Biology, B.S. - Texas Tech University (2024)

Biology, B.S. - Texas Tech University (1)Student ID:__________________________Student Name:_______________________Advisor Name:_______________________Catalog: 2016-2017 Undergraduate and Graduate CatalogProgram: Biology, B.S.Minimum Credits Required:__________________

About the Biology Bachelor’s Program

Students majoring in biology must complete a total of 120 credit hours for graduation, including a minimum of 39 hours taken from this department.


Requirements for the B.S. in Biology are as follows:

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBIOL 1403 - Biology I
TCCNS: [BIOL 1306+1106, 1406] 4 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 1404 - Biology II
TCCNS: [BIOL 1307+1107, 1407] 4 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3309 - Principles of Ecology 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3320 - Cell Biology 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3120 - Cell Biology Laboratory 1 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3416 - Genetics 4 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 4305 - Organic Evolution 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1307 - Principles of Chemistry I
TCCNS: [CHEM 1311, 1411] 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1308 - Principles of Chemistry II
TCCNS: [CHEM 1312, 1412] 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1107 - Experimental Principles of Chemistry I
TCCNS: [CHEM 1111, 1411] 1 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1108 - Experimental Principles of Chemistry II
TCCNS: [CHEM 1112, 1412] 1 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3305 - Organic Chemistry I 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3306 - Organic Chemistry II 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3105 - Experimental Organic Chemistry I 1 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3106 - Experimental Organic Chemistry II 1 Semester Credit HoursPHYS 1403 - General Physics I
TCCNS: PHYS1301+1101; 1401 4 Semester Credit HoursPHYS 1404 - General Physics II
TCCNS: PHYS1302+1102; 1402 4 Semester Credit Hours


PHYS 1408 - Principles of Physics I
TCCNS: PHYS2325+2125, 2425 4 Semester Credit HoursPHYS 2401 - Principles of Physics II
TCCNS: PHYS2326+2126, 2426 4 Semester Credit HoursMATH 2300 - Statistical Methods
TCCNS: MATH1342, 1442, 2342, 2442 3 Semester Credit Hours


MATH 1451 - Calculus I With Applications
TCCNS: MATH2413 4 Semester Credit Hours

Additional Hours

Additional hours at the junior or senior level to bring the total course hours from biological sciences to a minimum of 39, and may include

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdPHIL 3322 - Biomedical Ethics 3 Semester Credit Hours


PHIL 3325 - Environmental Ethics 3 Semester Credit Hours


PHIL 3334 - Philosophy of Biology 3 Semester Credit Hours

Specialization Requirements

Students majoring in biology for the B.S. degree may gain a specialization in ecology and environmental biology by completing a minimum of 39 semester hours from this department. Requirements for this specialization are as follows:

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBIOL 1403 - Biology I
TCCNS: [BIOL 1306+1106, 1406] 4 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 1404 - Biology II
TCCNS: [BIOL 1307+1107, 1407] 4 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3416 - Genetics 4 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3309 - Principles of Ecology 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 4305 - Organic Evolution 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1307 - Principles of Chemistry I
TCCNS: [CHEM 1311, 1411] 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1308 - Principles of Chemistry II
TCCNS: [CHEM 1312, 1412] 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1107 - Experimental Principles of Chemistry I
TCCNS: [CHEM 1111, 1411] 1 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1108 - Experimental Principles of Chemistry II
TCCNS: [CHEM 1112, 1412] 1 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3305 - Organic Chemistry I 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3306 - Organic Chemistry II 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3105 - Experimental Organic Chemistry I 1 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3106 - Experimental Organic Chemistry II 1 Semester Credit HoursPHYS 1403 - General Physics I
TCCNS: PHYS1301+1101; 1401 4 Semester Credit HoursPHYS 1404 - General Physics II
TCCNS: PHYS1302+1102; 1402 4 Semester Credit Hours


PHYS 1408 - Principles of Physics I
TCCNS: PHYS2325+2125, 2425 4 Semester Credit HoursPHYS 2401 - Principles of Physics II
TCCNS: PHYS2326+2126, 2426 4 Semester Credit HoursMATH 2300 - Statistical Methods
TCCNS: MATH1342, 1442, 2342, 2442 3 Semester Credit Hours


MATH 1451 - Calculus I With Applications
TCCNS: MATH2413 4 Semester Credit Hours

Group I

At least one course from:

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBIOL 3306 - Principles of Plant Biology 3 Semester Credit HoursBOT 3401 - Plant Physiology 4 Semester Credit Hours


NRM 3401 - Plant Physiology 4 Semester Credit HoursMBIO 3401 - Principles of Microbiology 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 4409 - Comparative Animal Physiology 4 Semester Credit Hours


BIOL 3320 - Cell Biology AND 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3120 - Cell Biology Laboratory 1 Semester Credit Hours

Group II

At least one course from:

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBOT 3404 - Evolution and Classification of Plants 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 3405 - Vertebrate Structure and Development 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 3406 - Comparative Invertebrate Zoology 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 4407 - Natural History of the Vertebrates 4 Semester Credit Hours

Group III

At least four courses from:

Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBIOL 3301 - Field Ecology 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3307 - Population Biology 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3405 - Ecological Strategies of Plants 4 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 4301 - Topics in Biology 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 4310 - Community Ecology 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 4330 - Landscape Ecology 3 Semester Credit HoursMBIO 4401 - Microbial Ecology 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 3403 - Parasitology 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 4312 - Animal Behavior 3 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 4321 - Insect Diversity 3 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 4406 - Introduction to Mammalogy 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 4408 - General Ornithology 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 4410 - Introduction to Ichthyology 4 Semester Credit HoursZOOL 4421 - Field Herpetology 4 Semester Credit Hours

Group IV

Additional 3000- or 4000-level courses from BIOL, BOT, MBIO, or ZOOL as needed to bring the total to 39 hours. Either PHIL 3322or PHIL 3325may be substituted.

