun read but not enough meat.

Mike Priestland

36 reviews

May 25, 2021

Fun, pacy, irrelevant and deeply enjoyable. Covers 2 short arcs (Main Heist / Spidey team up)

So this volume doesn't really move the overarching heist plot along that much. Although I think it has in unseen ways. However it does everything it needs to. We see more of the anti hero side of Cat come out. The balance is perfect. She is doing self-serving things that primarily help her but if she can help new York out as well then she will always try.


2,461 reviews28 followers

February 28, 2022


I've been enjoying this series, and this one, although not as good as past collections, was more good than bad.

I read issues #11 and #12 in this collection, and the Annual and Free Comic Book Day issue back when they were originally released as individual issues.

    graphic-novels marvel spider-man

Nate Deprey

1,114 reviews8 followers

March 2, 2021

The annual and free comic book day story are both team ups with Spider Man and perfectly fine but if you are looking for resolution to the ongoing storyline at the heart of the first two volumes of the series that won't happen here.

Frank Jarome

270 reviews3 followers

April 22, 2021

By far the most fun installment of a very entertaining series. I think I’m going to have to move to single issues just to keep following the overarching story, and that’s okay, you can never have enough fun


409 reviews

December 23, 2023

Wonderful drawings. I didn't know Black Cat very well, but I love her. I loved her best when she became an Asgardian goddess and refused the proposal to have her old lovers kneel before her in worship..

    adventure comics sci-fi
Black Cat, Vol. 3: All Dressed Up (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.