Recommended Sample Curriculum

NOTE: Students in specialty majors zoology, cell and molecular biology, and microbiology take the identical courses that biology majors take during the first two years. For the third and fourth years, students in these majors should consult with departmental advisors about the appropriate 3000- and 4000-level biological sciences course requirements for their majors. All four majors require the same 39 total hours of biological science classes. Non-science courses required for all four majors are identical. The sample curriculum below assumes a chemistry minor.

First Year


Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdCHEM 1307 - Principles of Chemistry I
TCCNS: [CHEM 1311, 1411] 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1107 - Experimental Principles of Chemistry I
TCCNS: [CHEM 1111, 1411] 1 Semester Credit HoursMATH 1320 - College Algebra
TCCNS: MATH1314 3 Semester Credit HoursENGL 1301 - Essentials of College Rhetoric
TCCNS: ENGL1301 3 Semester Credit HoursPOLS 1301 - American Government, Organization
TCCNS: GOVT2305 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences Elective 3 Semester Credit Hours **
  • Total: 16


    Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdCHEM 1308 - Principles of Chemistry II
    TCCNS: [CHEM 1312, 1412] 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 1108 - Experimental Principles of Chemistry II
    TCCNS: [CHEM 1112, 1412] 1 Semester Credit HoursMATH 2300 - Statistical Methods
    TCCNS: MATH1342, 1442, 2342, 2442 3 Semester Credit Hours

    (MATH 1451is required for the degree in cell and molecular biology.)

    ENGL 1302 - Advanced College Rhetoric
    TCCNS: ENGL1302 3 Semester Credit HoursPOLS 2302 - American Public Policy
    TCCNS: GOVT2306 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • Creative Arts Elective 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • Total: 16

    Second Year


    Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBIOL 1403 - Biology I
    TCCNS: [BIOL 1306+1106, 1406] 4 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3305 - Organic Chemistry I 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3105 - Experimental Organic Chemistry I 1 Semester Credit Hours
  • ENGL Literature 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • U.S. History 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • Personal Fitness and Wellness 1 Semester Credit Hours
  • Total: 15


    Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBIOL 1404 - Biology II
    TCCNS: [BIOL 1307+1107, 1407] 4 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3306 - Organic Chemistry II 3 Semester Credit HoursCHEM 3106 - Experimental Organic Chemistry II 1 Semester Credit Hours
  • ENGL Literature 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • U.S. History 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • Personal Fitness and Wellness 1 Semester Credit Hours
  • Total: 15

    Third Year


    Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBIOL 3416 - Genetics 4 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3309 - Principles of Ecology 3 Semester Credit HoursPHYS 1403 - General Physics I
    TCCNS: PHYS1301+1101; 1401 4 Semester Credit Hours
  • Foreign Language 5 Semester Credit Hours
  • Total: 16


    Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen EdBIOL 3320 - Cell Biology 3 Semester Credit HoursBIOL 3120 - Cell Biology Laboratory 1 Semester Credit HoursPHYS 1404 - General Physics II
    TCCNS: PHYS1302+1102; 1402 4 Semester Credit Hours
  • Advanced BIOL Elective 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • Foreign Language 5 Semester Credit Hours
  • Total: 16

    Fourth Year


    Course NameSemester Credit HoursTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
  • CHEM Elective (for minor) 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • Oral Communication Elective 3 Semester Credit Hours
  • Advanced BIOL Elective 4 Semester Credit Hours
    (Students should check with their academic advisor for complete listing of approved electives.)
  • BIOL 4305 - Organic Evolution 3 Semester Credit Hours
    Total: 13


    • Advanced BIOL Electives 10 Semester Credit Hours
      (Students should check with their academic advisor for complete listing of approved electives.)
    • Multicultural Elective 3 Semester Credit Hours
    Total: 13

    Total Hours: 120

    The university is implementing a new teacher education program that includes a full year of student teaching (two semesters of the senior year) for those beginning their teacher education program in spring 2013 or later. See Teacher Education.

    * Students may have to take CHEM 1301the first semester if they do not pass the Chemistry Placement Exam.
    ** Because cell and molecular biology majors are required to take calculus, some students may want to substitute MATH 1550, Precalculus.

    College of Arts and Sciences General Degree Requirements

    Select from College of Arts and Sciences General Degree Requirements. When choosing a Creative Arts or a Social and Behavioral Sciences elective, choose a course that also fulfills the multicultural requirement of the university.

    Foreign Language

    A student must complete 6 hours at the sophom*ore level or above in a single language. The prerequisite for all sophom*ore language courses is credit for the freshman level. This credit can be determined through a credit by examination. The score attained on the exam will determine whether the student is placed in a second-year course, a 5-hour review course, or in some cases the first or second semester of a beginning (first-year) language course. See Arts and Sciences General Degree Requirementsfor further explanation.

    Biology, B.S. - Texas Tech University (2024)


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